Top 10 Tips for Using Study Groups to Improve TOEFL Speaking Skills

Introduction: The Power of Study Groups

In today’s lesson, we’ll be discussing an effective strategy to enhance your TOEFL Speaking skills: study groups. Study groups are not just about sharing notes; they offer a dynamic learning environment where you can practice speaking, receive feedback, and learn from your peers. Let’s dive into the top 10 tips for making the most of study groups!

1. Set Clear Goals

Before your study group sessions, establish specific objectives. For instance, you might focus on improving your pronunciation or expanding your vocabulary. This clarity ensures that everyone is on the same page and maximizes the effectiveness of your study time.

2. Rotate Roles

To simulate real TOEFL Speaking scenarios, take turns playing different roles: the speaker, the listener, and the evaluator. This rotation allows everyone to practice all aspects of the speaking section and gain a comprehensive understanding of the requirements.

3. Provide Constructive Feedback

When giving feedback, be specific and constructive. Instead of simply saying ‘good job,’ point out areas for improvement and suggest strategies. Likewise, when receiving feedback, be open-minded and receptive to suggestions.

4. Utilize Authentic Prompts

To familiarize yourself with the types of prompts in the TOEFL Speaking section, use authentic materials such as official practice tests or sample questions. This exposure will help you become more comfortable and confident during the actual exam.

5. Time Yourself

Time management is crucial in the TOEFL Speaking section. During study group sessions, practice answering prompts within the given time limits. This not only improves your fluency but also ensures that you can complete all tasks within the allocated time.

6. Discuss Strategies

In addition to practicing speaking, study groups are an excellent platform to discuss strategies. Share tips for organizing your response, structuring your ideas, and managing your time effectively. Learning from each other’s approaches can significantly enhance your performance.

7. Embrace Diversity

Study groups often consist of individuals from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Embrace this diversity as it provides a rich learning experience. By interacting with peers who have varied perspectives, you can broaden your understanding and develop a global mindset.

8. Supplement with Individual Practice

While study groups are beneficial, it’s also crucial to allocate time for individual practice. This allows you to focus on your specific areas of improvement and work at your own pace. Striking a balance between group and individual study is key.

9. Stay Consistent

Regular study group sessions, ideally scheduled at fixed intervals, help maintain momentum and ensure steady progress. Treat these sessions as important commitments and make an effort to attend them consistently.

10. Celebrate Milestones

Lastly, don’t forget to celebrate your achievements, both big and small. Whether it’s successfully completing a challenging prompt or improving your pronunciation, acknowledging your progress boosts motivation and makes the learning journey more enjoyable.

Top 10 Tips for Using RealLife Experiences in TOEFL Speaking Responses

Introduction: The Power of Real-Life Experiences

Welcome to today’s lesson, where we’ll be diving into the world of TOEFL speaking and the incredible impact that real-life experiences can have on your responses. While the TOEFL test may seem like an academic challenge, it’s crucial to remember that it’s designed to assess your ability to communicate effectively in real-life situations. And what better way to demonstrate this than by drawing from your own experiences? So, let’s get started!

Tip 1: Be Specific and Detailed

When sharing a real-life experience, it’s important to provide specific details. Instead of saying ‘I went to a restaurant,’ try ‘Last weekend, I visited this charming Italian restaurant in the heart of the city.’ This not only makes your response more engaging but also showcases your ability to use descriptive language effectively.

Tip 2: Use Vivid Language

To truly transport your listener into the world of your experience, incorporate vivid language. Instead of ‘The food was good,’ you could say ‘The food was a gastronomic delight, with each bite bursting with flavors.’ Such language not only paints a picture but also demonstrates your mastery of vocabulary.

Tip 3: Include Emotions and Reactions

When recounting a personal experience, don’t forget to share your emotions and reactions. For example, instead of simply stating ‘I was happy,’ you could say ‘I was overjoyed, my face breaking into a wide smile.’ This not only adds depth to your response but also showcases your ability to express emotions effectively.

Tip 4: Connect to the Question Prompt

While sharing a real-life experience, always ensure that it’s directly connected to the question prompt. This not only shows your ability to stay on topic but also highlights your understanding of the question and its nuances.

Tip 5: Vary Your Tenses

To demonstrate your command over English grammar, make sure to vary your tenses when sharing real-life experiences. For example, instead of using the past tense throughout, you could incorporate the present tense when discussing the relevance of the experience in the present.

Tip 6: Use Transition Words

To make your response flow smoothly and coherently, employ transition words. These words not only guide your listener through your ideas but also showcase your ability to structure your response effectively. Some examples include ‘Furthermore,’ ‘In addition,’ and ‘On the other hand.’

Tip 7: Practice Active Listening

When your fellow test-taker is sharing their response, actively listen. This not only shows respect but also allows you to build upon their ideas or provide a contrasting viewpoint when it’s your turn to respond.

Tip 8: Be Mindful of Time

In the TOEFL speaking section, time is of the essence. While sharing a real-life experience, make sure to manage your time effectively, leaving ample room for the other parts of the question. This showcases your ability to prioritize and organize your thoughts.

Tip 9: Use Non-Verbal Communication

Remember, communication isn’t just about words. When sharing a real-life experience, incorporate non-verbal cues like gestures and facial expressions. This not only adds depth to your response but also makes it more engaging and memorable for the listener.

Tip 10: Practice, Practice, Practice

Lastly, as with any skill, practice is key. Set aside dedicated time to practice incorporating real-life experiences into your TOEFL speaking responses. This not only builds your confidence but also allows you to fine-tune your strategies and techniques.

Top 10 Tips for Using Process of Elimination in TOEFL Reading Questions

Introduction: The Power of Process of Elimination

When it comes to the TOEFL reading section, time is of the essence. That’s where the process of elimination comes in. By systematically ruling out incorrect answer choices, you not only increase your chances of selecting the right one but also save precious time. Today, I’ll be sharing 10 tried-and-tested tips to help you master this technique.

1. Start with the Easiest

As you begin tackling the questions, don’t go in order. Start with the ones that seem easiest to you. This way, you can quickly eliminate incorrect options and build your confidence for the tougher ones.

2. Watch for Extreme Language

In TOEFL reading, extreme language like ‘always,’ ‘never,’ or ‘completely’ is often a red flag. If an answer choice contains such words, it’s likely incorrect. Cross it off!

3. Look for Contradictions

Sometimes, an answer choice may directly contradict information in the passage. Even if it seems plausible, it’s incorrect. The process of elimination helps you spot these contradictions.

4. Be Wary of ‘Out of Scope’ Choices

TOEFL questions are designed to test your comprehension of the passage, not your general knowledge. If an answer choice seems unrelated to the passage, it’s probably incorrect.

5. Use Context Clues

The surrounding words or sentences in the passage can often provide hints about the correct answer. Pay attention to these context clues.

6. Compare Similar Choices

Sometimes, two answer choices may seem almost identical. In such cases, carefully analyze the subtle differences. One of them is likely to be the correct option.

7. Prioritize Evidence-Based Questions

TOEFL questions that ask for specific evidence from the passage are often easier to answer. Start with these, as the evidence is right there in front of you.

8. Don’t Overthink

The correct answer is usually the most straightforward one. Don’t overanalyze or read too much into the options. Trust your instincts.

9. Review Your Eliminations

After selecting an answer, quickly review the choices you eliminated. This ensures you didn’t eliminate the correct option by mistake.

10. Practice, Practice, Practice!

Like any skill, the process of elimination improves with practice. Set aside dedicated study time for TOEFL reading practice questions to hone your skills.

Top 10 Tips for Using Process of Elimination in TOEFL iBT Reading Questions

Introduction: The Power of Process of Elimination

In the TOEFL iBT Reading section, time is of the essence. With a multitude of questions to answer, it’s crucial to have a strategy that not only helps you arrive at the correct answer but also does so efficiently. That’s where the process of elimination technique comes in. By systematically eliminating incorrect options, you increase your chances of selecting the right one. Today, I’ll be sharing 10 tips to help you master this technique and ace the Reading section.

1. Start with the Obvious

When you first read a question, there may be options that are clearly incorrect. These could be statements that directly contradict the passage or are factually incorrect. By eliminating these options right away, you narrow down your choices and make the task more manageable.

2. Look for Extreme Language

In many TOEFL iBT Reading questions, options with extreme language, such as ‘always,’ ‘never,’ or ‘completely,’ are often incorrect. The passage is more likely to present nuanced information, so be cautious of options that make absolute claims.

3. Pay Attention to Specific Details

The TOEFL iBT Reading section often tests your ability to understand specific details in the passage. When using the process of elimination, focus on options that don’t align with the details mentioned. Even a small discrepancy can indicate an incorrect answer.

4. Consider the Passage Structure

The passage’s structure can provide valuable clues. For example, if a question asks for the main idea of a paragraph, the correct option should align with the overall theme or argument presented in that paragraph. By considering the passage’s organization, you can eliminate options that don’t fit.

5. Use Prioritization

In some questions, there may be multiple correct options, but you’re asked to select the ‘best’ one. In such cases, prioritize options based on their relevance to the passage’s main idea or the question’s focus. This helps you eliminate less suitable choices.

6. Be Wary of ‘Trap’ Options

TOEFL iBT questions are designed to test your critical thinking. As such, there may be options that seem plausible at first glance but are ultimately incorrect. These ‘trap’ options often contain information that is slightly off or doesn’t fully address the question. By recognizing these traps, you can eliminate them.

7. Use Contextual Clues

Sometimes, an option may not make sense in the context of the passage. It may be too broad, too narrow, or not directly related to the information presented. By considering the passage’s context, you can eliminate options that don’t fit.

8. Review the Passage

Even after reading the question, it’s essential to refer back to the relevant part of the passage. This helps you confirm or eliminate options based on the information provided. Don’t solely rely on your memory; the passage is your ultimate guide.

9. Don’t Spend Too Much Time

While the process of elimination is effective, it’s crucial to manage your time wisely. If you’re spending too long on a question, it’s better to make an educated guess and move on. Remember, there’s a time limit, and you want to answer as many questions as possible.

10. Practice, Practice, Practice

Like any skill, mastering the process of elimination requires practice. The more TOEFL iBT Reading questions you tackle, the more familiar you become with the patterns and strategies. Use reputable study materials and simulate test conditions as much as possible.

Top 10 Tips for Using Outside Resources to Improve TOEFL Reading Skills

Introduction: The Power of Outside Resources

As you prepare for the TOEFL exam, you may have realized that the materials provided in your course book are just the tip of the iceberg. The world of outside resources is vast, and it’s crucial to tap into it. Today, I’ll be sharing the top 10 tips for making the most of these resources to boost your reading skills.

1. Start with Curated Websites

Rather than randomly searching for reading materials online, begin with curated websites. These platforms have already compiled a range of articles and passages, ensuring their relevance and quality. Some popular ones include ‘The New York Times’ and ‘Scientific American.’

2. Utilize Online Forums

Online forums dedicated to TOEFL discussions can be a goldmine of information. Not only can you find recommendations for useful resources, but you can also engage in discussions with fellow test-takers, gaining insights and strategies.

3. Dive into Academic Journals

While academic journals may seem intimidating, they offer a wealth of complex yet authentic reading materials. Start with the abstracts and gradually work your way up to full articles. This exposure to academic writing will greatly benefit you in the exam.

4. Consider Podcasts and Audiobooks

TOEFL isn’t just about reading; it’s also about listening. Podcasts and audiobooks provide an excellent opportunity to enhance both skills simultaneously. Choose topics that align with TOEFL themes, such as science or history.

5. Don’t Neglect Practice Tests

Practice tests are invaluable. They not only familiarize you with the exam format but also help you gauge your progress. Take them under timed conditions to simulate the real test environment.

6. Make Vocabulary Flashcards

Vocabulary is a crucial aspect of TOEFL reading. Whenever you come across unfamiliar words, create flashcards. Review them regularly, ensuring you’re building a strong word bank.

7. Join Reading Groups

Reading groups, whether online or in-person, provide a platform for discussing and analyzing texts. These discussions can deepen your understanding of the material and expose you to different perspectives.

8. Explore YouTube Channels

YouTube isn’t just for entertainment; it’s also a treasure trove of educational content. Many channels offer TOEFL-specific reading strategies and practice exercises. Just ensure you’re following reputable sources.

9. Create a Study Schedule

With so many resources available, it’s essential to have a structured approach. Create a study schedule that allocates time for different resources and activities. This way, you’ll ensure comprehensive coverage.

10. Reflect and Review

Finally, regularly reflect on your learning journey. What strategies are working? What can be improved? Additionally, review previously covered materials to reinforce your understanding.

Top 10 Tips for Using Outside Resources to Improve TOEFL iBT Reading Skills

Introduction: The Power of Outside Resources

Hello, students! When it comes to improving your TOEFL iBT reading skills, your course materials are just the beginning. External resources can provide a wealth of additional content and practice opportunities. Today, I’ll be sharing my top 10 tips for making the most of these resources.

1. Start with Authentic Materials

Authentic materials, such as newspaper articles or academic journals, closely resemble the type of texts you’ll encounter in the TOEFL iBT. They expose you to real-world language use and help you become familiar with different writing styles and topics.

2. Gradually Increase the Difficulty

Don’t jump straight into the most challenging texts. Instead, start with materials that are slightly above your current level and gradually work your way up. This way, you’ll build your skills and confidence over time.

3. Take Notes and Summarize

Active reading is key. Whenever you’re going through a text, whether it’s a short article or a longer passage, take notes. Summarize the main ideas, key details, and any unfamiliar vocabulary. This helps with comprehension and retention.

4. Analyze the Structure

Understanding the structure of a text can greatly aid your comprehension. Look for signal words, such as ‘however’ or ‘in contrast,’ that indicate shifts in the author’s argument. Pay attention to headings and subheadings, as they often provide a roadmap of the text.

5. Engage in Active Reading

Reading passively won’t yield the best results. Instead, actively engage with the text. Ask yourself questions, make predictions, and form opinions. This not only keeps you engaged but also enhances your critical thinking skills.

6. Use Context Clues

Encountering unfamiliar words is common in the TOEFL iBT. Rather than reaching for the dictionary immediately, try to infer the meaning from the context. Look for surrounding words or phrases that provide clues.

7. Join Online Discussion Forums

The internet is a treasure trove of resources. Joining online forums or groups dedicated to TOEFL iBT reading can be immensely helpful. You can discuss strategies, ask questions, and even find additional practice materials.

8. Time Yourself

Time management is crucial in the TOEFL iBT reading section. When practicing with outside resources, make sure to time yourself. This will help you get accustomed to the test’s pace and ensure you can complete all the questions within the given time.

9. Review and Analyze

After completing a practice passage, it’s essential to review your performance. Look for any patterns in your mistakes. Did you struggle with a particular question type? Identifying these areas of weakness allows you to focus your future study efforts.

10. Stay Consistent

Improving your TOEFL iBT reading skills is a gradual process. It’s not about cramming a week before the test but rather consistent, regular practice. Set aside dedicated study time each day or week, and you’ll see the results over time.

Top 10 Tips for Using Context to Understand Difficult Words in TOEFL iBT Reading

Introduction: The Importance of Context in TOEFL iBT Reading

Welcome to today’s lesson, where we’ll be diving into the world of TOEFL iBT Reading. One crucial skill that can make or break your performance is the ability to understand difficult words. And the secret weapon? Context. Let’s explore how you can master this skill!

1. Read the Entire Sentence

When you encounter an unfamiliar word, don’t just focus on it. Read the entire sentence. Often, the surrounding words or phrases can provide valuable clues, giving you a better understanding of the word’s meaning.

2. Pay Attention to Signal Words

Signal words like ‘however,’ ‘although,’ or ‘in contrast’ can indicate a shift in meaning. When you come across these words, be prepared for a change in the context, which might affect the word’s interpretation.

3. Look for Definitions or Examples

Sometimes, the author might provide a definition or an example of the word within the text itself. This not only clarifies the word’s meaning but also reinforces its usage in that particular context.

4. Analyze Word Forms

Words can take on different forms, such as nouns, verbs, or adjectives. Understanding the word’s form can give you insights into its role in the sentence and its overall meaning.

5. Consider Synonyms or Antonyms

If you’re struggling with a word, think about whether there are any synonyms or antonyms nearby. These words can provide valuable clues, helping you piece together the word’s meaning.

6. Break Down Complex Words

Long, complex words might seem intimidating at first. But if you break them down into smaller parts or root words, you might find familiar elements that can give you a general idea of the word’s meaning.

7. Use Visual Clues

Sometimes, the text might include visual elements like graphs or charts. These visuals can often provide additional information, helping you decipher the meaning of a word.

8. Consider the Author’s Tone

The author’s tone can provide insights into the word’s meaning. For example, if the tone is positive, the word is likely to have a positive connotation. If it’s negative, the opposite holds true.

9. Look for Repetition

If you encounter a word multiple times within a passage, it’s a strong indicator that it’s a key term. Pay extra attention to its meaning and how it’s used in different contexts.

10. Practice, Practice, Practice

Like any skill, mastering context-based word understanding takes practice. The more you expose yourself to TOEFL-style passages, the better you’ll become at deciphering those challenging words.

Top 10 Tips for TOEFL Speaking Practice Using Media and News Sources

Introduction: Importance of Media and News Sources for TOEFL Speaking

As you prepare for the TOEFL speaking section, have you considered the power of media and news sources? They offer a treasure trove of language, vocabulary, and cultural insights. Today, I’ll be sharing 10 tips on how you can effectively use these resources to enhance your speaking skills. Let’s dive in!

1. Active Listening: The Foundation

Listening is the first step to speaking fluently. Engage with news podcasts, interviews, or TED Talks. Focus not just on the content, but also on the speaker’s tone, pace, and intonation. This will help you absorb the nuances of spoken English.

2. Vocabulary Mining: Words in Context

Every news article or video is a goldmine of vocabulary. When you come across unfamiliar words, don’t just look up their meanings. Understand how they’re used in the context. This will make your vocabulary more natural and versatile.

3. Mimicking Native Speakers: The Mirror Technique

Imitation is a powerful tool. Listen to a news segment, pause, and then repeat what you heard, trying to match the speaker’s tone and rhythm. This ‘mirror technique’ trains your mouth muscles and helps you internalize the language patterns.

4. News Debates: Argue and Counter

Debates are not just for politicians. Engage in mental debates while watching news panel discussions. Take a stance, gather your thoughts, and then articulate your opinion. This will sharpen your critical thinking and speaking abilities.

5. Summarizing News: The 30-Second Challenge

After reading or watching a news piece, challenge yourself to summarize it in just 30 seconds. This exercise hones your ability to extract key information and present it concisely, a crucial skill for the TOEFL speaking tasks.

6. News Reviews: Expressing Evaluation

Watch movie or book reviews from reliable sources. Pay attention to how the reviewer expresses their evaluation. This will equip you with phrases and language to express your opinions effectively in the speaking section.

7. News Narration: Be the Storyteller

Pick a news article and practice narrating it as if you’re the reporter. Focus on your storytelling skills, using appropriate transitions and expressions. This exercise enhances your coherence and delivery in speaking.

8. Group Discussions: Virtual or Real

Form a study group or join online forums where you can discuss news topics. Engaging in group discussions not only exposes you to different perspectives but also improves your ability to interject and build on others’ ideas.

9. Time Management: The 45-Second Rule

In the TOEFL speaking tasks, time is of the essence. Practice answering questions within 45 seconds, ensuring you convey your main points clearly. Regular timed practice will help you manage your speaking time effectively.

10. Feedback and Self-Reflection: The Learning Loop

Finally, always seek feedback on your speaking. It could be from a teacher, a study partner, or even through self-recording. Listen to your recordings objectively, identifying areas for improvement. This continuous learning loop is key to progress.

Top 10 Tips for TOEFL Reading Practice with Academic Journals

Introduction: The Importance of TOEFL Reading

Welcome to our channel. Today, we’re diving into the world of TOEFL reading. Many students find this section challenging, but with the right approach, it can become your strength. One of the best resources for TOEFL reading practice is academic journals. Not only do they expose you to complex topics, but they also enhance your vocabulary and critical thinking. Let’s explore how you can make the most of them!

1. Start with Simplified Journals

Academic journals can be intimidating, especially for beginners. To ease into the process, start with simplified versions. Many journals have summaries or articles written in a more accessible language. This way, you can grasp the main ideas and gradually move on to more complex texts.

2. Focus on Structure

Academic articles follow a specific structure: introduction, body, and conclusion. Understanding this structure is crucial as it helps you navigate through the text. Pay attention to the main arguments in each section, and how they connect. This not only aids comprehension but also improves your ability to summarize.

3. Highlight Key Terms

Academic writing is filled with specialized vocabulary. While you don’t need to memorize every word, it’s essential to identify key terms. These are often repeated throughout the text and carry significant meaning. Underline or highlight them, and later, try to define them in your own words.

4. Practice Skimming and Scanning

In the TOEFL reading section, time is of the essence. You can’t read every word in detail. That’s where skimming and scanning come in. Skimming involves quickly going through the text to get a general idea, while scanning is searching for specific information. Regular practice of these techniques improves your speed and accuracy.

5. Take Notes

While reading, it’s easy to get lost in the details. That’s why taking notes is vital. Jot down the main points, supporting evidence, and any questions or thoughts that arise. This not only helps with understanding but also serves as a valuable resource for later review.

6. Engage in Active Reading

Reading passively won’t yield the best results. Instead, actively engage with the text. Ask yourself questions, make predictions, and form opinions. This not only makes the process more enjoyable but also enhances comprehension and critical thinking.

7. Expand Your Vocabulary

Academic journals are a goldmine for vocabulary. Whenever you come across an unfamiliar word, don’t just skip it. Look it up, understand its meaning, and try to use it in different contexts. Over time, your vocabulary will grow exponentially.

8. Join Discussion Groups

Studying in isolation can be monotonous. To make your TOEFL reading practice more interactive, join online discussion groups or forums. Here, you can share your insights, ask questions, and learn from others. It’s a fantastic way to broaden your perspective and gain new insights.

9. Analyze Answer Choices

In the TOEFL reading section, answer choices can be tricky. They often contain similar words or phrases from the text, but with slight differences in meaning. To avoid falling into these traps, read each choice carefully, and compare it to the information in the passage. Eliminate the obviously incorrect options, and then choose the best one.

10. Time Yourself

TOEFL reading is all about managing time effectively. During your practice sessions, set a timer and try to complete passages within the allotted time. This not only improves your speed but also helps you develop a pacing strategy for the actual test.

Top 10 Tips for TOEFL iBT Reading Practice with Academic Journals


In today’s lesson, I’ll be sharing the top 10 tips for TOEFL iBT reading practice with academic journals. As we all know, the reading section of the TOEFL iBT can be quite challenging, especially when it comes to academic texts. However, with the right strategies and consistent practice, you can improve your reading skills and perform better in the exam. So, let’s dive into the tips!

1. Start with Familiar Topics

When you’re just starting with TOEFL iBT reading practice, it’s a good idea to begin with familiar topics. This could be anything from your field of study or an area you’re generally interested in. Starting with familiar topics helps you build confidence and makes the reading process less overwhelming.

2. Focus on Vocabulary

Academic journals are filled with complex vocabulary. To tackle this, make it a habit to regularly learn and review new words. You can use flashcards or vocabulary apps to make the process more interactive. Additionally, when you come across unfamiliar words while reading, try to understand their meaning from the context before referring to a dictionary.

3. Practice Skimming and Scanning

Skimming and scanning are essential skills for the TOEFL iBT reading section. Skimming involves quickly going through the text to get a general idea, while scanning is about locating specific information. Set aside dedicated practice time for these skills, and gradually increase the reading speed as you become more comfortable.

4. Take Notes

While reading an academic journal, it’s important to take notes. This could be in the form of underlining key points, summarizing paragraphs, or jotting down any questions or thoughts that arise. Not only does note-taking help with comprehension, but it also serves as a valuable resource for later review.

5. Analyze the Structure

Academic journals often follow a specific structure, such as introduction, methodology, results, and conclusion. Familiarize yourself with this structure, as it can provide a roadmap for understanding the content. Pay attention to headings, subheadings, and any visual aids like charts or graphs, as they often convey important information.

6. Practice Time Management

Time management is crucial in the TOEFL iBT reading section, where you have a limited amount of time to answer multiple questions. During practice, set a timer and try to complete passages and questions within the given time frame. This will help you develop a sense of pacing and ensure you don’t spend too much time on a single question.

7. Review Answer Explanations

After completing a practice set, always review the answer explanations. This will not only help you understand the correct answers but also the reasoning behind them. Look for patterns in the types of questions and the strategies used to solve them. This analysis will guide your approach in future practice sessions.

8. Join Study Groups

Studying with others can be highly beneficial, especially for the TOEFL iBT reading section. Joining a study group allows you to discuss different perspectives, share strategies, and even simulate a test-like environment. It’s also a great way to stay motivated and accountable in your preparation.

9. Read Widely

To improve your overall reading skills, it’s important to read widely. This includes not just academic journals, but also newspapers, magazines, and online articles. The more you expose yourself to different types of texts, the better you’ll become at understanding and analyzing them.

10. Stay Consistent

Lastly, consistency is key. Set aside dedicated time for TOEFL iBT reading practice every day or week, depending on your schedule. Even if it’s just 30 minutes, regular practice will yield better results than sporadic, intensive sessions. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.