Top 10 English Idioms for Couriers and Messengers

1. ‘On the Same Page’

When everyone involved in a task or project has a shared understanding and is working towards the same goal.

2. ‘In the Loop’

Being informed or included in the latest updates or developments of a situation.

3. ‘Under the Radar’

Doing something discreetly or without attracting attention.

4. ‘Time is of the Essence’

Highlighting the importance of acting quickly or promptly.

5. ‘Deliver the Goods’

To fulfill or meet expectations, often in a task or assignment.

6. ‘Drop the Ball’

To make a mistake or fail to complete a task or responsibility.

7. ‘On the Backburner’

Referring to something that is temporarily postponed or set aside for later.

8. ‘Hit the Ground Running’

To start a project or task immediately and with full energy and enthusiasm.

9. ‘In the Pipeline’

Referring to something that is currently being developed or planned and will be implemented in the future.

10. ‘Burning the Midnight Oil’

Working late into the night or putting in extra hours to complete a task or meet a deadline.

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