“stand up” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “stand up”:

– They are also common at social events, where people stand up to eat and talk.

– Rivera dedicated her time to many charitable organizations including GLAAD, Stand Up to Cancer, The Trevor Project, The Elephant Project, and The Sunshine Foundation.

– Non-Load Bearing Wall doesn’t help the structure to stand up and holds up only itself.

– Instead, the body’s nervous system makes muscles in the nipples contract, causing them to stand up and become slightly harder.

– Upper Class passengers can also have their own chauffeur, for in-flight meals and a bar that passengers can stand up or sit down at in flight.

– Morales has said he does not like United States policy toward Latin America, criticizing the country’s past failures to stand up for democracy, trade agreements which he feels have not helped Bolivia, and especially for the US’s anti-drug policies.

stand up in sentences?
stand up in sentences?

Example sentences of “stand up”:

– However many citizens felt opposed but did not stand up and fight them.

– I created an article about a stand up comedian and actor Johnny Corn.

– They finally become friends again and Matt learns to stand up for himself.

– Hinata was the first daughter of the main house, but because she was shy and couldn’t stand up for herself, her father Hiashi disowned her.

– They have created an improv group in London, joined the Stand Players’ “Who’s Lunch is it anyway” free improv show at Edinburgh’s The Stand The Stand venue and become successful stand up comedians.

– Usually it is the principal oboist’s job to stand up and play the note A so that everyone can tune to that note.

– He started his career doing stand up comedy in local places such as coffee houses.

– Maurice LaMarche is an Emmy Award winning CanadiansCanadian voice actor and former stand up comedian.

– Her parents taught her to always be driven and stand up for what she believed in.

– District Judge Loretta Preska in a hearing in early December 2006 on the ground that the charges were too vague to stand up in court.

– This is because the priests or monks were able to lean against them when they got tired if they had to stand up for a long time.

– Scientists have even seen a mother polar bear stand up and leap at a helicopter to keep it away from her cubs.

– It has become a tradition for the audience to stand up for the “Hallelujah Chorus” although it is unknown when this practice began.

– Rob appeared on various stand up TV shows including ‘First Exposure’ for Channel 4 and ‘Stand Up‘ for ITV and also presented a number of TV programmes including ‘Friday Now’ and ‘Weekend Live’ for LWT.

– He is timid, but learns to stand up for himself.

– Yates about whether she would be willing to stand up to the president.

– Nowadays, most Vietnamese overseas change the first line of the anthem “Quốc gia đến ngày giải phóng” to “Đứng lên đáp lời sông núi”, meaning “Oh Citizens! Stand up answer the call rivers and mountains”.

– When the meerkat group is eating, a guard will stand up and look for any animals that might eat its family.

– Supercids can break down molecules that stand up to most other acids.

- However many citizens felt opposed but did not stand up and fight them.

- I created an article about a stand up comedian and actor Johnny Corn.

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