Top 10 English Idioms for General and Operations Managers

1. ‘The Ball is in Your Court’

This idiom means that it’s now your responsibility to take action or make a decision. As a manager, it’s essential to take ownership and make things happen.

2. ‘To Hit the Ground Running’

When you hit the ground running, it means you start a project or a new job with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. This idiom emphasizes the importance of a strong start.

3. ‘To Think Outside the Box’

Thinking outside the box refers to approaching a problem or situation in an unconventional or innovative way. As a manager, this skill can lead to creative solutions.

4. ‘To Keep an Eye on the Ball’

This idiom means to stay focused on the main goal or objective. It’s crucial for managers to prioritize and not get distracted by minor issues.

5. ‘To Get the Ball Rolling’

When you get the ball rolling, it means you initiate or start something. Managers often need to take the lead and get projects or tasks started.

6. ‘To Wear Multiple Hats’

As a manager, you often have to juggle various roles and responsibilities. This idiom captures the idea of multitasking and being versatile.

7. ‘To Be in the Driver’s Seat’

Being in the driver’s seat means being in control or having the power to make decisions. Managers are expected to be in charge and guide their teams.

8. ‘To Be on the Same Page’

When everyone is on the same page, it means they have a shared understanding or agreement. Effective communication is key to achieving this.

9. ‘To Go the Extra Mile’

This idiom signifies going above and beyond what is expected. Managers who go the extra mile often inspire their teams and achieve exceptional results.

10. ‘To Think on Your Feet’

Thinking on your feet means making quick decisions or coming up with solutions in a fast-paced situation. Managers often encounter such scenarios.

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