Some example sentences of “overwhelming”

How to use in-sentence of “overwhelming”:

+ The German authorities had realised that their only remaining chance of victory was to defeat the Allies before the overwhelming human and matériel resources of the United States could be deployed.

+ In response the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians held a December 10, 1991 referendum in which the overwhelming majority of the population voted for outright independence.

+ Lil Bub died of a bone infection on December 1, 2019 at the age of 8, which lead to a overwhelming degree of sorrow over her death on social media.

+ The French Army under Napoleon won an overwhelming victory in the Battle of Pyramids.

+ At one audition, she made an overwhelming impression and signed a contract with a Korean company.

+ Wanderer, the invading ‘soul’ who has been given Melanie’s body, knew about the challenges of living inside a human: the overwhelming emotions, the too-vivid memories.

+ Its a decently written article, but has too much red-links left which seems overwhelming for one person to do alone.

+ Apart from Richard Nixon’s overwhelming victory over George McGovern in 1972, Pitt has since been a closely contested swing county, with no major party candidate post-McGovern falling under forty percent.

Some example sentences of overwhelming
Some example sentences of overwhelming

Example sentences of “overwhelming”:

+ The writers developed a storyline about Pearce feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt after the accident, which would lead to him considering a transfer.

+ If the consul won an overwhelming victory, he was hailed as imperator by his troops, and could request to be granted a triumph.

+ Terror is a state of fear, an overwhelming sense of imminent danger.

+ The performance of the defenders at the battle of Thermopylae is also used as an example of the advantages of training, equipment, and good use of terrain as force multipliers and has become a symbol of courage against overwhelming odds.

+ As a result, for months, I thought that an overwhelming amount of articles simply had no Simple English version.

+ Polish infantry fought well, but by September 19th due to overwhelming German reinforcements were defeated.

+ Of these, the overwhelming majority are in the capital Ankara while the remaining are in Istanbul.

+ In other cases, apart from the government candidates, only candidates from smaller allied parties and “independent” candidates who are closely allied to the dominant ruling party, get an overwhelming advantage.

+ The German defenders fought aggressively but constantly pushed back by overwhelming force.

+ This was due to overwhelming debts and further predicted hardships from major price cuts planned by the EU.

+ The overwhelming public interest of visiting the shrine after the apparition took place upset the Chinese government.

+ Nehru lost patience and mounted a military, naval and air attack on Goa using overwhelming force on December 17th.

+ He died in 1591 at the Battle of Flores, fighting against overwhelming odds, and refusing to surrender his ship, the “Revenge”, to the far more numerous Spanish.

+ The overwhelming majority of the organisms collected were simple, soft-shelled foraminifera.

+ In the early twentieth century Pitt was a typical Democratic “Solid South” county, where there were large numbers of disenfranchised blacks and the small white electorate voted overwhelming majorities for the Democratic Party.

+ When the USSR collapsed in 1991, many cheap Russian diamonds entered the market, overwhelming De Beers and their efforts to control it.

+ England then won an overwhelming victory at the Battle of Crécy in 1346 against all odds.

+ Somehow An Gof held his army together, but faced with overwhelming odds, some Cornish deserted and by morning there remained only some 9-10,000 Cornish stalwarts left in arms.

+ The Bhakti school takes its name from the Hindu term that signifies a blissful, selfless and overwhelming love of God as the beloved Father, Mother, Child, or whatever relationship finds appeal in the devotee’s heart.

+ The writers developed a storyline about Pearce feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt after the accident, which would lead to him considering a transfer.

+ If the consul won an overwhelming victory, he was hailed as imperator by his troops, and could request to be granted a triumph.

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