“interested” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “interested”:

– Dvořák was interested in the music of black Americans.

– By the 1990s, Bowie had become more interested in soul musicsoul, jazz and hip hop.

– A sportsperson can be a man or a woman who is person trained to compete or interested in a sport involving physical strength, speed or endurance.

– People have been interested in castle for centuries.

– He resigned as the party leader on May 9, 2011 because of his health and because he was not as interested in politics.

– Some who do not believe in an organized religion may still be interested in the “spirits” of Human racehumanity or of nature and live a certain way, or worship ancestors or creation because it gives them a sense of happiness to do so.

– He was interested in growing grapes and retired to his large vineyard at St.Marys.

– The usual rule for musicians is that there must be enough information to show that lots of people are interested in them.

interested in sentences?
interested in sentences?

Example sentences of “interested”:

– Marx was very interested in the experience of the Paris Commune of 1870, when the workers of Paris ran the city following the defeat of the French Army by the Prussian Army.

– If you are interested in translating official election pages into your own language, please see.

– I’d like to invite those interested to have a look at the, so that with time we can agree on modifying the criteria.

– He was very interested in music, especially jazz.

– He became interested with the idea of building a breeder reactor in his home.

– Britten was more interested in music from abroad than in English music.

– In the 1970s, the federal government was interested in using a local area to bury high-level nuclear waste.

– At the same time, he was very interested in magic and Hermetic philosophy.

– He was also interested in music from around the world, and he also used bird song in his music.

– Both parents were interested in culture.

- Marx was very interested in the experience of the Paris Commune of 1870, when the workers of Paris ran the city following the defeat of the French Army by the Prussian Army.

- If you are interested in translating official election pages into your own language, please see.

– His father was a very successful lawyer who was also interested in music.

– They are especially interested in the health of neighbor countries.

– Other people think that he was the most talented person ever to have lived.Vasari, Boltraffio, Castiglione, “Anonimo” Gaddiano, Berensen, Taine, Fuseli, Rio, Bortolon, etc as quoted in della Chiesa, see Bibliography The art historian Helen Gardner said that no-one has ever been quite like him because he was interested in so many things that he seems to have had the mind of a giant, and yet what he was like as a person is still a mystery.

– They then chose points on either side of the range they were interested in and worked out tangents at each.

– A sledge hockey game was held to get people interested the Games.

– He was not interested in business like his father had been.

– He was very interested in contrapuntal music of the Baroque period.

– My new proposal is, if there are enough users who would be interested in a Wikinews in Simple English, could contribute to an “Almanac” namespace on Simple English Wikibooks, dealing with both news from recent events, and modern world history.

More in-sentence examples of “interested”:

- Around this time, Shimazu Nariakira, a historical person in Japan, was interested in English and shipbuilding.

- I would be interested in the community's comments.

– Around this time, Shimazu Nariakira, a historical person in Japan, was interested in English and shipbuilding.

– I would be interested in the community’s comments.

– A lot of people were interested in this.

– What do you make of their edits? It seems to me that Nerio Alejandro is a single-purpose account interested in depositing his Total Drama tables someplace.

– Schweitzer was a famous pipe organorganist and was extremely interested in the music of Johann Sebastian Bach.

– Psychologists have also been interested in studying acculturation but are interested in the effects of acculturation on individuals.

– As a user interested in physics and chemistry I understood the majority these articles fairly easily, even though they deal with complicated subjects.

– Franklin, at the age of 21, established the colonies’ first circulation library for all interested citizens.

– Though Hitler never learned to drive, he was very interested in cars he also created the autobahn, which led to the U.S.

– Quatennens became interested in politics at the age of 15 in 2006, when there were big demonstrations against a new labour law in France.

– At this time more and more people in England were becoming interested in the music of Bach, but the “Mass in B minor” had never been performed in England.

– The case also made many Americans interested in writing living wills and other advance directives.

– Lucasfilm started production on The Phantom Menace after George Lucas got interested in reviving the Star Wars franchise.

– He started to become interested in science, especially in electricity.

– William Hickling Prescott was an American historian who was interested in Spain and the Spanish Empire.

– As a child Bruce McLaren was interested in vehicles.

– The Greens are interested in ecology, so one of their main issues is saving the earth – especially the climate – without using nuclear power.

– So Lully became more interested in composing operas.

– He became assistant at the institute for mineralogy, but was still interested in mathematical physics.

– In the late 18th century, the British East India Company became interested in Sylhet.

– He quickly became interested in the field he called ‘mental evolution’, the borderland between intelligence and instinct.

– Lichtenstein was interested in popular culture, including comic books and advertising.

– Gordon Brown is very interested in the co-operative principles of self-help, and this support allowed the co-operative movement to make representations, and sponsor important bills on updating company law, employee share ownership and micro-generation of energy.

– In the early 1900s, he became interested in Cubism.

– But I became interested in this Wiki two months ago, when I unintentionally clicked an Interwiki link towards here.

– After three years in Copenhagen without someone to support him, Andersen finally found an interested gentleman in Jonas Collin, the director of the Royal Theatre.

– This was the ideal post for him: it gave him the opportunity to range over the whole of the Itajaí system and study anything that interested him.

– The people are keenly interested in trade.

– The series gave promotion to the Monkees’s records, while their music made people interested in watching the show.

– Clients with a disorder may be interested in the probability of developing or transmitting a genetic disorder to their children.

– He starts to be interested in Reggae music very early, and at the age of 15, he composes his first song.

– I don’t think this should be something for me to unilaterally decide, so I’m interested in finding a consensus on the naming conventions.

– He was first exposed to the Nandan art in Peking Opera and became very interested in it.

– The creators made the compiler free of charge to make programmers interested in using the language.

– From early on, she was interested in science.

– One of the benefits of this are; So what do you guys think? If you are interested in helping just say which group you would like to join.

– Walker became interested in the U.S.

– Being a little one, she became interested in journalism.

– As a schoolgirl, she became interested in field hockey.

– He was interested in her voice and recruited her for his band, Nan Quan Mama.

– We would also like to gather a list of wikis that would be interested in being test wikis for this project – these wikis would be the first to receive the updates once we’re ready to start building.

– This made people interested in performing in Czech and so, in 1848, the National Theatre was built.

– He was interested in chemistry at an early age.

– His mother and father were both interested in tennis and his grandfather played at Wimbledon in the 1940s and 1950s50s.

– Jack becomes obsessed with the idea of a kill while Ralph is still more interested in building shelters and escaping the island, something Jack does not seem bothered about anymore.

– As a result he was almost forgotten until the 1960s when John Cage became interested in his music and made it popular again.

– After getting a copy of the album “Licensed to Ill”, from the Beastie Boys group as a teenager, Marshall became interested in hip-hop.

– Stryker is very interested in Wolverine.

– Many people across the world became interested in the protests in Egypt.

– But HP was not interested in his “Apple I” computer invention which left him free to do what he wanted with it.

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