“tribal” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “tribal”:

+ Some of the tribal chiefs did not want Carter there, and told him not to interfere with the slavery trade.

+ Until 2018, it was an agency of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, then during restructuring that merged FATA with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, it became a district.

+ A Tribal Council is then held to vote off one player.

+ Many tribal peoples, like some of the Khoisan people of southern Africa, wore thongs for many centuries.

+ The district is designated as an Integrated Tribal District, and is home to significant numbers of indigenous peoples, who form the majority of the district’s population.

+ In Haripur and Abbottabad, they are known as Sultan Chief Sardars, a name they acquired during the time of the Delhi Sultanate, when the tribal members were made rulers of the galliyat region of Hazara.

tribal some ways to use
tribal some ways to use

Example sentences of “tribal”:

+ The Tochi river, is in North Waziristan, Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Pakistan.

+ His family came from a small tribal group called Qadhadhfa.

+ Koror only had to go to tribal council and vote for one of their own once during the first 21 days as part of a double-elimination challenge.

+ In 1991, she was elected to the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Council.

+ Among the tribal nations first political and civil, later armed resistance was organised, especially by the Shanti Bahini guerrilla movement.

+ The Zhob district is a Provincially Administered Tribal Area.

+ Additionally, traditional tribal law and custom remain significant.

+ The Edomite people were a Semitic-speaking tribal people.

+ With Bruce left over because of the odd number of players, he was given immunity and was sent to Exile Island for three days until tribal council and would join the tribe that lost the next Immunity Challenge.

+ The tribal elders said the dream meant that the whites would become dominant over the entire country, and that the Crows would need to remain friendly with the whites.

+ Observing Islamic religious values, upholding tribal traditions and customs is their trait of life but they are equally mild-natured, enterprising, open-minded, outward looking, accommodative and peace-loving.

+ Because the losing tribe would be going to Tribal Council, Sally, the only woman left in La Mina was sent to Exile Island and was given Immunity.

+ They also enjoy tribal ceremonies, martial arts, and sports such as soccer, cricket, and badminton.

+ Besides, it included some monarchical and tribal tributary states.

+ In very rare cases when players have to leave the game due to injury, or completely leave the game on their own terms outside of Tribal Council, Tribal Council is usually not held, with the other tribe being informed of the player leaving if still before the merge.

+ It was formed in 1972 to preserve the rights of the tribal people in south-eastern Bangladesh, and fought for many years against the central government.

+ It is a conflict along ethnic and tribal lines that began in 2003.

+ Zou tribal population in the country is estimated to be nearly 20,000 to 25,000, although there are no official records.

+ There is a saying among the tribal community that mankind is born from trees, leaves and soil.

+ Paintings of the people, spirits, and animals of Dreamtime cover sacred cliffs and rocks in tribal territories.

+ The Tochi river, is in North Waziristan, Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Pakistan.

+ His family came from a small tribal group called Qadhadhfa.

More in-sentence examples of “tribal”:

+ At the end of the season a twist called "America's Tribal Council" was shown live on May 13, 2004.

+ There is a large tribal population in Odisha, referred to as the "adivasi" people, they are the indigenous people and speak various tribal languages and follow traditional religions, although many have converted to Christianity.
+ It was not until 1975 that the Supreme Court ruled that tribes are sovereign over tribal lands and members of the tribe.

+ At the end of the season a twist called “America’s Tribal Council” was shown live on May 13, 2004.

+ There is a large tribal population in Odisha, referred to as the “adivasi” people, they are the indigenous people and speak various tribal languages and follow traditional religions, although many have converted to Christianity.

+ It was not until 1975 that the Supreme Court ruled that tribes are sovereign over tribal lands and members of the tribe.

+ Several tribal religions still exist, though their practices may not resemble those of prehistoric religions.

+ It comprises the area west and southwest of Peshawar between the Tochi River to the north and the Gomal river to the south, forming part of Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

+ He made peace deals with the Gaulic tribal leaders and reached the Rhône River.

+ Saddam’s daughter Hala is married to Jamal Mustafa, the deputy head of Iraq’s Tribal Affairs Office.

+ Before Tribal Council, Shane wanted to quit because of nicotine withdrawal but his new alliance of Aras, Courtney, and Danielle told him to get over it.

+ There were many tribal wars on the island.

+ Zou tribal community is mostly concentrated in and around Churachandpur district and Chandel district of this state of North-East India.

+ As a result, Burton was voted out at Drake’s first tribal council.

+ Sudan at the time had no real central authority and used primitive weaponry in its tribal infighting.

+ At Tribal Council, Brianna of Yaxhá was voted out because her tribe thought she was weak.

+ Lindsey appears in the 7th century list called the Tribal Hidage, where it is shown to be the same size as Essex and Sussex, all of which were set at 7,000 hides.

+ However, there have been occasions where, after a player is removed, an immunity challenge and a Tribal Council are still held.

+ However, once they were all at the beach, they got no other instructions, and tribal divisions.

+ Wends, Goths, Huns, Sclaveni, Avars and other tribes and tribal groups fought among themselves, joined unions, terminated and assimilated each other.

+ In this case, the player will return and join the tribe which loses a member at the next Tribal Council.

+ Once found, the player with an idol may keep it or give it to another player before the start of Tribal Council, and it may not be stolen from that player.

+ The Koya word is of English origin, and historically refers to Portuguese kingship, in the pre-Christian period a type of African American tribal kingship with Gola people.

+ Later that day, with the Reward winners came back, Jeff Probst brought Terry back to the camp from Exile Island and said that because Bruce was removed, there was no Immunity Challenge or Tribal Council, and Bruce would become a member of the Jury if he was in good enough shape.

+ Other cultures have rites of passage into manhood that culminate in the first ejaculation of a male, usually by the hands of a tribal elder.

+ Chris was successful at this, and Leann was voted out at the next tribal council.

+ Among the tribal populace, deeply-roasted roe in open fire is a delicacy.

+ Kurram or Karam tribal agency is in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas area of Pakistan.

+ They were divided into two tribal groups; the northern Gyrwas and the southern Gyrwas.

+ Ancient Tamil Nadu contained three monarchical states, headed by kings called “Ventar” and several tribal chieftaincies, headed by the chiefs called by the general denomination “Vel” or “Velir”.

+ In the Episode Thirteen Tribal Council, Neleh and Kathy each got two votes while Vecepia had immunity.

+ He has campaigned for the rights of indigenous tribal people, and is a member of Survival International.

+ Rafe won Immunity again, and at Tribal Council, the old Nakúm tribe finally got to vote off Gary.

+ Members live both on the nations tribal land in Oklahoma and in other states around the country such as Kansas.

+ Since the late 20th century, the two tribal councils have built gambling casinos on their lands.

+ Episode 6: Nakúm won their second challenge in a row, and both tribes would be going Tribal Council.

+ The Navajo Tribal Council began it.

+ He joined the Zulu tribal groups together into the beginnings of a nation.

+ Gary, whom Nakúm wanted gone, surprised the tribe with the Hidden Immunity Idol at Tribal Council.

+ Mangosuthu Buthelezi is a South African politician and Zulu tribal leader.

+ The central group consists of ten languages, out of which only Telugu became a civilized language and the rest of the nine languages remained tribal languages.

+ American Indians who were diverse peoples with their own distinct tribal histories, were no more a single people than the Europeans.

+ Lubanki, also known as Labanki, is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by the Lubanas tribal grouping in the Republic of India and Pakistan.

+ This is possible by re-creating on a studio the Tribal Council set from the location of filming.

+ Their music mixes rock and metal with tribal music.

+ At Tribal Council, the five new Casaya members wanted vote out the older women, Cirie and Melinda, with Melinda voted out in a 5-2 vote.

+ The Zou tribal community has a script of its own, which is known as “Zolai”.

+ The province of West Pakistan was created on 14 October 1955 by the merger of the provinces, states and Tribal Areas of the western wing.

+ These religions are started when tribal societies come into contact with Western civilisation.

+ Both of Annan’s grandfathers and his uncle were tribal chiefs.

+ There are many different tribal and ethnic groups, though the country is mainly divided between the north, which has more Arabic people, and the south, which has more people of African descent.

+ Those who support that the region is a state point to the facts that the federal government has little to no power in the region and that the area is ruled mostly by tribal elders.

+ This territory has been under Pakistan’s unlawful control ever since the Pakistan Army orchestrated the tribal invasion of the territory in October 1947.

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