How to use in sentence of “emotionally”

How to use in-sentence of “emotionally”:

+ The movie is about a self-aware phone that becomes emotionally attached to its socially awkward owner in San Francisco.

+ It describes the cycle of human evolution beginning in water as Matsya the fish, on to the amphibious phase as Koorma, the tortoise, on to begin firmly established on land as the wild boar Varaha, then Narsimha- half man- half animal, followed by Vamana, the Dwarf man, on to Parashurama, the emotionally volatile man, on to Rama, the peaceful man, then Krishna, a loving man followed by Buddha, the meditative man, who is said to be succeeded by the final incarnation of Vishnu, or the last stage of evolution as Kalki, the mystical man.

+ Carrie was emotionally and verbally abused by some girls who are her classmates.

+ Also, death of loved ones comes with old age, this doesn’t only make their social circle smaller, but also makes it more difficult for them to socialise again, as it can be emotionally painful.

+ What it feels like emotionally to know your hated and/or not wanted.

How to use in sentence of emotionally
How to use in sentence of emotionally

Example sentences of “emotionally”:

+ However, she says that "I hate him for his virtues!" She is emotionally honest and really does not like to pretend.

+ Either way, grade retention can be emotionally damaging on a student's self-esteem.
+ During the 1970s she was concerned with the problems of emotionally deprived and socially disadvantaged children.

+ However, she says that “I hate him for his virtues!” She is emotionally honest and really does not like to pretend.

+ Either way, grade retention can be emotionally damaging on a student’s self-esteem.

+ During the 1970s she was concerned with the problems of emotionally deprived and socially disadvantaged children.

+ Allmusic described “Lungs” as “one of the most musically mature and emotionally mesmerizing albums of 2009″.

+ Spurgeon was hurt emotionally by the actions of these men, and it had a large influence on his life.

+ He was never really involved emotionally with a woman.

+ Gia has an emotionally revelatory moment with Laura.

+ It can be very difficult for people to understand them, because they can have “a number of endearing qualities” such as appearing naturally charming, plausible, likable or emotionally warm, but they are actually using those as tools to “conquer” the people watching them.

+ People also said that Bono was a “charismatic and passionate” singer, meaning that he sang very emotionally and that people could connect to him.

+ When people create images of Muhammad, some Muslims may view this as disrespectful, offensive and emotionally injurious.

+ Postmedia network newspaper quoted her stating that she was “not prepared either emotionally or physically” to compete in the World Championships.

+ Max is wounded in Vietnam and is emotionally and mentally troubled by his war experience, while Lucy remains involved in her anti-war group that is becoming more and more violent.

+ She prepare an evening meal of egg and chips for her emotionally distant husband.

+ They described the prose as “choppy and attitude-filled” and complained that “he characters aren’t emotionally involving”.

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