“mosses” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “mosses”:

+ The leaves and needles of the trees show adaptations to a dry season, but some of the ferns and mosses are types that grow in very wet habitats.

+ Because mosses cannot find water, they live in two ways.

+ Temperate peat bogs are not caused by forests, but mostly by mosses such as “Sphagnum”, grasses, sedges and shrubs.

+ Water must soak into mosses like a sponge.

+ They are usually dominated by grasses and sedges, and typically have brown mosses in general including “Scorpidium” or “Drepanocladus”.Keddy P.A.

+ Cloud forests often have mosses covering the ground and vegetation.

+ This group also includes with mosses and hornworts.

mosses how to use in sentences
mosses how to use in sentences

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