Top 10 Strategies for Learning to Identify Supporting Details in TOEFL iBT Reading

Introduction: The Importance of Supporting Details

In the TOEFL iBT reading section, understanding supporting details is crucial. They provide the evidence and context for the main ideas. Let’s dive into the top 10 strategies to master this skill!

1. Skim the Passage First

Before delving into the details, quickly skim the passage. This gives you an overview, making it easier to spot supporting information later.

2. Pay Attention to Transitional Words

Transitional words like ‘however’ or ‘in addition’ often indicate supporting details. They connect ideas and provide further explanation.

3. Highlight or Underline Key Phrases

While reading, mark key phrases that indicate supporting information. This visual cue helps during the question-answering phase.

4. Look for Examples and Illustrations

Supporting details often include examples or illustrations. They clarify the main idea and add depth to the passage.

5. Compare and Contrast

When the passage presents two contrasting ideas, the supporting details for each will reflect that contrast. Look for words like ‘but’ or ‘on the other hand.’

6. Don’t Overlook Repetition

If a word or phrase is repeated throughout the passage, it’s likely a supporting detail. The author is emphasizing its significance.

7. Consider the Passage Structure

Paragraphs often have a main idea, followed by supporting details. Understanding this structure aids in identifying the relevant information.

8. Use Context Clues

Sometimes, the meaning of a word or phrase is explained in the same sentence or the surrounding sentences. These clues are invaluable.

9. Practice Active Reading

Engage with the passage actively. Ask yourself questions, summarize paragraphs, and make connections. This improves comprehension overall.

10. Review and Analyze

After completing a practice passage, review your answers and the corresponding supporting details. Analyze any mistakes to refine your approach.

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