“basalt” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “basalt”:

– According to this theory, the basalt heads were sculpted roughly in the mountains and then either floated or dragged by thousands of people from the construction site to the Olmec cities.

– The rocks known as greenstone are basalt which has been metamorphised.

– The layering effect of periodic basalt lava flows is visible.

– MLIP is one of the largest Proterozoic magmatic provinces on Earth, as well as the world’s largest and best-preserved continental flood basalt terrain.Muskox Property.

– Very dark brown to black hornblendes that contain titanium may be called basaltic hornblende, from the fact that they are usually a constituent of basalt and related rocks.

– It is famous for Fingal’s Cave and other examples of basalt columns.

– On Earth, most basalt magmas have formed by the hot molten mantle.

basalt - sentence examples
basalt – sentence examples

Example sentences of “basalt”:

– There are basalt outcrops on the higher ridges.

– The two largest flood basalt events in historic time have been at Eldgjá and Lakagigar, both in Iceland.

– The earliest archaeological deposit, known as Bed I, has produced evidence of campsites and living floors along with stone tools made of flakes from local basalt and quartz.

– In this context, the hypothesis is that impact events cause flood basalt eruptions, such as those which generated the Emeshian Traps.

– This is based on Radioactive datingdating of basalt fragments under the fossilbearing strata.

– First, the basalt lava erupted to make the Hallasan shield volcano about 2 million years ago.

– In 1763 he noticed that the basalt rocks in Auvergne were old lava streams.

– Common mafic Rock rocks include basalt and gabbro.

– It consists of a basement of tuff, underneath colonnades of a black fine-grained Tertiary basalt, overlying which is a third layer of basalt lava.

– They consist of multiple layers of solidified flood basalt that are more than.

– At the end of the period, the greatest basaltflood basalt lava flows in the Phanerozoic raised world temperatures, and damaged the environment.

– An example is found in an early basalt road by the Temple of Saturn on the Clivus Capitolinus.

– It is the largest basalt formation of Central Europe.

– New magma of basalt composition emerges at and near the axis because of decompression melting in the underlying Earth’s mantle.

- There are basalt outcrops on the higher ridges.

- The two largest flood basalt events in historic time have been at Eldgjá and Lakagigar, both in Iceland.

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