“firmly” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “firmly”:

+ The cheese was famously issued to French troops in the First World War, becoming firmly fixed in the French popular culture as a result.

+ Yet in the vote that I held for Proposition 1, it was firmly established by a vote of 11-3 that I should do an overhaul.

+ The musician blows air through the mouthpiece where the reed is firmly placed, and the air makes the reed vibrate; this vibration in the mouthpiece produces sound all along the instrument, which is changed into specific musical notes depending on the physical nature of the instrument.

+ All three traveller-naturalists believed firmly that such systems of mimicry could only come about by means of natural selection, and all of them wrote about it.

+ It describes the cycle of human evolution beginning in water as Matsya the fish, on to the amphibious phase as Koorma, the tortoise, on to begin firmly established on land as the wild boar Varaha, then Narsimha- half man- half animal, followed by Vamana, the Dwarf man, on to Parashurama, the emotionally volatile man, on to Rama, the peaceful man, then Krishna, a loving man followed by Buddha, the meditative man, who is said to be succeeded by the final incarnation of Vishnu, or the last stage of evolution as Kalki, the mystical man.

+ However, some of his moves – like his refusal to deal firmly with culprits of the Beer Hall Putsch – alienated the Social Democrats.

+ Usually this music is tonal so that it is firmly in one key.

+ He was a Confucian scholar, and as a “Professor” in the field of Confucianism education, he firmly maintained his attitude to the end.

firmly - some sentence examples
firmly – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “firmly”:

+ In 1835, British India set itself firmly upon a mono-metallic silver standard based on the rupee.

+ My specialty is firmly in the "social" sciences, but I'll see what I can do.

+ In 1835, British India set itself firmly upon a mono-metallic silver standard based on the rupee.

+ My specialty is firmly in the “social” sciences, but I’ll see what I can do.

+ By the time the Second World War broke out in 1939, Allen Overy had firmly established itself as a leading City law firm.

+ The album included two of the most memorable 1960s folk songs, “Blowin’ in the Wind” and “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall.” His next album, “The Times They Are A-Changin'”, firmly established Dylan as the definitive songwriter of the 60s protest movement.

+ A landmark decision is “a most important case which has establish a law firmly in an area, usually referring to a U.S.

+ I’m not going to make this a long nomination because I firmly believe that her actions and commitment speak very much for themselves.

+ I firmly believe that if a user is not active, they should not have admin rights.

+ He was firmly against any economic development that comes from uranium mining.

+ If there’s a huge anti-one-element-category campaign, then I’ll delete them, but I firmly believe that articles should not use red-linked categories.

+ If you are first firmly rooted in the major parts of yourself, then the minor parts cannot wrest control.

+ If you’re just cooking one or two eggs, five minutes is perfect for a runny yolk, or cook as long as seven minutes for a more firmly set, but still spoonable, yolk.

+ Huh? I thought you constantly said that there’s already enough; I think once you also firmly said you’d never run for that reason.

+ This new attitude became firmly set into place in 1942.

+ Her money helped him in his experiments, but she was firmly against his methods, and founded the first French society for anti-vivisectionists.

+ The word “Satyagraha” is from the Sanskrit words “satya” meaning truth and “Agraha” insistence”, or “holding firmly to”.

+ To firmly hold the sacred sincere hand of friendship.

+ His music is firmly tonal, and Elgar and Vaughan Williams learned a lot from studying his music.

+ Soft-boiled eggs have firmly cooked eggwhites, while at the same time, the yolks are liquid.

+ The left hand makes the different notes by putting the fingers firmly down on the fingerboard.

+ Her dissertation was firmly rooted in nationalism in the AnglosphereEnglish-speaking Caribbean with a focus on the works of Kincaid, Thompson and Belize’s own Zee Edgell and how they represented the nationalist movements in their countries.

“flakes” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “flakes”:

+ Frosted Flakes is a cereal like Corn flakesCorn Flakes from Kellogg’s, but coated with frosted sugar.

+ Some were touched with glue and sprinkled with flakes of mica for a glittering appearance.

+ The mud is a mix of flakes of clay minerals and tiny fragments of other minerals, especially quartz and calcite.

+ The artefacts are flakes and other implements, 48 in all, some of which show signs of being worked to produce a cutting edge.

+ Frosted Flakes are also available with apple pieces, banana pieces or coated in chocolate.

+ Schist is characteristically “foliated”, meaning the mineral grains split off easily into flakes or slabs.

+ The flakes would have been used as crude knives or scrapers.

flakes in-sentences
flakes in-sentences

Example sentences of “flakes”:

+ Dried peppers may be reconstituted whole, or processed into flakes or powders.

+ More and better flakes meant better use of carcasses and therefore a need for fewer carcasses, less hunting, etc.

+ Gold can be mined by searching in the bed of a river or other stream of water to remove the flakes of gold.

+ Hammerscale looks like either flakes or spheres.

+ The method used to get the blades and flakes is called the Levallois technique.

+ The “pellegrino”, identifiable with the alchemist “Giustiniani Bono”, stayed for a night in the gardens of the villa in search of a mysterious herb capable of producing gold, the next morning he was seen disappearing forever through the door, but left behind a few flakes of gold fruit of a successful alchemical transmutation, and a mysterious paper full of puzzles and magic symbols that would contain the secret of the Philosopher’s Stone.

+ The Artifact artefacts found there included flint chopping tools, flint flakes and the tip of a worked wooden shaft along with the remains of a giant elephant and hippopotamus.

+ In the former one, dough flakes are roughly torn by hand, whereas in the latter one, dough flakes are round shaped.

+ Flint flakes have been found on the island, and one is currently in the Alderney Museum.

+ Moreover, the increased number of flakes available made ranging farther from the source of the stone possible and gave more staying power to the hunt.

+ Dried peppers may be reconstituted whole, or processed into flakes or powders.

+ More and better flakes meant better use of carcasses and therefore a need for fewer carcasses, less hunting, etc.

+ The flakes can be very different in size and shape.

+ Corn flakes are marketed as a popular breakfast meal.

+ The earliest known use of adhesives was discovered in central Italy when two stone flakes partially covered with birch-bark tar.

+ He saw some shiny little flakes of gold in the river.

+ The Clactonian industry involved striking thick, irregular flakes from a core of flint, which was then employed as a chopper.

+ Corn flakes are a breakfast cereal, normally served with milk.

+ In Japan, a fish and kelp stock called dashi is made by briefly flakes called “katsuobushi” in nearly boiling water.

+ Tony the Tiger has been the mascot in Frosted Flakes since it was first introduced in 1952 as Sugar Frosted Flakes, and he is known for saying the cereal’s slogan: “”They’re grrreat!””.

How to use in-sentence of “toxin”

How to use in-sentence of “toxin”:

+ Botulism toxin is a major ingredient in botox, a gel that relaxes the facial muscles to make people look younger.

+ Anything can be a toxin if enough of it gets into a person’s body.

+ At least one species of these beetles produces the same toxin found in “P.

+ Because botulinum toxin and ricin are not alive, using them to make people sick is called chemical warfare.

+ The toxin paralysisparalyzes some of the muscles in the face, usually for three to 12 months, and makes the face look smoother.

+ Also, the toxin will be taken up into the bloodstream more quickly, because it does not have to get absorbed through the skin.

+ This means that they can eat newts without the toxin hurting them.

How to use in-sentence of toxin
How to use in-sentence of toxin

Example sentences of “toxin”:

+ This toxin causes the human illness paralytic shellfish poisoning.

+ Activation and toxin release by eosinophils is therefore tightly regulated to prevent any inappropriate tissue destruction.
+ Toxins that are injected into a vein have the fastest effects, because the toxin is being put right into the bloodstream.

+ This toxin causes the human illness paralytic shellfish poisoning.

+ Activation and toxin release by eosinophils is therefore tightly regulated to prevent any inappropriate tissue destruction.

+ Toxins that are injected into a vein have the fastest effects, because the toxin is being put right into the bloodstream.

+ However, if a person has a cut or wound on their skin, any toxin will be able to get into the body through that wound.

+ When this toxin is found in the shellfish, government bans fishing and selling it in the area.

+ The toxin that the rough-skinned newt makes can either paralyze or kill a human.

+ If a person ingests water or food that has this toxin in it, they can get cholera.

+ Vaughan’s work focused on cell signaling, cellular regulation, lipid metabolism, and the roles of key proteins dealing with cholera toxin and pertussis toxin.

+ It is sometimes called spasmogenic toxin, tetanus toxin or abbreviated to TeTx or TeNT.

+ Another inhaled toxin that causes “acute” exposure is smoke from house fires.

+ Aconitine is a very poisonous toxin that comes from the “Aconitum” plant.

+ Like most poisonous animals, they get their toxin from their food.

+ If a toxin is not water-soluble, it cannot absorb into the bloodstream.

+ The toxin can then damage those organs.

+ Garter snakes are actually venomous, just not to humans, since the amount of toxin in their saliva is too weak to really cause damage to a human.

+ He has encountered Jonathan Crane/The Scarecrow who has been gassing people with fear toxin supplied by the League of Shadows.

How to use in sentence of “systolic”

How to use in-sentence of “systolic”:

+ When blood pressure is measured for medical purposes, diastolic pressure is the second number in the “ratio” of systolic to diastolic pressure; for example: 120/80.

+ This may be due to systolic or diastolic malfunction of the left Ventricle ventricle or due to valvular dysfunction such as mitral regurgitation or mitral stenosis.

+ Some examples are VLIW, Minimal instruction set computerMISC, OISC, massive parallel processing, systolic array, reconfigurable computing, and dataflow architecture.

+ For healthy adult humans, the systolic blood pressure should be below 120, and the diastolic blood pressure should be below 80 Even the stress of having blood pressure taken can make it higher.

+ For example, in the picture at the right, the person’s systolic blood pressure was 158.

How to use in sentence of systolic
How to use in sentence of systolic

In-sentence examples of “notation”

How to use in-sentence of “notation”:

– It is music that has been composed by musicians who are trained in the art of writing music and written down in music notation so that other musicians can play it.

– This is algebraic notation with little figurines instead of initial letters for the pieces.

– This template produces a link to a list of map sources, based on the geographical coordinates and other parameters, and provides a standardized notation for the coordinates.

– Subtemplate for turning an easily typeable name for a unit into a proper scientific notation for the unit, including a link to a page about the unit.

– Peano’s influence on math spread this notation across Europe.

– Edmund Landau made the notation popular.

– The earliest kind of notation was written on tablets using a way of writing called cuneiform.

– He invented calculus independently of Isaac NewtonNewton, and his notation for derivatives is the one in general use since then.

In-sentence examples of notation
In-sentence examples of notation

Example sentences of “notation”:

– On a Reverse Polish Notation calculator, the “Enter” function would do the same.

– A notation which uses labels for the ranks and files is called “algebraic”.

– They were written down in a special musical notation called “neumes”.

– A musical transcription is musical notation for an existing piece of music that had been previously unnotated.

– This template, old, is a shorthand notation to make the passed parameter text both and bold.

– The sheet or sheets of paper that contain the written notation of what the musician are to play is called printed music.

– Also, the international standard notation of time is based on this format.

– Note: The notation for the inverse function of “f” is confusing.

– Spectroscopic notation is based on facts taken from molecular symmetry.

- On a Reverse Polish Notation calculator, the "Enter" function would do the same.

- A notation which uses labels for the ranks and files is called "algebraic".
- They were written down in a special musical notation called "neumes".

– Usage of Common Era notation began about 1615 among Christians in Europe, and has been growing among non-Christians and among Christians who desire to be sensitive to non-Christians.

– Usually algebraic chess notation is used.

– These exams will test a student’s understanding of rhythm, melody, key and notation together with the ability to sing and play from memory, and improvise and to recognise changes to and answer questions about a score.

– In the cycloaddition notation i and j refer to the number of atoms involved in the cycloaddition.

– If they are input as numbers, the Lua interpreter will change them to E notation and this function will return the precision of the E notation rather than that of the original number.

– This notation uses parenthesis.

More in-sentence examples of “notation”:

– One example is the Penrose graphical notation which is used to show tensors.

– This template is mostly meant for links to other projects, since local links that use the normal wikilink notation “” are already automatically changed to secure links when using the secure server.

– An IPv4 Address in CIDR notation looks likeThe slash and number represent the amount of bits that the network id uses, in this case 24 or 3 octets.

– In this notation a Diels-Alder reaction is a cycloaddition.

– Another common notation is.

– Prefix notation is a mathematical notation.

– The mathematical notation is the Hebrew letter aleph with a subscript zero;.

– In 1885, Charles Sanders Peirce and his student Oscar Howard Mitchell also created a notation for universal and existential quantifiers.

– The template is intended to facilitate and make uniform scientific notation numbers.

– Note: the scientific notation of result numbers are no longer a problem when these results are further inserted in other expressions.

– Leibniz is perhaps most famous for his involvement in development of calculus independent of Isaac Newton and creation of Leibniz Notation which is the standard form of calculus today.

– The great instrumental contribution of the Spanish was their guitar, but even more important was the tradition of European musical notation and techniques of musical composition.

– An alternative notation for.

– We as historians have no excuse for creating ambiguity and must keep to the notation described above in one of its forms.

– The rounding routine Template:Rndpad can round up to 85 billion as 11-digit format, with decimals padded by trailing zeroes, when the round setting -11, but can display scientific notation above 85 billion for any number of digits.

– Entered this way, the elements are ordered in the Hill notation order: When C is present, C in front and the others alphabetically Ar…

– When writing Middle C in music notation it is just below the stave when using the treble clef and just above the stave when using the bass clef.

– Current members of the group, listed in order of joining with no other notation than names.

– A ledger line is a short line used in musical notation to write notes which would otherwise be too high or too low to put on any of the five lines on the staff.

– In a small number of cases, there are multiple rivers with the same name; in these cases the notation “” shows the number of rivers sharing the same name.

– The modern notation and exact definition of modular arithmetic were first described by Carl Friedrich Gauss.

– A move which places the opponent’s king in check normally has the notation “+” added.

– This notation form was called “jianzi pu” 〔減字譜〕 and it was a great step forward for recording qin scores.

– The basic idea of scientific notation is to express zeros as a power of ten.

– An earlier form of music notation from the Tang era survives in just one manuscript, dated to the 7th century CE, called “Jieshi Diao: You Lan” 《碣石調幽蘭》.

– Sigma notation is a mathematical notation to write long sums in a short way.

– In 1897, William Ernest Johnson and Giuseppe Peano created another notation for universal and existential quantification.

– This template is for English-speaking people who do not use the American date notation, but instead use the more common notation of “DD-MM-YYYY”.

– A special notation is used to describe sigmatropic shifts.

– This notation is called solfege in the United States.

– The Note note “A flat” is shown in musical notation in Figure 1, together with “A double flat”.

– The format uses qin notation with staff notation and/or “jianpu” notation.

– Similarly to how scientific notation makes the significand as basic as possible, the aim in floating point numbers is to make it an integer so it can be represented in bytes and used in calculations.

– When indicating which values should be entered for each parameter, the notation will be used.

– When large numbers have many different decimals in them, such as 642 500 000 000, naming them with scientific notation is about the same, but with one difference.

– Dance which has been reliably recorded on notation and perhaps backed up by video recording, can be and has been used to copyright choreography.

– The first use of medial capitals was the notation for chemical formulae invented by the Swedish chemist Berzelius in 1813.

– This notation is used when the negative sign is considered important, no matter how small is the magnitude; for example, when rounding temperatures in the Celsius scale, where below zero indicates freezing.

– In musical notation this is shown by placing a small circle above the note.

– In the book, he used the chess notation#Algebraic notationalgebraic notation and the castling symbols 0–0 and 0–0–0.

– The primary algebra is mainly a simpler notation for Boolean algebra, except for one thing.

– The IUPAC preferred notation however, with counts electrons and not atoms.

– In order to represent fractional numbers, computers use three sets of binary numbers to make a scientific notation representation.

– To override the scientific notation default for very large and very small numbers, use.

– In chess notation the starting squares are c1 and f1 for White’s bishops, and c8 and f8 for Black’s bishops.

– Linear algebra uses a system of notation for describing system behavior, called a matrix.

– Some people consider musical notation to be a way of writing the musical language.

– The simplified molecular input line entry specification or SMILES is a line notation for the chemistrychemical structure of molecules.

– Line notation can also be a word and symbol description of an electrochemical cell used in chemistry.

- One example is the Penrose graphical notation which is used to show tensors.

- This template is mostly meant for links to other projects, since local links that use the normal wikilink notation "" are already automatically changed to secure links when using the secure server.

“chlorophyll” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “chlorophyll”:

– A variegated leaf is useful in conducting experiments to show that chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis to happen.

– In Angiosperms, the last step in the synthesis of chlorophyll is light-dependent.

– Many plants which lack chlorophyll need fungi to break down organic material for them.

– By 1960, when most of the stereochemistry of chlorophyll “a” was known, Robert Burns Woodward published a total synthesis of the molecule.

– They contain light-absorbing pigments, including chlorophyll and carotenoids, as well as proteins which bind the pigments.

– The function of most chlorophyll is to absorb light and transfer that light energy to reaction centres.

– There are a few different forms that occur naturally, but the most widely distributed form in terrestrial plants is chlorophyll “a”.

– The general structure of chlorophyll “a” was worked out by Hans Fischer in 1940.

chlorophyll in-sentences
chlorophyll in-sentences

Example sentences of “chlorophyll”:

– Berman wrote that achieving pigments that work better than chlorophyll could be very difficult.

– They also have high levels of chlorophyll and phosphorus.

– A green substance in plants called chlorophyll traps the energy from the Sun needed to make food.

– Their body fat is green from the chlorophyll of the plants they eat.

– In this reaction the chlorophyll gives an electron to an electron transport chain.

– Carotenoids have two key roles in plants and algae: they absorb light energy for use in photosynthesis, and they protect chlorophyll from photodamage.

– In low light, the rate of photosynthesis is limited by the amount of chlorophyll and the efficiency of the light-dependent reactions.

– To compensate for varying leaf thickness, Chlorophyll Meters also measure absorption at the infrared band which is not significantly affected by chlorophyll.

– Leaves are normally green in color, which comes from chlorophyll found in the chloroplasts.

– They showed that sunlight acts on the chlorophyll in a plant to fuel the manufacture of organic compounds.

– The blooming of the phytoplankton is dominated by chlorophyll and peaks around 20 May.

– The electron flow produced by the reaction center chlorophyll pigments is used to shuttle H into sugars as well as for other biosynthetic reductions.

– The Calvin group showed that sunlight acts on the chlorophyll in a plant to fuel the manufacture of organic compounds, not directly on carbon dioxide as previously believed.

Chlorophyll content meters measure the amount of absorption at the red band to estimate the amount of chlorophyll present in the leaf.

– The function of the reaction center chlorophyll is to use the energy transferred to it from the other chlorophyll pigments to undergo a specific redox reaction.

- Berman wrote that achieving pigments that work better than chlorophyll could be very difficult.

- They also have high levels of chlorophyll and phosphorus.

Use the word “topping”

How to use in-sentence of “topping”:

– Also Natto is used for topping when we eat Soba, Udon, Spaghetti, Okonomiyaki and so on.

– It is commonly used as a topping on meat products such as hamburgers, but can also be eaten on its own.

– It sold 741,000 copies during its first week in the US, topping the “Billboard” 200 chart.

– Meringue is also used as a topping on other desserts, such as angel food cake, Pavlova pavlova, and baked Alaska.

– Their second single “I Don’t Care” was released on 1 July 2009.”I Don’t Care” received great success, topping various Korean music shows and was also the most downloaded song of the year 2009.

– The construction cost was £72 million approximately £ high, which made it the tallest building in the United Kingdom until the topping out of One Canada Square at Canary Wharf in 1990.

– The movie’s soundtrack was successful, going platinum and topping the Billboard albums chart in January 2018.

– The source for “Sazaa” topping BBC Asian charts is not the BBC chart itself.

Use the word topping
Use the word topping

Example sentences of “topping”:

- It is used in Kasuteracastella, manju, and monaka; as a topping for kakigori; mixed with milk and sugar as a drink; and mixed with salt and used to flavour tempura in a mixture known as matcha-jio.

- These pancakes may be eaten with the traditional topping of lemon juice and sugar, or wrapped around savory stuffing and eaten as a main course.

– It is used in Kasuteracastella, manju, and monaka; as a topping for kakigori; mixed with milk and sugar as a drink; and mixed with salt and used to flavour tempura in a mixture known as matcha-jio.

– These pancakes may be eaten with the traditional topping of lemon juice and sugar, or wrapped around savory stuffing and eaten as a main course.

– It is based on the musical Stage stage play and on ABBA’s 1975 chart topping song.

– Usually, chopped fruits such as apples, pineapples or cherries and a topping of butter and sugar are placed on the bottom of the pan before the batter is poured in.

– In Japan, “kamaboko” can often be seen served as a topping over ramen or udon.

– In 1996 the group released their self-titled debut album and produced chart topping single, “Blackberry Molasses” which still remains a classic to this day.

– Famous hit songs include “Du ringde från Flen” from 1993 and “Ett liv tillsammans”, written by Calle Kindbom and Peo Pettersson, topping Svensktoppen in 1995, as well as “Regn i mitt hjärta” from 1996.

– Articles by Topping and his wife were included in “The New York Times Report from Red China”.

– Interestingly in Greece “Umbrella” was released at a time when people were suffering through a summer of several heatwaves topping 45C/113F and the worst forest fires of modern history, killing 60.

– From 2006 to 2010, T-Pain was featured on more than 50 chart topping singles.

– Filleted, battered and pan-fried plaice is popular hot or cold as an open sandwich topping together with remoulade sauce and lemon slices.

– Toa Payoh was the first MRT station in Singapore to be completed, topping out on 5 August 1985.

– In other cases it may be used as a topping on soups like soba or udon.

– The song became a major hit, topping the charts in Australia, Canada and the US, while reaching the top 20 in most countries, including Italy, Sweden and UK.

– It can also be as a filling, like is done in bonbons, and as a topping for ice cream, custard and coffee.

– Lizzo’s 2017 single “Truth Hurts” became a viral hit, topping the “Billboard” Hot 100 two years after its release.

– It is used as a topping and with pasta.

– China was the most successful nation, topping the medal table with six golds and ten in total.

Some in-sentence examples of “lucky”

How to use in-sentence of “lucky”:

– However bats are said to be lucky in some European countries, such as Poland.

– He created Oswald the Lucky Rabbit but lost ownership of the character due to a contract problem.

– She was Mooch’s girlfriend and second in command of his gang until she dated Lucky in “Love ‘Em and Flea ‘Em.” Since then, Two-Tone has gone off on her own.

– He first gained attention in 1978 and 1979 with the releases of his hit singles “Heart to Heart” and “Lucky Number Lucky Number”, which peaked at number 6 on the new wave music scene.

– Jesse James is a Lucky Luke comic Writewritten by illustrated by Morris.

Some in-sentence examples of lucky
Some in-sentence examples of lucky

Example sentences of “lucky”:

– These terms inevitably raise readability levels: a page on an advanced topic will be lucky to reach 55 on the Flesch scale, let alone 70.

– Thousands of others including free blacks were not so lucky and were sent South.

– Flight as a Feather: Hours before a Swedish karaoke contest at the Coco Bongo, The Mask loses his lucky fedora feather and races through Edge City to get it—all the while trying to avoid Kellaway and Doyle and a string of eccentric characters, including Mayor Tilton’s vengeful ex-girlfriend, a performance artist, an eagle, and Pretorious’s goon, Walter.

– Her last role as in “The Lucky Stiff”.

– Its most well-known products are cereals, such as Cheerios, Trix Trix, and Lucky Charms.

– He explains that they are lucky because he lives only a few miles from a primary target and that they will die in a instant.

– Most other sites are lucky to contain partial skeletons, but Messel boasts extensive preservation of structural integrity, even going so far as to preserve the fur, feathers, and “skin shadows” of some species.

– She played Lisa Rayborn in “You Lucky Dog”.

– He and the lucky cricket of the family catch up with Mulan, as she joins the small army led by Li Shang.

- These terms inevitably raise readability levels: a page on an advanced topic will be lucky to reach 55 on the Flesch scale, let alone 70.

- Thousands of others including free blacks were not so lucky and were sent South.
- Flight as a Feather: Hours before a Swedish karaoke contest at the Coco Bongo, The Mask loses his lucky fedora feather and races through Edge City to get it—all the while trying to avoid Kellaway and Doyle and a string of eccentric characters, including Mayor Tilton's vengeful ex-girlfriend, a performance artist, an eagle, and Pretorious's goon, Walter.

– He was lucky that he was able to continue to live as a free man and compose.

– The Hellenistic countries were lucky because they had much empty space where they could make big new cities.

– They were lucky that they escaped alive, because the Germans tried to kill them.

– Between the fairy disguised as a flower on the top of the cake, and the ring hidden within it, the children were able to make a wish for whatever they pleased if they were lucky enough to find it.

– In the middle of the battle, Hayk kills Bel with a lucky arrow and Bel’s army becomes confused and defeated.

– In the comeback stage of his career Gene Taylor, Kenny Neal, Lucky Peterson, and Jimmie Vaughan.

More in-sentence examples of “lucky”:

– A lucky few could even afford books illustrating these antiquities.

– In Japan, Hotei is one of the Seven Lucky Gods.

– The protagonists are The Lucky Seven, or The Losers Club, a group of outcast kids who discover Pennywise and vow to destroy him by any means necessary.

– Both companies Lucky and GoldStar merged and formed Lucky Goldstar.

– In Japan, Fukurokuju is one of the Seven Lucky Gods.

– On April 22, the “Meet Your Oshimen” event was held, where three hundred lucky ticket-holding fans met and greeted their favourite MNL48 aspirants.

– He needed a lot of money for his ideas, and he was very lucky to find someone who adored his music and was happy to give him a lot of money.

– Stuntmen who work in movie are only employed on a movie-by-movie basis, sometimes they are needed for a number of months if they are lucky to double for the lead actor but could quite easily only be needed for a single stunt that is filmed over the space of a day or two.

– She was less lucky with her family.

– Oswald was called the lucky rabbit because of the idea of rabbits’ feet being lucky.

– The band became bothered by major label music business and being under contract were very lucky to be set free by 679 Recordings.

– Also boarding are poor artist Jack Dawson and his best friend Fabrizio De Rossi, after a lucky poker game wins them in steerage.

– In Japanese folklore, he is one of the Japanese Seven Lucky Gods.

– Then later being followed by Lucky Charm Treats.

– Lastly, she became one of the Seven Lucky Gods.

– She was very lucky to have survived.

– This area includes the Cocina Cucamonga Mexican Grill, Pacific Wharf Cafe, and The Lucky Fortune Cookery Chinese restaurant, along with a Karl Strauss beer truck and a margarita stand.

– It features the first appearance of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Disney’s first successful cartoon character, as a major character since 1943.

– To draw more people to the game, some casinos then offered a special bet: A hand featuring either of the black jacks plus the Ace of Spades would pay 10-to-1 odds on the lucky player’s bet.

– Boogie with the Man: Stanley wishes he was as lucky as The Mask, and meets The Devil, who gives Stanley his lucky break—in exchange for his soul.

– There are taxi stands at Forum The Shopping Mall, all hotels, Lucky Plaza, Wisma Atria, Ngee Ann City, The Paragon, The Heeren Shops, Centrepoint Shopping Centre, next to Specialists’ Shopping Centre and Plaza Singapura.

– In Japan, Juroujin, also known as Gama, is one of the Seven Lucky Gods, according to Taoist beliefs.

– I found out today that I have become one of the lucky few to be offered a full scholarship to the event and, whilst I would love to go on what will probably be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, I am a bit wary for a number of reasons – particularly the “not knowing” anyone part.

– It was very lucky that one of these intervals happened to occur so soon after Charon’s discovery.

- A lucky few could even afford books illustrating these antiquities.

- In Japan, Hotei is one of the Seven Lucky Gods.

– He talks about his politicspolitical change in the essay “Why Lucky Jim Turned Right”.

– He was lucky to keep his job: his boss was very keen on music and allowed him a lot of time off work.

– There is only one special flag or lucky flag.

– In “New Rally-X”, there is another flag called a lucky flag.

– He was a lucky competitor in the Dene competition.

– Music, like all arts, was supposed to make people feel that they were lucky to be living in a great country like the Soviet Union.

– The theatre is lucky to survive at all.

– It then continues south along Foothill Expressway, passing by Woodland Branch Library and a Lucky grocery store before ending at Homestead Road.

– He was lucky very early in his career to be appointed as conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.

– Cigarette brands marketed by CTC in Sri Lanka include Bristol, Capstan, Dunhill, John Player Gold Leaf, Lucky Strike, Pall Mall and Three Roses.

– Shopping malls along Orchard Road like Lucky Plaza and Liat Towers were affected by the flood.

– Then, after taking money from Pappi, Madhav, Lucky and Laxman also open a water sports stall in just front of Gopal’s stall, from where the rivalry between the two groups begins.

– In 2007, he directed Go West: A Lucky Luke Adventure, an animated feature film of Lucky Luke.

– Mission members keeping an eye on the Mars Spirit rover reported that on March 12, 2005, a lucky encounter with a dust devil had cleaned the solar panels of that robot.

– In the 1870s the Gallery was lucky to get two collections of paintings by famous Dutch artists.

– Petty was also known for his voice role as Lucky in the television series “King of the Hill”.

– Carbon is the only element that can make bonds with itself so that chains are produced, silicon has similar properties, but Carbon is a main element in everyday life, and thus, is lucky enough to have a whole subject in chemistry dedicated to it.

– But the forester’s friends: the school master and the priest, have not been so lucky with their love-life.

– Many figures in Japanese myth were transmitted from China, including all of the Seven Lucky Gods except Ebisu.

– The show is about one of the first boardwalks in Atlantic City and the rise to power of legendary notorious gangsters like Al Capone, Lucky Luciano and Nucky Johnson.

– The lucky child who finds the ring in their slice, gets to make a wish.

– Violet BaudelaireViolet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire go by train to Paltryville to meet their new guardian at the Lucky Smells Lumbermill.

Some in-sentence examples of “metabolic”

How to use in-sentence of “metabolic”:

– The Java mouse-deer is endothermic and homoeothermic, and has an average basal metabolic rate of about 4.883 watts.

– Gases are constantly required and produced as a by-product of cellular and metabolic reactions so an efficient system for their exchange is extremely important.

– They have a slow metabolic rate that allows them to digest one leaf in up to a month.

– Given their low metabolic rate and the low density of prey at such depths, Vampire Squid must use innovative predator avoidance tactics in order to save energy.

– One study of 150 adults representative of the population in Scotland reported basal metabolic rates from as low as 1027 kcal per day.

– Thyroid hormones influence the metabolic rate in two ways: by stimulating almost every tissue in the body to produce proteins and by increasing the amount of oxygen that cells use.

– They then observed failures in metabolic pathways caused by errors in specific enzymes.

Some in-sentence examples of metabolic
Some in-sentence examples of metabolic

Example sentences of “metabolic”:

- Their metabolic rate is slow and they sleep most of the day underground.

- An independent study by researchers with the Framingham Heart Study in Massachusetts, has turned up results which indicate that the consumption of diet soda correlates with increased metabolic syndrome.

– Their metabolic rate is slow and they sleep most of the day underground.

– An independent study by researchers with the Framingham Heart Study in Massachusetts, has turned up results which indicate that the consumption of diet soda correlates with increased metabolic syndrome.

– Glycolysis is thought to be the archetype of a universal metabolic pathway.

– The skin and lungs also have excretory functions: the skin eliminates metabolic wastes like urea and lactic acid through sweating, and the lungs expel carbon dioxide.

– Differentiation dramatically changes a cell’s size, shape, metabolic activity, and responsiveness to signals.

– The visceral mass, or visceropallium, is the soft, nonmuscular metabolic region of the mollusc.

– The wide occurrence of glycolysis shows that it is one of the most ancient known metabolic pathways.

– It can be thought of as a state of suspended animation in which the metabolic processes of the cell are slowed down and the cell ceases all activities like feeding and locomotion.

– She is known for her methods of directed evolution to create useful biological systems, including enzymes, metabolic pathways, genetic regulatory circuits, and organisms.

– In long periods of hunger, such as a drought, its metabolic rate can reduce by up to twenty-five percent.

– The key nutrient lacking in the Pacific ocean is iron, essential in molecules such as “ferredoxins”, iron-sulfur proteins which do electron transfer in a range of metabolic reactions.

– These tests can find dozens of birth defectcongenital metabolic diseases.

– What enables the Krebs cycle to perform metabolic changes to fats, carbohydrates, and proteins is energy, which can be defined as the ability or capacity to do work.

– Also, xenarthrans have the lowest metabolic rates among the therians.

– First, they have a higher metabolic rate than large animals.

– These compounds are normally not present but appear in individuals suffering with metabolic disorders.

– Rosenthal was Chief of the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases for 13 years before retiring in 1961.

– It makes metabolic compounds.

– In combination with isotopic labeling of metabolic compounds, the GC-MS is used for determining metabolic activity.

– A lot of nectar is produced to fuel the high metabolic rates needed to power their flight.

“imperialism” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “imperialism”:

– Thus, a policy of imperialism can vastly enrich the imperialist country.

– Under his leadership, Egypt nationalizationnationalized the industries, and became important in stopping imperialism in the Arab World and Africa.

– Fifth, this was “a century of emancipation,” in which numerous emancipation projects advanced, but in which imperialism and colonialism stunted its expansion.

– Rosa Luxemburg insisted that capital accumulation is the cause of the imperialism on her essay “”The Accumulation of Capital”.

– This Chinese imperialism began with the Qin Dynasty: in 221 BC, Qin Shi Huang conquered the various warring kingdoms and created the first Chinese empire.

imperialism in-sentences
imperialism in-sentences

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