Use the word “potassium”

How to use in-sentence of “potassium”:

+ It can also be made by reacting hot potassium permanganate with potassium hydroxide.

+ Sodium hydroxide is used in industry as a strong base, potassium hydroxide is used in agriculture, and iron hydroxide minerals such as goethite and limonite have been used as iron ore.

+ It can be made by reacting hydrogen bromide with potassium carbonate or potassium hydroxide.

+ In 1998, despite barriers to the structural biologystructural study of integral membrane proteins that had stopped most attempts for decades, MacKinnon and colleagues determined the three-dimensional molecular structure of a potassium channel from bacteria utilizing X-ray crystallography.

+ Sulfur can make explosive mixtures with potassium chlorate because chloric acid can be made.

+ He referred Randolph to the specialist Thomas Buzzard, and continued to prescribe potassium iodide and mercury.

+ The word potassium comes from the word “potash”.

Use the word potassium
Use the word potassium

Example sentences of “potassium”:

+ It contains potassium and hydroxide ions.

+ It is mainly made when potassium permanganate is made.

+ Potassium aluminium sulfate, or potash alum, or potassium alum, is a chemical compound.

+ For example, powdered potassium permanganate and powdered sugar will ignite a few seconds after a drop of water is added.

+ It contains potassium and permanganate ions.

+ Potassium iodate is made by reacting iodic acid with potassium hydroxide or by reacting iodine with potassium hydroxide.

+ People and anything that lives gives off radiation naturally, because of the potassium and Carbon-14 inside.

+ It reacts with acids to give potassium salts.

+ It contains potassium and hydroxide ions.

+ It is mainly made when potassium permanganate is made.

+ It can also be made by electrolysis of potassium bromide solution.

+ It contains potassium and manganate ions.

+ The channels enable potassium ions to cross the cell membrane.

+ The potassium hydroxide or potassium chloride has to be melted at a very high temperature.

+ In the battery, zinc is oxidationoxidized by manganese dioxide in a potassium hydroxide electrolyte.

More in-sentence examples of “potassium”:

+ It is better than potassium iodide because it does not oxidize to iodine and evaporate like potassium iodide does.

+ Bromates can be made by reacting potassium hydroxide with bromine.
+ Thallium bromide is made by reacting thallium and bromine or by reacting sodium bromidesodium or potassium bromide with any thallium compound.

+ It is better than potassium iodide because it does not oxidize to iodine and evaporate like potassium iodide does.

+ Bromates can be made by reacting potassium hydroxide with bromine.

+ Thallium bromide is made by reacting thallium and bromine or by reacting sodium bromidesodium or potassium bromide with any thallium compound.

+ A very pure form of iodine is made by reacting copper sulfate and potassium iodide.

+ Potassium also burns in air easily, to make the Potassium peroxideperoxide or the superoxide.

+ It has potassium and chlorate ions.

+ A simple way of combining the parts to make black powder rocket propellant is: 75% potassium nitrate, 10% sulphur, and 15% charcoal.

+ It can also be made by reacting bismuth chloride with any iodide such as potassium iodide.

+ The method consists of preparing a solution of sodium chloride and potassium oxide, adding the urine to be investigated.

+ Sometimes oxygen or potassium nitrate is used as the oxidizing agent.

+ The calcium carbonate precipitates and is filtered, leaving potassium hydroxide.

+ It is made by reacting aluminium sulfate with potassium sulfate.

+ Eating potassium iodate makes the thyroid full of nonradioactive iodine and prevents radioactive iodine from going in.

+ The second, less common adaptation, is the selective intake of potassium ions into the cytoplasm.

+ Other common minerals include potassium and phosphorus.

+ It is made by reacting sodium iodidesodium or potassium iodide with arsenic trichloride.

+ It can also be made by adding an acid to potassium chromate.

+ It contains potassium and bromate ions.

+ Metal oxides, such as sodium, potassium and calcium, act as a “flux” to lower the melting temperature.

+ It has either sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide as the electrolyte.

+ The territory contained valuable mineral resources, mainly potassium nitrate, which were exploited by Chilean companies and British interests.

+ It is similar to potassium perchlorate.

+ Otherwise, it is somewhat similar to potassium chloride in being colorless and silver chloride in being insoluble in water.

+ It can be made by reacting ammonium nitrate with potassium hydroxide.

+ Its chemical compounds are very similar to potassium compoundspotassium or silver compounds.

+ The sodium gas reacts with the potassium chloride to make potassium gas and sodium chloride.

+ It is made when potassium reacts with water.

+ In 1659, a German chemist, Johann Rudolf Glauber, melted a mixture of the mineral pyrolusite and potassium carbonate to obtain a material that made a green solution when dissolved in water.

+ It contains potassium and sulfite ions.

+ This makes oxygen and potassium manganate.

+ Potassium iodide can reduce potassium permanganate to potassium manganate.

+ Iodates like potassium iodate are colorless solids similar to chlorates.

+ Sometimes Potassium fluoride is added as well.

+ Other elements with similar chemical propertyproperties like potassium that are lower down on the periodic table than sodium will be even more likely to lose their furthest electron in a reaction.

+ Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium were discovered to be very important in plant growth.

+ Potassium sulfide is made by reacting potassium with sulfur.

+ The use of potassium chloride in lethal injections is controversial.

+ It is made by electrolysis of a hot solution of potassium chloride.

+ That is why fertilizers have potassium compounds in them.

+ It can disproportionationdisproportionate into potassium permanganate and manganese oxide.

+ Normally when the bread is baked the potassium bromate is broken down.

+ It is made by reacting potassium chloride with sodium perchlorate.

+ It reacts with sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide to make copper hydroxide.

+ It is used to make potassium metal.

+ It is also found in sylvanite, a mixture of sodium chloride and potassium chloride.

+ It can be mixed with sulfur, while potassium chlorate cannot safely be mixed.

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