Some in-sentence examples of “telescope”

How to use in-sentence of “telescope”:

– The Orbiting Astronomical Observatory 2 was the first space telescope launched on December 7, 1968.

– In 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope found a very large white cloud near Saturn’s equator.

– The Arecibo message was a short radio message sent into space to celebrate the remodeling of the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico in 1974.

– The Hubble Space Telescope is the first big optical space observatory telescope.

– Pictures showing Pluto and Charon as separate disks were taken for the first time by the Hubble Space Telescope in the 1990s.

Some in-sentence examples of telescope
Some in-sentence examples of telescope

Example sentences of “telescope”:

– A telescope or strong binoculars will show Neptune as a small blue dot, similar in appearance to Uranus.

– Spitzer said a large telescope in space, above the Earth’s atmosphere, would see better.

– The Very Large Telescope and Keck Telescope detected stars orbiting Sgr A* at speeds greater than any other stars in the galaxy.

– They used the Hubble Space Telescope to track the motion of stars in Andromeda between 2002 and 2010 with great accuracy.

– The telescope sends an image to the back of the tube and then reflects it off an angled mirror back up the tube.

– The latest moon was discovered from examining Hubble Telescope imags on July 16, 2013.

– The Hubble Space Telescope observed a complex spiral patterns in the circumstellar disks.

– The telescope discovered radio noise from the Andromeda GalaxyGreat Nebula in Andromeda—the first definite detection of an extragalactic radio source—and the remains of Tycho’s Supernova in the radio frequency.

– So if we are standing by the light clock that is built next to the big telescope at the North Pole, we will see that light travels one kilometer for each “tick” of the light clock.

– A number of things are named after Guo, including the Asteroid 2012 Guo Shou-Jing and the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope near Beijing.

– The galaxy is relatively nearby, so the Hubble Space Telescope can easily pick out its stars.

- A telescope or strong binoculars will show Neptune as a small blue dot, similar in appearance to Uranus.

- Spitzer said a large telescope in space, above the Earth's atmosphere, would see better.
- The Very Large Telescope and Keck Telescope detected stars orbiting Sgr A* at speeds greater than any other stars in the galaxy.

– Its binary nature was found on 10 August, 2000 by a group of astronomers using adaptive optics at the Keck Telescope on Mauna Kea.

– The next attempt to see further will be the James Webb Space Telescope launched sometime this decade.

– Even more dramatically, Liberté appears to be fading away, being only 30% of its original 1989 brightness in 2003, and hardly visible in Hubble Space Telescope images from June 2005.

– Infrared vision can be used to see heat radiation, so the telescope itself must be kept as cool as possible.

– It is the fourth telescope in the Great Observatories program.

– Binary stars which can be optical resolutionresolved with a telescope or interferometric methods are known as “visual binaries”.

– It has diameter of, and is the third largest steerable radio telescope in the world.

– One of the first discoveries made by NuSTAR, along with another space telescope called XMM-Newton, was to measure the spin rate of a supermassive black hole for the first time.

– Sightings with the Spitzer Space Telescope show that it’s diameter is about 70km, or a 35km radius.

More in-sentence examples of “telescope”:

– The Giant Magellan Telescope will be the world’s largest telescope when it is completed in 2025.

– Hubble Space Telescope measurements of the expansion of NGC 6543: Parallax distance and nebular evolution.

– An infrared telescope is a telescope that detects infrared radiation.

– People who look through a telescope or sniper scope often use milliradians to describe distances as seen through it.

– The Hubble Space Telescope has been repaired and updated by astronauts in space several times.

– The Spitzer Space Telescope is named after the scientist Lyman Spitzer.

– A Dobsonian telescope is an Newtonian telescope design.

– By 1957, the site had the largest steerable radio telescope in the world.

– In August of 2017, the Hubble Space Telescope possibly found traces of possible water in the atmospheres of some of the TRAPPIST-1 planets.

– In astronomy, first light is the first time a telescope is used to look at the Universe.

– The Spitzer Space Telescope is a telescope launched into space by NASA in 2003.

– The radio telescope at the Parkes Observatory, Parkes, New South Wales was used by NASA to receive messages from the Apollo 11 moon landings.

– The Hubble Space Telescope saw Fortuna in 1993.

– Its odd shape was revealed by adaptive optics on the ESO 3.6m telescope at La Silla.

– A Chinese historian of astronomy claims that Chinese astronomer Gan De observed one of Jupiter’s moons in 362 BC, but without a telescope it is difficult to see how this was done.

– In the late 1920s, Harlow Shapley and his colleagues at the Harvard College Observatory started a survey of galaxies in the southern sky, using photographic plates obtained at the 24-inch Bruce telescope at Bloemfontein, South Africa.

– A wheel within a wheel: Hubble Space Telescope Project.

– It is a replacement for the Hubble Space Telescope which was launched in 1990.

– The Great White Spot, also known as Great White Oval, on Saturn Saturn, is a name given to storms that are large enough to be seen by telescope from Earth.

– With the arrival of the Hubble Space Telescope and adaptive optics ground-based telescopes the ring arcs have been re-examined several times, starting in July 1998.

– The use of the telescope by Galileo, Albert EinsteinEinstein’s theory of relativity, lasers, and computing are all scientific discoveries.

– For more than 50 years, the Arecibo Telescope was the world’s largest single-aperture telescope.

– The Arecibo Telescope is now destroyed by a collapse.

– Some Vestian surface features have been resolved using the Hubble Space Telescope and ground based telescopes.

– Each individual telescope can detect objects roughly four billion times fainter than can be seen with the naked eye.

– That is where the James Webb Space Telescope will go when it is launched.

– Ryle developed revolutionary radio telescope systems.

– In 2006, NASA and the ESA released a very detailed image of the Pinwheel Galaxy, which was the largest and most detailed image of a galaxy by the Hubble Space Telescope at the time.

– The telescope is named after Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar.”And the co-winners are…”.

– The 19-year-old telescope then spent six days undergoing an overhaul during 5 days of spacewalks.

– Amalthea was found on September 9, 1892 by Edward Emerson Barnard using the James Lick telescope36 inch telescope at Lick Observatory.

– In July 2016 the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope in China was put into service.

– The radio telescope was a spherical reflector dish built into a natural sinkhole at the Arecibo Observatory which was completed in November 1963.

– The Kepler space telescope has had to give up its planet-hunting mission because its pointing system has problems which the engineers cannot fix.

– The lens of the telescope or binocular passes the light onto a layer of glass coated with a special light-sensitive metal.

– Using a telescope from the South Atlantic island of Saint Helena, English astronomer Edmond Halley rediscovered this object in 1677, listing it as a non-stellar object.

– The movie “The Dish” was based on the job of the telescope during the 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing.

– During his stay in Pola he used a small six-inch refractor telescope to aid in his research.

– James Webb Space Telescope is a telescope that will be put into space.

– Almost all sniper rifles use a Sniper scope, a special telescope that allows them to see targets very far away.

– Using the first telescope he ever built, Christiaan Huygens was able to see Titan.

– The Pistol Star was discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope in the early 1990s.

– Most sniper rifles have a telescope called a sniper scope to help the sniper see the target.

– The telescope will built at the UWA’s Gravity Discovery Centre and Southern Cross Cosmos Centre 70km north of Perth on Wallingup Plain, near the town of Gingin.

– The Spitzer Space Telescope estimated it to have a diameter of 726±123 km, while the Herschel Space Telescope estimated it to be 934±47 km.

– By bouncing radar signals off the asteroid, a team of astronomers at the Arecibo ObservatoryArecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico were able to develop a more detailed computer model of its shape, which confirmed the dog-bone like shape.

– A radio image taken by the Event Horizon Telescope in 2017 was published on 10 April 2019..

– Repairs and servicing missions have been made to the Hubble Space Telescope five times to keep it in orbit and make it even better as technology improved.

- The Giant Magellan Telescope will be the world's largest telescope when it is completed in 2025.

- Hubble Space Telescope measurements of the expansion of NGC 6543: Parallax distance and nebular evolution.

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