“collective” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “collective”:

– Both as chicks and as adults, geese show collective animal behaviour.

– He grew up in a Kolkhoz collective farm, did well in school, and joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

– In 1983, Hugo along with Ruth, Francisco Palacios and other people created the collective “Luz y Sombra”, with which they premiered works such as “The company forgives a moment of madness” by the Venezuelan playwright Rodolfo Santana and In this writer’s house guayaquileño Jorge Velasco Mackenzie.

– I can see SOFIXIT being thrown around in response, but it is our collective responsibility to look into these issues further.

– The festivity of Saint Blas and Santa Águeda is the expression of the collective effort and the artistic expression of all the population of Mequinenza, as well as a signal of identity and referent in all the Region of the Low/Baix Cinca.

collective use in sentences
collective use in sentences

Example sentences of “collective”:

- A massive worldwide phenomenon now in progress involves millions of individuals, organizations and corporations around the world who are realizing a responsibility and ability to contribute positively to the collective future of humanity and Earth.

- In addition, special collective nouns may be used for particular cases: for example a flock of geese, if not in flight, is sometimes called a gaggle.

– A massive worldwide phenomenon now in progress involves millions of individuals, organizations and corporations around the world who are realizing a responsibility and ability to contribute positively to the collective future of humanity and Earth.

– In addition, special collective nouns may be used for particular cases: for example a flock of geese, if not in flight, is sometimes called a gaggle.

– In 1945, he was among the organizers of the Stichting van de Arbeid, thus helping to lay the foundation of post-war collective bargaining in the Netherlands.

– The collective name for a group of crows is a “flock” or, more poetically, a “murder”.

– These genres are sorted by their collective types of Punk rockpunk, which laid the groundwork for alternative music in the 1970s.di Perna, Alan.

– He was Chairman of the Sovereignty Council of Sudan, the country’s collective transitional head of state.

– Qatar plays an active role in the collective defence efforts of the Gulf Cooperation Council; the other five members are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, the UAE, and Oman.

– The association acts as a method for collective action by the residents.

– The precedent on an issue is the collective body of judicially announced principles that a court should consider when interpreting the law.

– In condensed matter physics, bound Majorana fermions can appear as quasiparticle excitations—the collective movement of several individual particles, not a single one, and they are governed by non-abelian statistics.

– The collective effect over time is great enough to be considered a way of propelling spacecraft.

– He is best known for creating the hip-hop collective Odd Future, in addition to a successful solo career.

– The ECHL and the American Hockey League are the only ice hockey leagues that receive recognition by the collective bargaining agreement between the National Hockey League and the National Hockey League Players’ Association which means that any player that is signed to an entry-level NHL contract and is designated for assignment must report to a club either in the AHL or the ECHL.

– Apart from his solo career, he is also a member of the Chicago collective SaveMoney, and has worked as the lead vocalist for the band The Social Experiment.

– Game theory has also challenged philosophers to think in terms of interactive Epistemology: what it means for a collective to have common beliefs or knowledge, and what are the consequences of this knowledge for the social outcomes resulting from agents’ interactions.

– The State is a member of the UN, the Commonwealth of Independent StatesCIS, Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Eurasian Economic Community, the Union State of Russia and Belarus, as well as a member of other international organizations.

– Historians call this way of governing “the collective suzerainty.” The Principality of Kyiv remained a national center, and the residence of bishops.

More in-sentence examples of “collective”:

– Armenia is a member of the Eurasian Economic Union, the Council of Europe and the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

– The faint dividing lines between collective and state farms were obliterated almost totally in the late 1960s, when Khrushchev’s administration authorized a guaranteed wage to kolkhoz members, similarly to sovkhoz employees.

– In particular, the concept of privately owned dwellings is claimed to be incompatible with Christiania’s collective ownership.

– Herding is a good example of collective animal behavior.

– This recreational use of Can-D allows colonists to experience a few minutes of an idealized life on Earth by participating in a collective hallucination.

– A barn raising, also historically called a raising bee or rearing in the U.K., is a collective action of a community, in which a barn for one of the members is built or rebuilt by members of the community.

– He was the leader of the LPF, a right-wing political party.Margry, Peter Jan: “The Murder of Pim Fortuyn and Collective Emotions.

– Interaction ruling animal collective behavior depends on topological rather than metric distance: evidence from a field study.

– Two girls from the Russian punk rock collective Pussy Riot made it in 2014.

– If collective bargaining does not work, unions often use strikes to get their demands.

– Concerning the two recent blockings of my bot it’s not really a personal error, but linked to these collective decisions: straw poll on all the fr.wikt bots and on the fr.w evaluations system.

– With the collective teamwork of the historians and the archeologists, the site is opined to be the place of dominion of the Chenglei dynasty.

– Many scientific articles distinguish “microbiome” and “microbiota” to describe either the collective genomes of the microorganisms that live in an environmental niche or the microorganisms themselves, respectively.

– In addition, collective authorship was experimented with in Arkzin: numerous texts, especially programmatic ones, were co-written by two or three authors.

– I think it will make things easier to maintain, because we won’t have to remember which places use which term for the collective category.

– Caledonian Sleeper is the collective name for overnight Sleeping carsleeper train services between London and Scotland, in Great Britain.

– Quail is a collective name for several genera of mid-sized birds in the order Galliformes.

– However, Kristeva believes that it is harmful to think of collective identity as more important than individual identity.

– The Citation template is a versatile template for citing books, periodicals, contributions in collective works, patents, and web-sites.

– The dispute was over the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the league and its players.

– The creators, Sloan and Pelling, met at a university where they started a collective known as “THIS IS IT”.

– The fans’ collective name for itself is “La 22”, after 22nd street in La Plata where many famous fans lived, notably Marcelo Amuchástegui.

– Many countries have a form of cabinet government with collective responsibility.

– The collective noun for a group of quail is a flock, covey or bevy.

– They also participated in other activities as Leonese Language Day, Mother Language Day, and collaborated in publcations like “Cuentos del Sil”, where writers from the shire wrote a collective book with simple stories in Leonese language.

- Armenia is a member of the Eurasian Economic Union, the Council of Europe and the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

- The faint dividing lines between collective and state farms were obliterated almost totally in the late 1960s, when Khrushchev's administration authorized a guaranteed wage to kolkhoz members, similarly to sovkhoz employees.

– This includes a combination of free market capitalism with a comprehensive welfare state and collective bargaining at the national level.

– For the description of the provincial setting and the city’s collective life, Clarín used styles such as the internal monologue or the free indirect style, which makes the story be told by the characters, not the narrator.

– As a collective farm, a “kolkhoz” was legally organized as a production cooperative.

– Respect for the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

– The collective name for cardinals is college of cardinals.

– He made more than 40 personal and 500 collective exhibitions all over the world.

– He joined the Cash Money Records collective as a teenager.

– The Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands is the collective name for two groups of small low-lying uninhabited tropical islands.The islands are in the Indian Ocean north-west of Australia and south of the Indonesian island of Roti.

– Ethology investigates collective animal behaviour, such as mating patterns, territorial fights, pack hunting, and the hive society of social insects.

– He introduced measures to combat ‘terror’, and when a widespread strike took place in Amsterdam, Arnhem and Hilversum in May 1943 special summary court-martials were held and a collective fine of 18 million guilders was imposed.

– Some people say that Command economyplanned economies, especially those based on Soviet-style Communist economics, such as the Soviet collective farm system, are government-owned serfdom.

– According to Freud, religion originated in pre-historic collective experiences that became repressed and ritualized as totems and taboos.

– P-Orridge was known as the founder of the COUM Transmissions artistic collective and frontman of seminal industrial musicindustrial band, Throbbing Gristle.

– Kgositsile was originally known by the moniker Sly Tendencies when he started rapping, but soon changed his name when Tyler, the Creator invited him to join his music collectivehip hop collective Odd Future in late 2009.

– It has been numerous separate and collective exhibitions throughout much of the world.

– By contrast, Overseas France is the collective name for all of the French Overseas departments of Franceoverseas departments, territories and collectivities and New Caledonia.

– They were either members of collective presidencies, interim leaders, de facto leaders or widely recognised leaders whose true power was limited.

– The Russian Organization for Intellectual Property VOIS is collective management society for neighboring rights established by Russian performers and record labels in 2008.

– Although being British is a collective identity, the countries of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales have separate identities and flags which make them unique.

– In the game, players will explore progressive individual and collective training events within the game.

– He is a director of The Web Science Research Initiative, and a member of the advisory board of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence.

– In September 1979, Springsteen and the E Street Band joined the Musicians United for Safe Energy anti-nuclear power collective at Madison Square Garden for two nights, playing an short set and two songs from his next album.

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