Top 10 English Idioms for Elementary School Administrator

1. A Piece of Cake

When something is described as a ‘piece of cake,’ it means it’s very easy. For example, organizing the school assembly was a piece of cake for Mrs. Johnson, our music teacher.

2. On the Same Page

Being ‘on the same page’ means everyone is in agreement and understands the situation. During the staff meeting, the principal made sure all the teachers were on the same page regarding the new curriculum.

3. Break the Ice

To ‘break the ice’ means to initiate a conversation or activity to make people feel more comfortable. The new school counselor broke the ice by organizing a fun game for the students on the first day.

4. Call it a Day

When you ‘call it a day,’ it means you decide to stop working for the day. After a long day of parent-teacher conferences, the tired administrator decided to call it a day and go home.

5. In the Same Boat

If you and someone else are ‘in the same boat,’ it means you’re facing the same situation or problem. When the school lost power during the storm, all the students and staff were in the same boat, waiting for it to be restored.

6. Keep an Eye on

To ‘keep an eye on’ something or someone means to watch or monitor them closely. The school security guard keeps an eye on the students during lunchtime to ensure everyone’s safety.

7. Out of the Blue

When something happens ‘out of the blue,’ it means it’s unexpected or surprising. The announcement of the surprise field trip came out of the blue, delighting all the students.

8. Play it by Ear

If you ‘play it by ear,’ it means you’re handling a situation without a specific plan, improvising as you go. When the school’s PA system malfunctioned, the music teacher had to play it by ear and use a portable speaker for the assembly.

9. Under the Weather

When someone is ‘under the weather,’ it means they’re feeling sick or unwell. The school nurse sent the student home as they were feeling under the weather and needed rest.

10. Wrap Up

To ‘wrap up’ means to finish or conclude something. The principal asked the teachers to wrap up their presentations before the end of the meeting.

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