How to use in sentence of “gather”

How to use in-sentence of “gather”:

+ However, this was enough for the show to be stripped in syndication, allowing it to become very popular and gather a large cult following during the 1970s.

+ Martinez was part of the team that launched a rocket from White Sands, New Mexico to gather information on the Hale-Bopp Comet, a comet.

+ It took 20 minutes to gather enough steam before it could move.

+ They can begin breaking blocks to gather resources, such as wood and dirt, which can be used later in the game.

+ Pilot fish usually gather around sharks.

+ In both, the player must gather resources, and use them to build a base and make soldiers to attack the enemy.

+ He lived among those he studied, which allowed him to gather a very excellent description of who he was living with.

+ This delay gave Lee ample time to gather his forces to oppose Burnside, who had now lost the advantage of surprise.

How to use in sentence of gather
How to use in sentence of gather

Example sentences of “gather”:

+ He is a bird that has about a hundred holes in his beak and he is not a pair; According to the narration, the phoenix sits in the heights and when the wind blows on his beak, a pleasant melody appears and other birds gather around him with this song and become intoxicated and hunted by him.

+ These radio astronomers use giant Radio telescopes, shaped like satellite dishes, to gather and study the waves.

+ He is a bird that has about a hundred holes in his beak and he is not a pair; According to the narration, the phoenix sits in the heights and when the wind blows on his beak, a pleasant melody appears and other birds gather around him with this song and become intoxicated and hunted by him.

+ These radio astronomers use giant Radio telescopes, shaped like satellite dishes, to gather and study the waves.

+ Students, Japanese commanders, British POWs’ representatives would gather there regularly to commemorate the dead during the Occupation.

+ In mid-1642, both sides started travelling around the country to gather supporters and weapons.

+ Some individuals gather up the food for the colony.

+ The islands have for more than 1,000 years been the centre of great cod fisheries, especially in winter, when the cod migrate south from the Barents Sea and gather in Lofoten to spawn.

+ They needed food badly and Smith sent a large group of settlers to fish and others to gather shellfish downriver.

+ The church people gather at Martha’s bedside to pray.

+ We would also like to gather a list of wikis that would be interested in being test wikis for this project – these wikis would be the first to receive the updates once we’re ready to start building.

+ The child rangers then travel throughout time to gather the fragments of the Zeo Crystal to bring time back to normal.

+ These models allowed him to share his ideas with others, and gather input from other professionals.

+ Deuterium Synthesizer is what is used to gather the resource deuterium.

+ This is because fermions obey the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that they cannot gather together in the same quantum state.

+ They also began to pick and gather fruits, eventually resulting in the Chinese learning to farm by 5000 BC.

+ The festival season in Nagore falls in the month of May.Nagore Dargah is famous because any religious people can gather in the religious site.

More in-sentence examples of “gather”:

+ Mobbing calls gather other birds to scare off intruders.

+ I’m going to use it to gather statistics about different wiki projects.

+ Karyotypes may be studied to gather information about past evolutionary events, such as polyploidy.

+ The skills used today in reining originate from tasks done with work horses like to gather cattle together.

+ One prominent criticism is the increasing surveillance to gather data, which takes place in many new forms.

+ When he is defeated, Jak, Daxter, and all the others gather together in the arena, while the Precursors make their speech.

+ Sanity Island in order to gather Crystals.

+ By playing online the players can gather points for the global ranking.

+ Muslims were called all over Medina to gather at a mosque that Muhammad prayed in.

+ In addition they must be able to gather about 25 votes.

+ They had to break into basements and bomb shelters to gather bodies.

+ The tentacles are used to gather organic detritus from the water or substrate, and are probably also function as gills.

+ High altitude balloons have also been used by astronomers and cosmologists to take readings of certain particle frequencies or gather light readings free of excessive disturbance from Earth’s lower atmosphere.

+ Many neotropical orchids are pollinated by male orchid bees, which visit the flowers to gather volatile chemicals they require to synthesize pheromonal attractants.

+ When bees go into the flower to gather nectar, the spiky pollen sticks to their back legs.

+ Modern crop farming uses machines to gather the crop, and so hedges have all but disappeared in some areas.

+ The team continued thanks to funding solely from the team owner Bob Stapleton, as the team did not have enough time to gather sponsors for the new year.

+ They were forced into slavery to build roads and gather rubber latex.

+ Since he is currently not on a computer and won’t be for a while, he ask me to make a post here to gather your all thoughts here about disabling it.

+ A typical Toastmasters club is made up of 20 – 30 people who gather weekly throughout the year.

+ They lie close to gather while they gradually shed patches of hair and skin.

+ In the early morning the crew gather on deck and Billy is executed.

+ Because starfish like to eat clams and oysters, fishermen who gather shellfish have tried for years to get rid of them.

+ To stop future terrorist attacks, we have detained these people, and we have and will be questioning them to gather additional intelligence information…The reality is that they have been charged with something.

+ Mobbing calls gather other birds to scare off intruders.

+ I'm going to use it to gather statistics about different wiki projects.

+ They kill animals and gather what the forest provides for part of their food.

+ Crash must gather Crystals for Cortex to save the planet.

+ He attracted the anger of the Soviet Union when he helped gather support for the defence of South Korea after it was invaded in 1950 and later worked to end the Soviet boycott of UN meetings, though his involvement has only little to do with the eventual return of the Soviet Union to the UN.

+ In some places, however, important trials can take as long as a few years while the two sides gather information and put together their arguments.

+ The attack did help the Allies to gather some information.

+ Various trade laws created by him made it easier for Polish cities to gather more wealth.

+ It is about a group of outlaws who gather to form an army, and are later sent to fight foreign invaders and suppress rebel forces by the government.

+ One day, the animals gather at a meeting to listen to Old Major, a wise old pig.

+ Pilgrims used to gather in groups because it was dangerous to travel alone.

+ People gather at Abu Simbel to see this remarkable sight, on October 21 and February 21.

+ Females gather in herds of up to nine animals.

+ Through exploration, they can gather information on characters and places across the map.

+ During “Berättarfestivalen” people gather to listen to storytellers from around the world.

+ During a game, the player must use workers to gather minerals and vespene gas.

+ Metal Mine is what is used to gather the resource metal.

+ About 200 people gather there for celebration.

+ Note: Comment about Hian and IP is purely example to gather data about reactions to linking accounts and IPs.

+ She is also concerned about Doctor Nitrus Brio, who wants Crash to gather Gems instead of Crystals.

+ This is where different companies and groups gather a few volunteers who parade from the main street in Nuriootpa through to the main street in Tanunda.

+ They landed at Dale in Pembrokeshire, close to where Henry had been born, so he was able to gather more supporters on the way.

+ When pilot fish are young, they gather around jellyfish and drifting seaweeds.

+ This was a nomadic life, moving around to hunt and gather food according to the seasons.

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