Top 10 Methods for Answering Rhetorical Purpose Questions in TOEIC Reading

Introduction: The Significance of Rhetorical Purpose Questions

Welcome to today’s lesson. Rhetorical Purpose questions are a crucial part of the TOEIC Reading section. They test your ability to understand the author’s intention behind a particular sentence or paragraph. Mastering these questions is essential for scoring well in the exam. Let’s dive into the top 10 methods for tackling them!

1. Identify the Question Type

Before answering, it’s important to identify the specific type of rhetorical purpose question. It could be about the author’s intention, the main idea, or the function of a sentence. Knowing the question type helps you approach it with the right strategy.

2. Read the Entire Passage

While the question may refer to a specific sentence or paragraph, it’s crucial to read the entire passage. This gives you the context needed to understand the author’s purpose more effectively.

3. Pay Attention to Keywords

Keywords like ‘however,’ ‘thus,’ or ‘in contrast’ often indicate a shift in the author’s purpose. Identifying these keywords helps you grasp the change in direction and answer accordingly.

4. Analyze the Tone

The author’s tone can provide valuable insights into their purpose. Are they being objective, persuasive, or critical? Understanding the tone helps you choose the most appropriate answer.

5. Look for Repetition

If you come across a particular idea or phrase multiple times in the passage, it’s likely to be significant. The author is emphasizing it for a reason, and that can guide your answer.

6. Consider the Overall Structure

The structure of the passage, such as the order of ideas or the use of headings, can indicate the author’s purpose. By analyzing this structure, you can make an informed choice.

7. Use Elimination

Sometimes, you can rule out certain options based on their content. If an answer contradicts the passage or doesn’t align with the author’s purpose, it’s likely incorrect.

8. Be Mindful of Extreme Language

Options with extreme language like ‘always’ or ‘never’ are often incorrect. The author’s purpose is usually more nuanced, so choose an answer that reflects that.

9. Practice Active Reading

Active reading involves engaging with the text, asking questions, and making predictions. This approach helps you better understand the author’s purpose and answer more accurately.

10. Review and Learn from Mistakes

After attempting practice questions or taking a mock test, review your answers. Understand why certain choices were incorrect and learn from those mistakes. This iterative process is key to improving your performance.

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