“abrupt” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “abrupt”:

– Their company was worth over a million dollars but came to an abrupt halt when its financial backing failed in the wake of the Great Depression.

– A marked, abrupt change in height is caused by coastal erosion at the base of the plateau.

– It is against abrupt strokes such as revolutions or uprisings.

– He had a college career at the University of Kentucky before his career came to an abrupt end.

– Relaxed posture – Comfortably seated, relaxed breathing, no visible stiffness or abrupt movements.

– Even that tiny amount of space and time is valuable, however, if the system can slow the passenger evenly rather than forcing an abrupt halt to their motion.

– He was said to be sarcastic, abrupt and often insulting.

– The process of rural self-sufficiency was given an abrupt boost in the eighth century, when normal trade in the Mediterranean Sea was disrupted.

abrupt - some sentence examples
abrupt – some sentence examples

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