Top 10 Methods for Understanding Detailed Texts in TOEFL iBT Reading

1. Skim and Scan

Before delving into the details, quickly skim the passage to get an overview. Then, use scanning to locate specific information. This saves time and provides context.

2. Identify the Structure

Understanding how the passage is organized (e.g., cause-effect, compare-contrast) helps you anticipate the content and follow the author’s argument.

3. Highlight Key Words

Marking important terms and phrases while reading helps you stay focused and aids in later reference. It also assists in comprehending the main ideas.

4. Pay Attention to Signposts

Transitional words like ‘however’ or ‘in contrast’ signal shifts in the text. Being aware of these markers enhances your understanding of the author’s message.

5. Break Down Complex Sentences

Long sentences can be intimidating. Break them into smaller chunks, identify the subject and verb, and understand the relationships between clauses.

6. Use Context Clues

Encountering an unfamiliar word? Look for clues in the sentence or surrounding text. The context often provides hints about the word’s meaning.

7. Predict the Answer

Before reading the answer choices in a question, try to come up with your own. This prevents bias and helps you select the most accurate option.

8. Practice Active Reading

Engage with the text by asking questions, making connections, and summarizing key points. Active reading promotes deeper understanding and retention.

9. Review and Reflect

After completing a passage, take a moment to summarize the main ideas and evaluate your comprehension. This reinforces learning and identifies areas for improvement.

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