“foundations” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “foundations”:

– Approximately 329 homes were destroyed and some of them were completely swept off their foundations – a classic example of F5 damage.

– His translations laid the foundations for many of the English Bibles which followed his.

– There are still walls and foundations from the Ancient RomeAncient Roman times and also building from the Middle Ages.

– Strong frame houses lifted off foundations and thrown very far away which are soon destroyed; trees debarked; strong steel concrete structures badly damaged.

– The ACU is concerned with what they define as foundations of conservatism, issues such as personal liberty or freedom, foreign policy, and traditional values.

foundations example in sentences
foundations example in sentences

Example sentences of “foundations”:

– However it was Galileo, Kepler and especially Newton who laid the foundations for much of the so-called “Newtonian mechanics” we know today.

– Most of the camp buildings were torn down, but some of the building foundations remain.

– NYU is one of the places where 5G was created, as well as where many of the foundations of modern electromagnetic theory were discovered.

– Mu’izz’s laid the foundations of Muslim rule in India.

– Stern was a signatory of the 1950 UNESCO statement “The Race Question”, a statement by leading scientists in many fields that questioned the validity and scientific foundations of racism.

– In that position he reorganised the Air Ministry, and laid the foundations of the Royal Air Force.

– They wanted to understand the foundations of mathematics.

– He is best known for the innovations in Electron microscopeelectron microscopy and cell fractionation which helped lay the foundations of modern molecular cell biology.

– Today, he is remembered for the work he did in logic and the foundations of mathematics.

- However it was Galileo, Kepler and especially Newton who laid the foundations for much of the so-called "Newtonian mechanics" we know today.

- Most of the camp buildings were torn down, but some of the building foundations remain.
- NYU is one of the places where 5G was created, as well as where many of the foundations of modern electromagnetic theory were discovered.

– The deepest foundations are 15 meters under ground.

– The “Principia Mathematica” is a three-volume work on the foundations of mathematics by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell.

– He has laid foundations for a large number of Nizhal Thangals all over South India.

– In the years between Mendel’s work and 1900 the foundations of cytology, the study of cells, was developed.

– The River Humber Bridge’s foundations are in the Kimmeridge Clay deposits under the Humber estuary.

– He also provided foundations for the theory of elliptic functions, differential geometry and the calculus of variations.

– The term “public school”, for what are actually privately owned schools, Though privately owned, they are usually not owned by individual people, but by foundations or by companies working for the public good rather than profit.

More in-sentence examples of “foundations”:

- During his research he became interested in the foundations of mathematics, particularly after reading Bertrand Russell's "Principles of Mathematics" and Gottlob Frege's "Grundgesetze".

- Stearns, received the 1993 Association for Computing MachineryACM Turing Award "in recognition of their seminal paper which established the foundations for the field of computational complexity theory".

– During his research he became interested in the foundations of mathematics, particularly after reading Bertrand Russell’s “Principles of Mathematics” and Gottlob Frege’s “Grundgesetze”.

– Stearns, received the 1993 Association for Computing MachineryACM Turing Award “in recognition of their seminal paper which established the foundations for the field of computational complexity theory”.

– The aim of systems science is to develop interdisciplinary foundations for all science.

– The team has “provided the foundations for further studies and applications of the recombinant Mn-SOD”.

– Together with the Portuguese empire, the Spanish empire laid the foundations of a globalised trade and culture by opening up the great trans-oceanic trade routes.

– Cornell physicists, such as Hans Bethe, contributed not only to the foundations of nuclear physics but also participated in the Manhattan Project.

– In 1959, Cevahir Holding’s foundations entered the construction sector with his brothers.

– She enrolled at Ecole nationale d’administration for a Master of Public Administration and thereafter completed a program in the Foundations of American Law and Legal Education from the Georgetown University.

– He set the foundations for population genetics.

– He made a great impression on Russell and started to work on the foundations of logic and mathematical logic.

– The most successful one was Ivan III, who laid the foundations for the Russian nation.

– In their innocence, they returned to the foundations of crusading characteristic of Peter the Hermit, and met the same sort of tragic fate.

– Parts of the old wood church are still there as are foundations of several buildings.

– These include a convent known as the Virgins’ chapel; a church used by Chalcedonian Armenians; the remains of a single-arched bridge over the Arpa river; the ruins of numerous oil-presses and several bath houses; the remains of a second mosque with a collapsed minaret; a palace that probably dates from the 13th century; the foundations of several other palaces and smaller residences; the recently excavated remains of several streets lined with shops; etc.

– The plotters’ original idea was to dig their way under the foundations of the Lords chamber to put the gunpowder there.

– The work on the foundations took 5 months.

– His best-known book, “The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century” is seen as a standard antisemitic work of the early 20th century.

– An EF0 tornado will probably damage trees but not big buildings, whereas an List of F5 and EF5 tornadoesEF5 tornado can rip buildings off their foundations leaving them destroyed and even damage big skyscrapers.

– The first digging for the foundations began on January 28, 1887 and all construction was concluded on March 31, 1889.

– Some of his works include Julius Excluded from Heaven, On Civility in Children, The Praise of Folly, Discourse on Free Will, Copia: Foundations of the Abundant Style and a Handbook of a Christian Knight.

– Macrosociology is considered one of the main foundations of sociology.

– Strong frame houses lifted off foundations and thrown very far away which are soon destroyed; trees debarked; strong reinforced concrete structures badly damaged.

– Krishnamurti Foundations includes a chronology and a listing of places he visited and spoke at from 1911 to 1986.

– These foundations support the four pillars or truss frames.

– Alonzo Church was an AmericansAmerican logician who made major contributions to mathematical logic and the foundations of theoretical computer science.

– The pier foundations were no longer taken down to bedrock; instead they were built by sinking brick-lined wrought-iron caissons onto the riverbed, A caisson is a watertight structure under water.

– The building was constructed using limestone foundations and 22,000 tons of marble.

– Majlis, a contemporary political party in the present Hyderabad owes its foundations to Qasim Razvi.

– His observations laid the foundations for the sciences of bacteriology and protozoology.

– Alternative genetic foundations for a key social polymorphism in Fire Ants.

– His supporters, working through Non-profit organizationnon-profit foundations in India, Great Britain and the United States, oversee several independent schools based on his views on education.

– He laid down the foundations for the Harmandir sahib, which means “The Golden Temple”.

– Sometimes archaeological sites are found when Foundation foundations are dug for new buildings.

– Today, :en:Genesis Philanthropy GroupGPG is one of the largest global foundations focused on Russian-speaking Jewish communities operating in CIS countries.

– Greek philosophy is one of the foundations of Western culture.

– He is on the boards of many foundations and educational institutions, including the Board of Trustees of Princeton University, the Darden Foundation at UVA, and Family Promise, a national non-profit network assisting homeless families.

– Conceptual foundations of evolutionary psychology.

– Its foundations are probably very ancient but the edifice that now stands here, was largely constructed during the Mughal Empire.

– Titles can be created any time and for any reason: along with the birth of new states, in times of governmental reform, and at the creation of new political parties, educational institutions, electoral districts/constituencies, or other foundations or entities.

– The pier foundations were no longer taken down to bedrock; instead they were constructed by sinking brick-lined wrought-iron caissons onto the riverbed, A caisson is a watertight structure under water.

– He was awarded the prize because he laid the foundations of X-ray astronomy.

– Today the waterfront is a place to look at the Hudson River and Manhattan, with landscaped parks built on the foundations of former piers.

– The club have stated that the Geoffrey Watling stand has foundations designed to support a second tier, and that the roof can be removed and replaced after a second tier is added.

– Therefore, the foundations had to be set very deep, to guarantee a safe and stable building.

– Commonly, the structure distributes the tension through the anchor arms to the outermost supports, while the compression is carried to the foundations beneath the central towers.

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