Some example sentences of “intensive”

How to use in-sentence of “intensive”:

+ Grigby’s staff announced on December 22, 2011 that she was hospitalized in intensive care, battling cancer.

+ Owing to intensive use of surface water upstream for agriculture, indiscriminate pumping of groundwater leading to reduced base flow in the river, formation of sand bar at the mouth of the river, discharge of untreated sewage and industrial effluents and encroachment along the banks, the river, especially the downstream, has been highly polluted.

+ Evers had esophageal cancer before undergoing intensive surgery in 2008.

+ Vaseegaran who is specialised in robotics, created Chitti after a decade of intensive research.

+ In 2003, Maher graduated from the Arabic Language Institute’s Arabic Language Intensive Program of The American University in Cairo.

Some example sentences of intensive
Some example sentences of intensive

Example sentences of “intensive”:

+ In January 2021, Cotterill was in intensive care with COVID-19.

+ He was in coma and admitted to the intensive care unit.

+ This kind of intensive agriculture comes with its own set of problems.

+ Italian-Slovene relations in the relevant period have been under intensive study by historians since 1990.

+ On 7 April 2021, Guzun tested positive for COVID-19 and was hospitalised in intensive care.

+ However, the island has not had the same level of intensive development as other parts of the Mediterranean.

+ On 5 February 2015, Lee was hospitalised with “severe pneumonia” and was put on a ventilator at the intensive care unit of Singapore General Hospital, although his condition was reported as “stable”.

+ He was kept in intensive care unit.

+ In November 2018, Duggan was hospitalized in the intensive care unit for an unknown reason.

+ In January 2021, Cotterill was in intensive care with COVID-19.

+ He was in coma and admitted to the intensive care unit.
+ This kind of intensive agriculture comes with its own set of problems.

+ On April 22, 2018, after the burial of Bush’s wife Barbara BushBarbara, he was hospitalized for sepsis and was placed under intensive care.

+ On April 30, 2019, Garcia, who has depression, was hospitalized in intensive care unit at a Portland, Oregon hospital under critical condition after trying to kill himself.

+ It occurs in 1%-2% of all hospitalizations and accounts for as much as 25% of intensive care unit bed utilization.

+ He was awarded the 1989 Nobel Prize in Literature “for a rich and intensive prose, which with restrained compassion forms a challenging vision of man’s vulnerability”.

+ Despite an intensive search we cannot find them reproduced in the mainstream scientific literature.

+ Unlike extensive growth, intensive growth is mainly driven by productivity growth and technological progress.

More in-sentence examples of “intensive”:

+ On 29 August 2016 he was reported to be in intensive care unitintensive care, after suffering a stroke.

+ If these medicines do not help, the patient must be treated in the intensive care unit at a hospital.

+ On 29 August 2016 he was reported to be in intensive care unitintensive care, after suffering a stroke.

+ If these medicines do not help, the patient must be treated in the intensive care unit at a hospital.

+ Methods for keeping poultry range from free-range systems, where the birds can roam as they will but at night they are kept in barns for their own protection, through semi-intensive systems where they are kept in barns and have perches, litter and some freedom of movement, to intensive systems where they are kept in cages.

+ Five workers required hospitalization, one of whom remained in an intensive care unit for two weeks.

+ Due to a long history of intensive farming and recent intensive forestry practices, only small pockets of native woodland remain.

+ The pilot’s primary objective is to encourage students to become new, active editors and to be successful beyond their class assignments – through effective training, intensive hand-holding and strong supervision during their class assignments, and actively encouraging them to remain active beyond their assignments.

+ From 1927 to 1929, the OGPU engaged in intensive investigations of an opposition coup.

+ On 30 May 2012, several babies across Belize due to an Outbreak of Inter Bacteria in the Intensive care unit at the Cage image.

+ While economies in the pre-industrialization period grew extensively, intensive growth is a relatively recent phenomenon that came with modern economic growth.

+ It is a major cause of death in intensive care units worldwide, with mortality rates that range from 20% for sepsis to 40% for “severe sepsis” to over 60% for “septic shock”.

+ Among other features, it includes a state-of-the-art intensive care unit, an on-site commissary, a surgical suite with observation area, and research facilities.

+ On 18 December 2012 Talabani suffered a stroke and was in intensive care in Baghdad where his condition eventually stabilized after reports that he was in a coma.

+ Currently, 1,966 people in Belgian hospitals are suffering from COVID-19, including 407 in intensive care.

+ On 25 September 2020, Ryan was hospitalized in intensive care at a hospital near Sydney after swimming.

+ There are small, intensive sugar cane, banana and mango farms in this region.

+ Following a period of increase in hospitalizations, the number of people in hospital with COVID-19 has been falling since late March, with the number of cases in need of intensive care and ventilator being well below available resources.

+ I’d like to propose that DYK is revived, but in a different form that is not user intensive and once set up can simply be “run”.

+ This outraged many artists as Dadaism deemed their labour intensive artworks meaningless.

+ It is a form of human body modification which uses intensive muscle hypertrophy.

+ During the main years of the gold rush it underwent intensive digging and clearing in the goldfields.

+ After being rushed to The Alfred Hospital, he was placed under intensive care in a sedated state and had surgery for his head injuries.

+ This set off an intensive study of the molecular biology of aging.

+ Certain opioids are used as anesthetics, as well as in emergency medicine and intensive care.

+ She regained consciousness in an ambulance on her way to hospital, but was taken to intensive care for tests.She had a brain aneurysm.

+ Nathan suffered a stroke on the morning of July 31, 2016 and was taken to Singapore General Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit..

+ In 2017, Dlamini was admitted to an Intensive care unitICU in April 2018 in Mbabane.

+ TMZ reported that Wayne is breathing through tubes and is moved to an Intensive Care Unite.

+ Nightingale reduced death rates from 40% to 2% by creating the concept of intensive care.

+ Clarke died from Leukemialeukaemia on 2 February 2014 at an intensive care facility in Orlando, Florida in the United States.

+ Vearncombe died from his injuries at the intensive care unit of Cork University Hospital in Cork on 26 January 2016 at the age of 53.

+ Gamma-ray bursts, novae and supernovae are examples of systems exceeding their Eddington luminosity by a large factor for very short times, resulting in short and highly intensive mass loss rates.

+ On 16 March 2020, Pavone died in the intensive care unit of Mestre Angelo’s hospital at age 75, following a positive COVID-19 test, leading to serious lung problems.

+ TopographyTopographically, this is the only hill intensive area of the People’s Republic.

+ Migliorisi was hospitalized in May 2019 under intensive therapy.

+ Because of a polio epidemic, Bjørn Ibsen established the first intensive care unit in Copenhagen in 1953.

+ Other people say intensive agriculture is damaging the environment.

+ With wartime contracts, the company immediately went into intensive production.

+ This type of hospital unit is usually called a “neonatal intensive care unit”.

+ Things like temperature, pressure, and density are intensive because two of the same brick still has the same temperature as one brick alone.

+ A closely related idea is the difference between extensive and intensive economic growth.

+ These are now mostly limited to mountainous areas, as the densely populated lowlands and river basins have been converted to intensive agricultural and urban use.

+ In June 2020, Trump spent a week in intensive care at Mount Sinai Hospital Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan.

+ He used to criticize fast food, TV dinners, subsidized agriculture and Intensive animal farming.

+ Modern day forms of intensive crop based agriculture involve the use of mechanical ploughing, chemical fertilizers, plant growth regulators or pesticides.

+ On 10 December 2015, Chirac was hospitalized in Paris for undisclosed reasons, and although his state of health did not “give any cause for concern”, he would remain under the intensive care unit.

+ On 12 April 2018, it was reported that Haftar is in a coma after suffering a stroke and was hospitalized under intensive care in Paris.

+ If it is very bad, they might have to go to the intensive care unit so that doctors can make sure that they are getting good care.

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