In sentence use of “ritual”

How to use in-sentence of “ritual”:

+ Basic themes are biting satire, ritual dances, exorcism rites, parody of human weaknesses, social evils and the privileged class.

+ Orphism is a mystic religion of ancient Greece, originating in the 7th or 6th century BC and based on poems attributed to Orpheus, emphasizing the necessity for individuals to rid themselves of the evil part of their nature by ritual and moral purification throughout a series of reincarnations.

+ Those areas should not be disturbed unless a ceremony or ritual is taking place.

+ Seppuku is a Japanese ritual where a samurai kills himself by cutting into his belly.

+ Hoog is sponsored by Ritual Hockey.

+ Brit milah is the Jewish ritual circumcision ceremony performed on eight-day-old male babies.

+ The next day, Obata committed ritual suicide.

In sentence use of ritual
In sentence use of ritual

Example sentences of “ritual”:

+ The ritual may have a religious meaning.

+ Many religgions require that those worshipping should be in this state.Ritual purity is a state of ritual cleanliness.

+ In this ritual it was used along with the shortest Japanese sword – Tanto.

+ A mikveh or mikvah is a JudaismJewish ritual bath.

+ The Ring is in a significant ritual landscape.

+ The warriors killed about 15 of the 35-man garrison in the struggle; later they killed five more in ritual torture.

+ The ritual may have a religious meaning.

+ Many religgions require that those worshipping should be in this state.Ritual purity is a state of ritual cleanliness.

+ A libation is a ritual sacrifice of a liquid.

+ Before they get there, the old man performs an ancient ritual to the Aztec god of sacrifice and dies.

+ At Ceremonyceremonies with other paint each other in ritual designs.

+ New ideas about religion, ritual and social hierarchy came with the new lifestyle.

More in-sentence examples of “ritual”:

+ It also has a place specifically for the king, a storage building for ritual items, and a waiting area.

+ After persistent strong criticism in the popular press, the Supreme Grand Chapter of England excised the word from its Royal Arch ritual in 1989, and replaced it with a choice between two forms of the tetragrammaton.
+ Possehl in 2002, associated it with the water buffalo, and concluded that while it would be appropriate to recognize the figure as a deity, and its posture as one of ritual discipline, regarding it as a proto-Shiva would "go too far".

+ It also has a place specifically for the king, a storage building for ritual items, and a waiting area.

+ After persistent strong criticism in the popular press, the Supreme Grand Chapter of England excised the word from its Royal Arch ritual in 1989, and replaced it with a choice between two forms of the tetragrammaton.

+ Possehl in 2002, associated it with the water buffalo, and concluded that while it would be appropriate to recognize the figure as a deity, and its posture as one of ritual discipline, regarding it as a proto-Shiva would “go too far”.

+ Sri Guru Amritananda Nath Saraswati, performing the Navavarana Puja, an important ritual in Srividya Tantric Shaktism, at the Sahasrakshi Meru Temple at Devipuram, Andhra Pradesh, India.

+ A medicine wheel is a stone structure built by the Native Americansnatives of North America for spiritual and ritual purposes.

+ They emphasise direct experience of God rather than ritual or ceremony.

+ One of them, “The dance ritual del Fuego was the horse of battle of the composer.

+ For example, the famous centripetal dance of the dervishes – the “sema” ritual – is said to have its inspiration in Rumi’s own movements around a pole in his garden as he mourned for his companion Shams.

+ The word cult originally meant a system of ritual practices.

+ The mating ritual can take anywhere between 1 and 26 hours, depending on the male’s ability to find a suitable spot.

+ The west African Yoruba language is spoken in Cuba, where it is a ritual language used by the Santeria prayers.

+ A ritual is a set of actions people do.

+ It was a little ritual Jumbo loved.

+ They have complex ritual songs and dances which are performed at corroborees.

+ Temples marked the transition of Hinduism from the Vedic religion of ritual sacrifices to a religion of Bhakti or love and devotion to a personal deity.

+ Totemism is a means of preventing incest and as a ritual reminder of murder of the father.

+ There are three main Maya calendars: the 260 day ritual calendar called “Tzolk’in”, the 365 day “Haab, and the “Long Count”.

+ The purpose of the ritual was to pacify the soul of the bear.

+ Those ritual objects include a sword, and binding cords.

+ A ritual statue from Vindolanda.

+ He was also a member of Astafix, Hammer 67, Burning in Hell and Fear Ritual by the time of his death.

+ The ship-burial, probably dating from the early 7th century and excavated in 1939, is one of the most magnificent archaeological finds in England for its size and completeness, its meaning, the quality and beauty of its contents, and for the profound interest of the burial ritual itself.

+ The mating ritual of scorpions begins when the male and female connect claws.

+ Over the years, the Church of Satan has stopped then restarted the use of Grottoes -small groups for people who live near each other to work on projects or do ritual together, or be friends.

+ This ritual is different from a coronation because there is no crown.

+ In a ritual the loa are called down by the “houngan” to take part in the service, receive offerings, and grant requests.

+ Mysticism is the belief that people can “directly” experience God or true reality, rather than through books, ritual or other people.

+ The ancient Vedic ritual of Agnicayana, which spans a 12-day period and which Frits Staal and Robert Gardner claim to be one of the oldest known rituals, was maintained by Nambudiri Brahmins until at least 1975.

+ The monument is just under two miles from Stonehenge, Wiltshire, and is thought to have been a Neolithic ritual site.

+ However, San Lorenzo was repopulated in 600BC, when it became a center for Olmec ritual sacrifices until the population faded away in 400BC along with the Olmec civilization.

+ They can rightly be said to have affected the greatest wave of change in Hindu prayer and ritual since ancient times.

+ Although there had been a substantial Islamic mystical tradition prior to Rumi, it is fair to comment that his poetry transformed both thinking and ritual in this regard.

+ There is a complex mating ritual which includes them rubbing their heads and bodies together, before they mate in the water.

+ The Eucharist, also called holy communion, the sacrament, or the Lord’s supper, is a kind of religious ritual in many Christian churches.

+ The “Saurornithoides” is suddenly attacked and eaten by a “Gigantoraptor”, which then heads to compete in a breeding ritual for mates.

+ A ritual can also be linked to obsessive compulsive disorder, when a person believes that performing the ritual again and again is necessary.

+ These teachings include both ritual actions and ethics.

+ They say that the ten ritual commandments in Exodus 34 were the original Ten Commandments.

+ The function of this courtship ritual is to attract a mate.

+ In any society, human death is surrounded by ritual – a Funeralwake or funeral is normal.

+ They say that “this is part of the ritual of Tribal Council because fire represents life.

+ Throughout there is a strong emphasis on ethics and ritual purity.

+ Some scientists think that this Acheulean axe, made of red quartzite, was some kind of ritual offering for a funeral.

+ Mating ritual evolved because it is advantageous for females to have choice of partners.

+ This shows that sexual desire, since there are many social prohibitions on sexual relations, is channeled through certain ritual actions and all societies adopt these rituals so that sexuality develops in approved ways.

+ Daikoku’s connection with wealth and success started a strange ritual known as Fuku-nusubi.

+ At very small mosques, worshippers may use restrooms for their ritual washing, or wu’du.

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