In-sentence examples of “trojan”

How to use in-sentence of “trojan”:

+ In the Trojan War, the Ancient GreeceGreeks were fighting against the city of Troy.

+ Odysseus fought in the Trojan War.

+ His subjects were traditional but with a emphasis on the Trojan War.

+ This method of installing spyware is called a Trojan horse Trojan horse which is disguised as something useful but when it runs, its keystroke logging sees what keys you press.

+ The son of Atreus and Aerope, he was the brother of Menelaus, and the commander of the unified Greek forces in the Trojan War.

+ He is an important person in the Trojan War.

In-sentence examples of trojan
In-sentence examples of trojan

Example sentences of “trojan”:

+ These twins were said to be the descendants of Heracles, who conquered Sparta two generations after the Trojan War.

+ Calypso is a Trojan moon, as it orbits together with larger moon Tethys.

+ These twins were said to be the descendants of Heracles, who conquered Sparta two generations after the Trojan War.

+ Calypso is a Trojan moon, as it orbits together with larger moon Tethys.

+ Aeneas is a Trojan warrior who had to leave his city because the Greeks captured Troy after a long war.

+ Astronomers have found a Trojan asteroid not far from Earth, moving in the same orbit around the Sun.

+ Anius told the Greeks the Trojan War would not be won until the tenth year.

+ The poem starts with the god Apollo sending a plague to the Greeks, because they captured the daughter of one of his Trojan priests.

+ He found many asteroids, such as the notable Trojan asteroids 617 Patroclus and 624 Hektor.

+ In the Trojan War, he fought on the side of the Trojans.

+ It tells of the Trojan Aeneas’ tragic love for Dido, the Queen of Carthage.

+ He is killed at the end of the Trojan War by Neoptolemus, so he could not be a new king of Troy, or want revenge.

+ In the Trojan War Kassandra knew of the trick with the Trojan Horse, but no one believed her, and so Troy was destroyed.

+ A trojan horse is a special type of malware that pretends to do a certain thing, but in reality, it does something else, such as allow a stranger to read and change the computer’s information.

More in-sentence examples of “trojan”:

+ Boxing was one of the contests held in memory of Achilles’ friend Patroclus, who was killed toward the end of the Trojan War.

+ She also makes sure that the Trojan girl Katarina enters the TARDIS in her place.

+ This caused the Trojan War.

+ This began the Trojan war.

+ The “Iliad”, which is set in the ninth year of the Trojan War, starts with a quarrel between Achilles and Agamemnon, the commander of the Greek forces.Fagles, Robert 1990.

+ It is rare to get a trojan on your computer by merely visiting a website, though it can happen.

+ Because of the Trojan Horse, the Greeks won the Trojan War.

+ The name comes from Achilles, a famous ancient Greek mythologyGreek warrior of the Trojan War.

+ This makes it easy for the trojan operator to collect your passwords and important data and log into your accounts.

+ The poem is the story about Odysseus’s ten-year-long voyage home to Ithaca after the Trojan War.

+ The trojan horse is activated when the suspect uses PGP encryption, often used to increase the security of sent e-mail messages.

+ Among the asteroids found are the Trojan asteroids 2223 Sarpedon, 2260 Neoptolemus, 2363 Cebriones, 2456 Palamedes, and 3494 Purple Mountain.

+ Follow-up work on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope confirmed the status of 2010 TK7.Amos, Jonathan 2011 Trojan asteroid seen in Earth’s orbit by Wise telescope.

+ With that warning, this is a summary of events leading up to the Trojan war, mostly derived from the Iliad.

+ It lies in Jupiter’s leading Lagrangian point, L, called the ‘List of Trojan asteroids Greek’ node after one of the two sides in the legendary Trojan War.

+ The story happens during the Trojan War, some time around 1200 BC.

+ When activated, the trojan horse will log the PGP password, which allows the FBI to decrypt user communications.

+ On his journey home to Ithaca after the Trojan War, Odysseus lands on the island of Polyphemos.

+ By convention, the asteroids orbiting Jupiter’s L are from the Trojan side.

+ It was found in 1907 by August Kopff, and was the second Trojan asteroid to be found.

+ In the Odyssey of Homer, legend says that, after the Trojan War, a Ancient GreeceGreek troops through the Straits of Gibraltar.

+ It is thought that many Trojan asteroids are in fact small planetesimals captured in the Lagrange point of Jupiter-Sun system during the farther migration of the giant planets, 3.9 billion years ago.

+ But even with the best of precautions, your account could become compromised, for instance, via a trojan horse or a brute-force attack on your password.

+ Achilles’ most notable feat during the Trojan War was his slaying the Trojan prince Hector outside the gates of Troy, as revenge against Hector for killing his lover, Patroclus.

+ After the Trojan victory festival ended, the Greeks, who were hiding inside the horse, came out.

+ The Trojan War was one of the most important wars in the history of Ancient Greece.

+ During Troy’s fall at the end of the Trojan War, his son Aeneas helped him escape as he was no longer able to walk after Zeus’ punishment.

+ The Trojan Horse is a large wooden horse from the Trojan War in Greek mythology.

+ The story, based on an Ancient Greek story, takes place on the Island of Crete, shortly after the Trojan War.

+ Eventually, Troy fell after a coup that Odysseus had thought up, using a wooden trojan horse to hide soldiers within in order to get soldiers behind the Trojan line of defence.

+ A trojan may act as a “backdoor” to the computer, contacting a controller which can then have unauthorized access to the affected computer.

+ The biggest Trojan asteroid is named 624 Hektor.

+ The second part covers the Trojan War to the death of Alexander the Great.

+ An old myth says that Padua was founded by the Trojan Antenore.

+ With co-workers, he discovered over 4,000 asteroids, including Apollo asteroids, Amor asteroids, as well as dozens of Trojan asteroids.

+ It told the story of Dido, Queen of CarthageQueen Dido and her love for Trojan prince.

+ After the Trojan War, Neoptolemus took her and Helenus as slaves.

+ Hektor is, so far, the only known binary Trojan asteroid in the L point and the first Trojan with a moon.

+ Athenians thought she helped them win the Trojan war.

+ The Iliad tells the story of the Trojan war, which took place around 1190 BC.

+ Several US nuclear power plants closed well before their design lifetimes, including Rancho Seco in 1989 in California, San Onofre Unit 1 in 1992 in California, Zion Nuclear Power Station in 1998 in Illinois and Trojan Nuclear Power Plant in 1992 in Oregon.

+ After the Trojan War, Agamemnon was killed by Klytaimnestra and her lover Aegisthos because Agamemnon sacrificed Iphigeneia for good winds to sail.

+ When the attachment is opened, it installs a trojan horse on the suspect’s computer.

+ The Greeks won by building a big wooden horse, which we now call the Trojan Horse.

+ A zombie computer hacker, a trojan horse.

+ Very often, the term is also used for other kinds of malware, such as trojan horses and worms.

+ He was needed to win the Trojan War.

+ The Trojan War is the subject of the “Iliad”.

+ The most well-known natural occupants of Lagrange points are Trojan asteroids.

+ Boxing was one of the contests held in memory of Achilles' friend Patroclus, who was killed toward the end of the Trojan War.

+ She also makes sure that the Trojan girl Katarina enters the TARDIS in her place.

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