In sentence use of “cooked”

How to use in-sentence of “cooked”:

+ They were worried that the emperor would do bad things to them if they did not give him a feast, so they quickly put the food they had not yet eaten back into the pot, cooked it again and served the food to the emperor.

+ This smaller piece of dough can be cooked or re-added to the batch to make more doughnuts.

+ They are also frequently used both chopped and raw in salads, or cooked in stir-fries or other mixed dishes.

+ It is then cooked in special ovens at 90°C.

+ Mugitoro is a wheat dish made by pouring cold tororo on top of cooked wheat.

+ Foods are usually either slowly cooked or stewed.

+ A waffle is a cooked food made from a batter batter that consists of eggs.

+ It is cooked on a vertical rotisserie then thinly sliced.

In sentence use of cooked
In sentence use of cooked

Example sentences of “cooked”:

+ The sauce is used to make many dishes, both cooked and uncooked, and often with beef; drinks such as the Bloody Mary also use it.

+ It is traditionally cooked and eaten in various forms.

+ James Sligo Jameson, heir to Jameson whiskeyJameson’s, an Irish whiskey manufacturer, bought an 11-year-old girl and offered her to cannibals to document and sketch how she was cooked and eaten.

+ They had barley cooked in many ways and ate lots of cheese, nuts, and honey.

+ They heated the rocks in the imu and the pig cooked with steam.

+ To make pudding, they are cooked on the stove with milk, then eaten.

+ The sauce is used to make many dishes, both cooked and uncooked, and often with beef; drinks such as the Bloody Mary also use it.

+ It is traditionally cooked and eaten in various forms.

+ A well-known side dish to steak is prawns or a cooked lobster tail.

+ Sikhye is made by malt water and cooked rice, etc.

+ The laxoox is traditionally cooked in a circular metal plate called Daawa.

+ Instead, it is served with meat sauce, vegetables, and cooked eggs.

More in-sentence examples of “cooked”:

+ There are also uncooked meringues, and other types of meringues cooked in different ways.

+ Traditionally, it was cooked in large metal kettles over hot coals.

+ There are also uncooked meringues, and other types of meringues cooked in different ways.

+ Traditionally, it was cooked in large metal kettles over hot coals.

+ Pizza is cooked in a oven.

+ It is usually cooked in hot water before being eaten.

+ Papayas that are not completely ripe can be cut in pieces and cooked with sugar and eaten as dessert.

+ Channel Five’s “Gadget Show” cooked a flash drive with propane; froze it with dry ice; submerged it in various acidic liquids; ran over it with a jeep and fired it against a wall with a mortar.

+ The northern provinces use beef and pork meat which is fried in palm or peanut oil or cooked in sauces.

+ Breakfast sausages are not cured or smoked like other types of sausages, which means that they have to be cooked soon after they are purchased.

+ In some Middle Eastern countries, coffee and cardamom are often ground in a wooden mortar and cooked together in a mihbaz, an oven using wood or gas, to produce mixtures that are as much as forty percent cardamom.

+ However, in other traditions, omelettes is baked to cook it evenly or the top is cooked under a broiler.

+ Generally gungjung tteokbokki uses beef and vegetable because it was cooked at court but general tteokbokki uses fish cake, green onions and boiled egg.

+ An omelette is prepared from beaten eggs cooked with butter or oil in a frying pan.

+ It is also a way to prepare meat which is then cooked with a barbecue.

+ The amount of energy needed to digest cooked meat is less than that needed for raw meat, and cooking gelatinizes collagen and other connective tissues as well, it “opens up tightly woven carbohydrate molecules for easier absorption.” Cooking also kills parasites and food poisoning bacteria.

+ Fish cooked like that do not have batter.

+ A typically Corsican dish is the pig that is cooked in a lot of version, and that has famous part really good, like: “coppa”, “lonzu” or “prizuttu”, which one is similar to a parma ham but the most famous is “figatelli”, which is smoked.

+ For example, he thought people were trying to poison him, so he only ate food cooked by his mother or sister.

+ These noodles are cooked at the factory and packaged as dried noodles, often with a special powder that adds flavor to the noodles.

+ Bamboo shoots are usually cooked before being eaten.

+ Kokoreç can be cooked in many ways.

+ The muffin is topped with cooked bacon or Canadian bacon, and poached eggs.

+ Babies do not have toothteeth and cannot chew their food, so they are usually fed soft, runny food such as cooked mashed fruit or vegetables.

+ In some areas, such as Spain, rice is first fried in olive oil or butter, then cooked with water or soup.

+ Some fruitarians feel that humans shouldn’t to eat seeds as they contain future plants,or nuts and seeds, or any foods besides juicy fruits. Others believe they should eat only plants that spread seeds when the plant is eaten. Others eat seeds and some cooked foods. Some fruitarians use beans, peas, or other legumes.

+ Clams are often got by digging and cooked and served as clam chowder.

+ Eggs can be used and cooked in many different ways.

+ It is a huge steak of Chianina beef that is cooked over hot charcoal.

+ The mixture is then dried until the alcohol is gone, leaving the active terpenoid and terpene compounds which can be used immediately or cooked into bricks.

+ It is not good to eat cooked liver too often.

+ When cooked a little créme frâiche is added.

+ That makes them harmful if a person eats too many raw or improperly cooked ones.

+ Some people also add other foods to the salad, such as croutons, bacon, chicken, grated cheese, tuna, pasta, Olive olives, cooked potatoes, rice, or beans.

+ In Serbia “ren” is an essential condiment with cooked meat and freshly roasted suckling pig.

+ Hot wings are pieces of chicken that are fried and cooked in sauce.

+ Yam is a vegetable that can be cooked in many ways.

+ Soft-boiled eggs have firmly cooked eggwhites, while at the same time, the yolks are liquid.

+ The two parts are then cooked together to form a gel.

+ Lentil soup is mentioned in the Bible: In Genesis 25:34, Esau is prepared to give up his birthright for a pot of fragrant red lentil soup being cooked by his brother, Jacob.

+ Some think that scone comes from the Gaelic “sgonn”, which meant a piece of dough that has been cooked for a couple of minutes, shapeless mass or large mouthful; and the Dutch “schoonbrot”, which meant “fine white bread”; or, for last, the German “sconbrot”, which meant “fine or beautiful bread”.

+ Good smelling market and roadside snacks cooked on barbecues or fried in oil are plentiful and varied.

+ The crust similar to that of an English muffin and mostly cooked in an electric oven.

+ They may be cooked on the stovetop, or in a slow cooker.

+ When microwave ovens became common, frozen dinners could not be cooked in them because the metal tray would damage the oven.

+ Digestibility of cooked and raw egg protein in humans as assessed by stable isotope techniques.

+ She worked as a cook for several families in New York City at the beginning of the twentieth century and she also cooked for the soldiers.

+ Most meat being roasted has to cook for a relatively long time, to ensure that it is cooked through.

+ Charcuterie is a French word that means cold cooked meats and the process of making them.

+ Young leaves and stems are also cooked as a vegetable.

+ It does not have cooked vegetables which are often served in variations of salade niçoise around the world.” la salade Niçoise ne contient pas de légumes cuits.

+ There’s currently no solid evidence to suggest that raw food is more healthy than cooked food.

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