Make sentence of “arrangement”

How to use in-sentence of “arrangement”:

+ Together they performed “Air and Simple Gifts” a new arrangement by John Williams based on the Shaker hymn “Simple Gifts”.

+ Full song backing tracks provide a fuller arrangement of a song than song rhythm tracks do but they may be limited in the facilities to re-arrange / re-mix the backing track.

+ A table consists of an orderly arrangement of rows and columns.

+ In nature, the golden ratio is often used for the arrangement of leafleaves or flowers.

+ He earned a lot of money from this, because there was an arrangement with the king that Lully would have complete control of any music that was published in France.

+ He made an arrangement of a concerto by Handel for her to play.

+ A typical sphere packing problem is to find an arrangement in which the spheres fill as large a proportion of the space as possible.

+ Song Rhythm Tracks can be used as the basis for an arrangement generally without requirements of re-arranging the song rhythm tracks.

Make sentence of arrangement
Make sentence of arrangement

Example sentences of “arrangement”:

+ The MTR network is unique in its arrangement of interchange stations.

+ Composers who had written opera’s or ballets with lots of popular dance movements often made an arrangement of these movements for orchestra so that it could be played at concerts.

+ In some countries, such as the United Kingdom, any homeschool arrangement must by law satisfy inspectors that the children’s education is sound.

+ In September 2005, Ferrari signed an extension of their sponsorship arrangement with Marlboro until 2011.

+ A discharge tube, or a gas-filled tube is an arrangement of electrodes in an insulated container, containing a gas.

+ In combinatorial math, a superpermutation is a list of numbers that contains each different arrangement of symbols it is made up of inside of it.

+ Scotland was not part of this arrangement until the parliamentary union of the two kingdoms in 1707.

+ Because of their arrangement in a pattern that repeats, when one arrives at a mathematical expression for the frequency of oscillation, one finds that there are only distinct quantized values allowed.

+ The MTR network is unique in its arrangement of interchange stations.

+ Composers who had written opera's or ballets with lots of popular dance movements often made an arrangement of these movements for orchestra so that it could be played at concerts.
+ In some countries, such as the United Kingdom, any homeschool arrangement must by law satisfy inspectors that the children's education is sound.

+ The arrangement has a saxophone riff done by saxophonist Raphael Ravenscroft.

+ Nurse sharks have the simplest type of tooth arrangement found in sharks.

+ He composed, Arrangement arranged and performed songs for many movies, television shows and television movies between 1972 and 2010.

+ This arrangement has continued to the present day, with several variations in design, in common with most senior clubs as the replica shirt market has expanded.

+ Each refinery has its own unique arrangement and combination of refining processes.

More in-sentence examples of “arrangement”:

+ The auxiliary engines drove the Superchargerpressure-chargers for the main engines and the purpose of this arrangement was to enable the main engines to deliver very high torque at low crankshaft speed.

+ The tried-and-true cross-platform interchange arrangement is repeated here.

+ Since marriage was commonly just a formal arrangement without love, courtly love allowed women to be emotionally intimate with a man.

+ The arrangement of taxa reflects the fundamental evolutionary differences in the genomegenomes.

+ This arrangement was not the best for getting the work done in a timely manner.

+ Anti-doping Norway chief executive Anders Solheim said, “If you sell TV rights for this arrangement for billions of dollars, then we think it’s wrong that we pay for Norwegian doping controllers to help with the controls.

+ There was not sufficient time to conduct a full warding arrangement so a temporary system was used: in some county councils electoral divisions elected multiple councillors.Wood, Bruce.

+ The “Ode to Joy” was adopted as Europe’s “National anthem” in 1972, with an official arrangement for orchestra written by Herbert von Karajan.

+ Rosalind Franklin#cite note-3 She discovered the size, shape, and arrangement of molecules.

+ Electron crystallography is a method to determine the arrangement of atoms in solids using a transmission electron microscope.

+ For Barack Obama’s presidential inauguration on January 20, 2009, John Williams made a special arrangement of the Shaker hymn “Air and Simple Gifts”.

+ In August 1919, the Karabakh national Council entered into a provisional treaty arrangement with the Azerbaijani government in order to avoid military conflict with a superior adversary’.

+ She was a cousin of the ill-fated “Princess of Lamballe” who was instrumental in the arrangement of the marriage.

+ The Whyte notation for classifying steam locomotives by wheel arrangement was devised by Frederick Methvan Whyte, and came into use in the early twentieth century encouraged by an editorial in “American Engineer and Railroad Journal”.

+ This arrangement lasted for only a year before the series was cancelled.

+ He had the main job in the USA Network arrangement The Dead Zone from 2002 to 2007.

+ People at that time only knew this work in an arrangement for the flute.

+ Faust makes an arrangement with the devil: the devil will do everything that Faust wants while he is here on earth, In exchange Faust will serve the devil in hell.

+ A chipset is an arrangement of several integrated circuits which fulfill a given task.

+ He also made an arrangement arrangement of an operatic aria by Mysliveček’s: “Il caro mio bene”.

+ Other differences include its own menu arrangement and custom graphics and icon sets.

+ Phylotaxy or phylotaxis is the mode of arrangement of leaves on the plant stemstem of a plant.

+ This is the common arrangement for invertebrates.

+ Dry “yerba”, on the other hand, allows a cleaner and easier insertion of the “bombilla”, though care must be taken so as not to overly disturb the arrangement of the “yerba”.

+ For example, the tomb said to be that of Philip II of MacedonPhilip II has provided a great frieze representing a royal lion hunt, remarkable by its composition, the arrangement of the figures in space and its realistic representation of nature.

+ The auxiliary engines drove the Superchargerpressure-chargers for the main engines and the purpose of this arrangement was to enable the main engines to deliver very high torque at low crankshaft speed.

+ The tried-and-true cross-platform interchange arrangement is repeated here.

+ This sleeping arrangement is space-efficient and accommodates for smaller housing in a country where living space is severely limited.

+ The rock band Led Zepplin later recorded his arrangement of the song.

+ This type of arrangement in found in a number of invertebrate phyla, and contrasts with the vertebrates, who have their spinal cord above their gut.

+ If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.

+ But the term “full communion” is often used as well in that sense that these Christian Churches are not united, but have only an arrangement where members of each Church have certain rights within the other.

+ As part of the Treaty of Versailles between Austria and France it was intended that Philip would become King of the Southern Netherlands, in a deal that would see French troops occupy key positions in the country – however this arrangement was repudiated by the subsequent Third Treaty of Versailles and Philip continued in Parma.

+ Stravinsky also made an arrangement of three of the dances for piano solo.

+ An arrangement of stones to form the perimeter of a large rectangle.

+ The palaces in this painting were depicted elaborately in details so its value as the reference of Joseon Dynasty’s palace arrangement is great.

+ Germany objected to this arrangement because, with France and Great Britain on the west and Russia on the east, Germany would be surrounded.

+ A string orchestra arrangement of the second movement of that work received its world premiere in a radio broadcast that was conducted by pianist Seymour Lipkin.

+ The mechanical arrangement may be a propeller with nozzle, or a centrifugal pump and nozzle.

+ Keating believed this arrangement would ensure a competitive banking market.

+ The film’s most famous scene is the final song-and-dance number “Get Happy Get Happy” performed by Judy Garland in a tuxedo jacket, black fedora, and black nylons to an arrangement by Skip Martin.

+ Likewise, written texts have nonverbal elements such as handwriting style, spatial arrangement of words, or the use of emoticons, such as :.

+ The slide rule works because it is marked such that the distance from 1 to “x” is proportional to the logarithm of “x”.alt=A slide rule: two rectangles with logarithmically ticked axes, arrangement to add the distance from 1 to 2 to the distance from 1 to 3, indicating the product 6.

+ The purpose of this unusual arrangement was to prevent the service being affected by ice forming on the live rail.

+ The first car known to use such an arrangement was a 1911 front-wheel drive car.

+ This arrangement is seen in other birds, but in owls the vertebral arteries – the vessels that travel through channels in the neck bones – are given extra space.Amos, Jonathan 2013.

+ The Park is proclaimed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and is managed through a joint management arrangement between the Aboriginal traditional owners and the Director of National Parks.

+ A sloped arrangement provides consistent concentration and flavor with each filling of the “mate”.

+ An isomer in chemistry is a chemical compoundchemical compound that has the same molecular formula as another, but it has a different arrangement of atoms in space.

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