“muscular” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “muscular”:

+ This sport is demanding because it needs cardio and muscular power.

+ Dee Dee’s daughter Gypsy Rose, who, according to Blanchard suffered from leukemia, asthma, muscular dystrophy, and brain damage was not in the house at the time the body’s discovery.

+ The most common type is Duchenne muscular dystrophy, which typically affects males beginning around the age of four.

+ They only show their muscular body.

+ After he served in the Army, Lewis had no more hit records, but continued to perform at oldiesoldies concerts and charity shows, including some of the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s annual telethons, hosted by Jerry Lewis.

+ There is also muscular memory.

+ It had thick horns above the eyes, a feature not seen in other carnivorous dinosaurs, and a very deep skull sitting on a muscular neck.

+ They are about twice the size of a domestic cat and have a stocky, muscular build with medium to short legs.

muscular use in sentences
muscular use in sentences

Example sentences of “muscular”:

+ By increasing muscular strength and improving balance, weight training can reduce falls by elderly persons as well.

+ A digging cycle involves the muscular foot and the opening and closing of the valve and one end.

+ This sport requires a muscular horse with a good cardiovascular endurance.

+ They do have a sort of heart, and muscular movements help the goo get round.

+ They had a more muscular neck allowing freer movement of the head than fish have, and used their fins to raise the body of the fish.

+ Meth can be injected under the skin ; into a Muscular systemmuscle; or into a vein.

+ The Bordeaux is a very powerful dog, with a very muscular body.

+ There is a slider to change how muscular the Sim is and another slider to change how fat the Sim is.

+ Felids tend to have lithe and flexible bodies with muscular limbs.

+ By increasing muscular strength and improving balance, weight training can reduce falls by elderly persons as well.

+ A digging cycle involves the muscular foot and the opening and closing of the valve and one end.
+ This sport requires a muscular horse with a good cardiovascular endurance.

+ Well-known secondary sex characteristics in humans are the deeper voice, facial hair and more muscular build in men.

+ Physicians decided he suffered from extreme muscular atrophy.

+ Instincts are to do with visible muscular action in response to releasers.

+ They attach themselves using mucus and a muscular “foot”, which seals them against the rock and protects them from desiccation during low tide, and from high-energy waves action.

+ The yeti has been described as having white shaggy fur and a lean muscular body like an ape.

+ There is no cure for muscular dystrophy.

+ The distinctive horns and muscular neck may have been used in fighting rivals of its own species.

More in-sentence examples of “muscular”:

+ He becomes a muscular apelike man.

+ The underside consists of a single muscular "foot".
+ In his book, Köhler describes how the apes use their hands: “large, powerful and flexible hands are natural links between himself and the world of things, and he attains the necessary amount of muscular force and co-ordination at an earlier age than the human child” Köhler.

+ He becomes a muscular apelike man.

+ The underside consists of a single muscular “foot”.

+ In his book, Köhler describes how the apes use their hands: “large, powerful and flexible hands are natural links between himself and the world of things, and he attains the necessary amount of muscular force and co-ordination at an earlier age than the human child” Köhler.

+ Some medicines can be given through a needle placed into a big muscular systemmuscle, like the muscles in the upper arm, thigh, or buttocks.

+ The narrow skull suggests that “Pederpes” breathed by inhaling with a muscular action like most modern tetrapods, rather than by pumping air into the lungs with a throat pouch the way modern amphibians usually do.

+ They are more muscular and aggressive than the female of the species, the cow.

+ The son of Tinia and Uni, Hercle was the Etruscan equivalent of the Greek hero Herakles, depicted as a muscular figure who carried a club and wore a lionskin.

+ The cookiecutter shark has also been known to attack basking sharks by using its suction cup-like lips and muscular pharynx to drill off pieces of flesh on the outside of the shark.

+ The muscular tails of shrimp can be eaten, and they are widely caught and farmed for human consumption.

+ A myocardial infarction, commonly known as a heart attack, causes scar formation in the heart muscle, which leads to loss of muscular power and possibly heart failure.

+ Instead, muscular air sacs push the air forward through bird lungs.

+ As of 9 March, Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee, who suffers from severe muscular pain, had been on hunger strike for over one month, and had reportedly been forcibly given IV fluids since her arrival to the prison.

+ The heart of a fish is a simple muscular structure that is located between the posterior gill arches.

+ Some of the larger tuna species such as the Northern bluefin tuna can raise their blood temperature above the water temperature with muscular activity.

+ It is a large size dog which is very muscular and loves to run.

+ They have stocky legs at each corner of their muscular body, so when they walk, they take short steps and swing their body from side to side.

+ To change colour the animal changes the sac form or size by muscular contraction.

+ The pug has a square, muscular body with a large head, big eyes, and small ears.

+ Well-preserved specimens show evidence of muscular fibers in the mantle, indicating that they were powerful swimmers like modern squids.

+ The tadpoles have large sucker-mouths and streamlined bodies with large, muscular tails.

+ This is vital as sponges do not have a circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, muscular system, or nervous system as do many other animals.

+ The underside of the animal consists of a single muscular “foot”.

+ This fossil is so well preserved that scientists have been able to calculate its muscle mass and learn that it was more muscular than previously thought, probably giving it the ability to outrun Predationpredators such as “Tyrannosaurus rex”.

+ After we swallow food, it travels down a muscular tube to the stomach.

+ It has a pair of muscular jaws supplied with minute teeth, and a plate on the lower surface that bears a comb-like structure which they use to scrape smaller organisms off of the grains of sand that make up their anoxic seabed mud habitat.Barnes R.F.K.

+ Ureteral cancer is cancer of the ureters, muscular tubes that propel urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.

+ Strength training is the use of resistance to muscular contraction to build the “physical strength” and “endurance”.

+ There are 3 main muscles in a goldfish’s muscular system, the tail and trunk muscles, the jaw muscles, and the fin muscles.

+ Occupational markers can be found in cases where muscles or tendons insert into the cortical tissue of bone via the periosteum, or where there is hypertrophy of muscular attachments on the bones.

+ The penis in most male Coleoidea is a long and muscular end of the vas deferens to a modified arm called a hectocotylus.

+ He also helped to raise money for people with muscular dystrophy, through the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

+ Dogs should be very muscular and athletic.

+ This predatory mollusc sucks air into its stomach to keep it afloat and using its muscular foot it clings to the surface film.

+ They are a short and muscular animal that walks on four strong legs.

+ In addition to swimming near the bottom, the Nurse shark can move around on the sea floor, using its flexible, muscular pectoral fins as limbs.

+ It had a bigger, muscular body, with longer strong legs.

+ No one knows exactly what causes muscular atrophy.

+ A Sit-ski is a sled used by a Para-alpine skiingskier with paraplegia, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, or cerebral palsy.

+ Some say they stripped because they were proud of their muscular bodies and their tans.

+ In a bird’s digestive system, the crop is an expanded, muscular pouch near the gullet or throat.

+ She was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy and given a prognosis that she would not live to reach the age of two years; however, it was her younger sister, Sally, who died from the same disease before that age.

+ An Egyptian Mau has a muscular body with fur that comes in all different colors including black, bronze, smoke, silver, blue, and caramel.

+ Unfortunately, Kirby’s version of Spider-Man’s alter ego Peter Parker proved too heroic, handsome, and muscular for Lee’s everyman hero.

+ Boccia is a ball sport played by disabled people including people with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy or spinal cord injury.

+ When the fry are ready to be born, the male expels them with muscular contractions.

+ Many older people have muscular atrophy.

+ Spinal muscular atrophy is inherited from parents who might or might not have the disease themselves but both of whom have a fault in their genes that predisposes to the disease.

+ The chiton has eight plates, and underneath the plates is a muscular foot that moves the chiton over rocks and other structures, both in and out of the water.

+ It promotes Muscular Christianity.

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