“variation” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “variation”:

– This one was a variation of long samurai sword.

– Because of the work of Gregor Mendel, we know that much variation is inherited.

– He also proved that larger populations carry more variation and have a larger chance of survival.

– Austrian German, is the variation of Standard German.

– We can use the genetic variation between populations of different geographical locations, known as ancestry, to determine possible race.

variation example in sentences
variation example in sentences

Example sentences of “variation”:

- Okay, in light of many problems here, I have decided to publish my thoughts on a variation on en.wikis ArbCom which I had been working on for a while.

- There was some size variation between the different species of "Paranthropus", but most stood roughly 1.3-1.4 m tall and were quite well muscled.
- High levels of variation despite genetic fragmentation in populations of the endangered mountain pygmy-possum, "Burramys parvus", in alpine Australia.

– Okay, in light of many problems here, I have decided to publish my thoughts on a variation on en.wikis ArbCom which I had been working on for a while.

– There was some size variation between the different species of “Paranthropus”, but most stood roughly 1.3-1.4 m tall and were quite well muscled.

– High levels of variation despite genetic fragmentation in populations of the endangered mountain pygmy-possum, “Burramys parvus”, in alpine Australia.

– Quetta is also spelled Kuwatah which is a variation of Kot, a Pashto languagePashto word meaning “fortress”.

– This is the most popular “pick up game” variation of basketball.

– Each variation describes one of his friends, but he did not say which friends they were: he only put their initials or nickname at the top of each variation.

– One type of English variation used is rhyming slang.

– The reaction from movie reviewers was mixed to negative with many panning the movie as coping older Disney movies like “The Lion King” and the 20th Century Fox movie “Ice Age while others defended the movie as a different and resonable variation of the theme.

– Natural populations of bacteria contain, among their vast numbers of individual members, considerable variation in their genetic material, as the result of mutations.

– The most important were the Chigorin Variation of the Ruy Lopez.

– Charles Darwin explained that this followed naturally if “we admit the common parentage of allied forms, together with their modification through variation and natural selection”.Darwin, Charles 1884.

– An early design of the coat of arms used between 1948 and 1963 used a variation of the motto, “Unity is Strength”.

– The first is that a group with little genetic variation is vulnerable to environmental challenges: infections, sudden climate events, predators.

– A variation may play the tune much faster or much slower, it may change the tune by adding extra sharps and flats or other ornamental notes, or by playing the tune in octaves.

– The basic harmonies and structure of the aria remain consistent from variation to variation.

More in-sentence examples of “variation”:

- However, there is still some variation in the size estimates as other estimates of the radius make it larger than the orbit of Saturn.

- When excessive variation is identified by the control-chart detection rules, or the process capability is found lacking, additional effort is exerted to determine causes of that variance.

– However, there is still some variation in the size estimates as other estimates of the radius make it larger than the orbit of Saturn.

– When excessive variation is identified by the control-chart detection rules, or the process capability is found lacking, additional effort is exerted to determine causes of that variance.

– Seismic data and temperature variation with depth measured in 241 inactive oil wells helped find the aquifer.

– A small population which carries less variation is always vulnerable to extinction, because none of the animals may be resistant to the infection.

– He originated the Rubinstein System against the Tarrasch variation of the Queen’s Gambit declined: 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 c5 3.c4 e6 4.cxd5 exd5 5.Nc3 Nc6 6.g3 Nf6 7.Bg2 cxd4 8.Nxd4 Qb6.

– The disease killed around a third of Europe’s population, with variation between areas.

– Genetic drift is the name given to random changes which remove variation from a population.

– Although this arrangement is typical, plant species show a wide variation in floral structure.

– The Tarrasch variation of the French defence gives us: 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 c5 4.exd5 exd5 5.Nf3 Nc6 6.Bb5 Bd6 7.dxc5 Bxc5 8.0-0 Ne7 9.Nb3 Bd6 10.Re1 0-0 11.Bg5 Bg4 and so on.

– A single nucleotide polymorphism is a DNA sequence variation in a population.

– The first is known as natural or common cause variation and consists of the variation inherent in the process as it is designed.

– There is a variation invented in 2005, called “mini-Jordache”, where the winner is the first to 25.

– The variation involved a number of middlegame themes: rapid development, material sacrifice, exploiting weak squares.

– Often the presence, absence or variation of minute quantities of secondary elements and compounds in a bulk material will have a great impact on the final properties of the materials produced, for instance, steels are classified based on 1/10 and 1/100 weight percentages of the carbon and other alloying elements they contain.

– Sadomasochism may be seen as a variation of domination and submission.

– Linguistics, in its broader context, includes evolutionary linguistics, which considers the origins of language; historical linguistics, which explores language change; sociolinguistics, which looks at the relation between linguistic variation and social structures; psycholinguistics, which explores the representation and function of language in the mind; neurolinguistics, which looks at language processing in the brain; language acquisition, how children or adults acquire language; and discourse analysis, which involves the structure of texts and conversations.

– All modern research has shown that this significant genetic variation is common in panmictic populations.

– There are forces which add heritable variation to the population, such as mutation and recombination.

– This variation is a big reason that people think the Caro-Kann is a solid defence.

– Genetic variation is increased by gene mutations.

– Historically, local public control have allowed for some variation in the organization of schools.

– This variation in size is greater than usual in passerine families.

– Hard rock is a variation of rock music with roots in early 1960s garage rock and psychedelic rock..

– It is a variation of the chocolate cake, and sometimes decorated with chocolate curls.

– The M2A1-2 is the variation of the M2 mainly used during the Korean War.

– Other paradoxes of time travel are a variation of the Fermi paradox, Fermi paradox: not really a paradox, just a question: see link.

– The modern variation is most popular.

– American Football is variation of Rugby footballRugby introduced by Walter Camp.

– A common variation is to use the subdominant chord in the second bar.

– Mutation breeding or variation breeding is the process of exposing seeds to Chemical substancechemicals or radiation.

– However, the template will swap the order automatically if the ‘subdivision_name’ equals some variation of the US or the UK.

– Unless an articles page is large enough to need to be split up or a specific variety of the subject matter is of considerable note to validate getting a separate entry, there is no need for separate pages for every conceivable variation of an item.

– They often join the strikers when the team creates attacks.’Wide Midfielders’ are a variation of a winger.

– Microsatellite variation and evolution of human lactase persistence.

– Sexual reproduction, by the crossing over of chromosomes during meiosis, spreads variation through the population.

– They showed that the variation in species in a single area could be predicted if one knew the habitat area, immigration rate, and extinction rate.

– The British Rail Class 10 diesel locomotive was a variation on the British Rail Class 08Class 08 shunter.

– They are an heredityinherited trait, caused by variation in the MC1R gene that is involved in the determination of red hair, fair skin, and freckles.

– A variation of horseradish sauce, which in some cases may substitute the vinegar with other products like lemon juice or citric acid, is known in Germany as “Tafelmeerrettich”.

– The Game Boy Micro is a smaller variation of the “GBA”.

– To him, species were distinguished by always producing the same species, and this was fixed and permanent, though considerable variation was possible within a species.

– Structural brain variation and general intelligence.

– There are regional variation outside of Punjab too.

– By observing at the right time what happened in the process that led to a change, the Quality engineeringquality engineer or any member of the team responsible for the production line can troubleshoot the root cause of the variation that has crept in to the process and correct the problem.

– These three sources of variation can be formally partitioned as genotype by genotype by environment interactions.

– Hertha is a variation on the name Nerthus, a Germanic fertility goddess.

– Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation among the subspecies of Sarus Crane.

– Annual variation in the distribution, abundance, and habitat response of the palila.

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