“decisive” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “decisive”:

– He earned his ‘Goudhaantje ‘ due to his ability to score decisive goals.

– He continued defeating the Romans whenever he could bring them into battle but was never able to score another decisive victory.

– Hall called him ‘unsentimental, dangerous and immensely powerful’, even the Sunday Times’ curmudgeonly critic of the day called his performance ‘a decisive step in the direction of great tragedy…great acting’, while fellow actors paid him the rare compliment of applauding him in the dressing room on the first night.

– Burnside gave the order which read in part: “the great and auspicious moment has arrived to strike a great and mortal blow to the rebellion, and to gain that decisive victory which is due to the country.” The night before, it began raining.

– It was the decisive battle in the First War of Scottish Independence.

– A decisive factor in the formation of the art section was the assignation of the rich collection of The Armenian Palace of Culture / The former Lazarian Gymnasium/ and the donations of Armenian artists to it.

– Therefore, in practice, what is decided in the House of Commons is the decisive event.

– After a Roll-up attempt by both Stratus and Hemme, Stratus hit Hemme with a Chick kick and followed it with the decisive pin, thus winning the match and retaining the WWE Women’s Championship.

decisive - some sentence examples
decisive – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “decisive”:

– The battle was a decisive victory for the Viking army.

– Grant intended to maneuver Lee’s army to a decisive battle.

– When West Germany joined the organization on 9 May 1955 it was described as “a decisive turning point in the history of our continent” by Halvard Lange, Foreign Minister of Norway at the time., the result was the Warsaw Pact, signed on 14 May 1955 by the Soviet Union and its satellite states as response to NATO.

– As Abert summarized it, in spite of the finale, ‘the point of the opera is not to proclaim a universal moral, but to depict the decisive battle between two tremendous forces.

– The pawn chains are decisive in deciding the players’ plans.

– The Battle of Marathon was a decisive victory for the ancient Greeks over the Persians.

– In the Second Battle of El Alamein Commonwealth of NationsBritish Commonwealth forces under the command of Bernard Montgomery decisive defeated the Afrika Korps and other Axis forces and pushed them back to Tunisia.

- The battle was a decisive victory for the Viking army.

- Grant intended to maneuver Lee's army to a decisive battle.
- When West Germany joined the organization on 9 May 1955 it was described as "a decisive turning point in the history of our continent" by Halvard Lange, Foreign Minister of Norway at the time., the result was the Warsaw Pact, signed on 14 May 1955 by the Soviet Union and its satellite states as response to NATO.

– I notice that the proposal for demotion of Violin took only 11 days, and the consensus to keep does not seem to me to be as decisive as claimed.

– Another example of a decisive victory is the Battle of Yorktown fought at the end of the American Revolutionary War.

– General Gates fought for the Continental Army and is credited with the decisive American victory at the Battle of Saratoga in 1777.

– The battle of Tewkesbury was fought On 4th May 1471 and was one of the decisive battles of the Wars of the Roses.

More in-sentence examples of “decisive”:

– His tactical innovation was the wooden stockades and rotating volleys of fire which led to a decisive victory at Nagashino.

– I am happy to take legal or other advice about such material, and the community could expect both considered and decisive action from me.

– The battle was the decisive engagement of Major General Philip SheridanPhilip Sheridan’s Valley Campaigns of 1864.

– During the Korean War, there was the battle of Incheon led by an American general of UN Douglas MacArthur and the battle resulted in a decisive victory.

– The Battle of Pharsalus was the decisive battle of Caesar’s Civil War.

– This campaign, which was a decisive and strategically important campaign of World War II, was fought on the ground, at sea, and in the air between Allied forces against Imperial Japanese forces.

– A The main quality a person needs to do this job is to be able to remain calm and rational, carefully consider the evidence, and then take prompt and decisive action.

– Kumagai scored the decisive penalty for Lyon in the 2016 UEFA Champions League Final, following a player-of-the-match performance.

– Seeking a decisive victory over the Allied fleet, the Persian fleet attacked, but were defeated at the Battle of Salamis in late 480 BC.

– In June 1925 he was recovering from hay fever on the island Helgoland, and while working alone made the decisive breakthrough to Quantum mechanics.

– Neither side could win a decisive victory, and both suffered from financial exhaustion, which ultimately led to a treaty to end the war.

– Sun Tzu also wrote about decisive victory.

– In 1960, in the light of the results achieved in Bandung, the creation of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries was given a decisive boost during the Fifteenth Ordinary Session of the United Nations General Assembly, during which 17 new African and Asian countries were admitted.

– Niinistö was the National Coalition Party candidate in the 2012 presidential election, beating Pekka Haavisto of the Green League with 62.6% of the vote in the decisive second round.

– Operation Decisive Endeavor, beginning 6 December 1995, was a subcomponent of Joint Endeavor.

– Barney Stanley scored the decisive goal, the only goal of the second game.

– It was a decisive victory for the Greeks as it ended that war.

– Wulff continued to be named as a possible CDU candidate for Chancellor, particularly if Chancellor Merkel failed to secure a decisive mandate in the 2009 federal election.

– Some global warming critics believe that Earth’s climate is still recovering from the Little Ice Age and that human activity is not the decisive factor in present temperature trends, but this idea is not widely accepted.

– The Persian king Xerxes was also anxious for a decisive battle.

– These would play a decisive role against Antigonus at the Battle of Ipsus in 301 BC and against Lysimachus at the Battle of Corupedium in 281 BC.

– United defeated PSG in the process, with Rashford scoring the decisive goal.

– The armed action, code named Operation Vijay by the Indian government, involved air, sea and land strikes for over 36 hours, and was a decisive victory for India, ending 451 years of Portuguese colonial rule in Goa.

– The Second Battle of Terrain, however, proved to be a decisive battle that laid the foundations of Muslim rule in Northern India.Ghori built many mosques and libraries after laying muslim rule in india.

– Seizing the opportunity, the Greek fleet formed in line and scored a decisive victory, sinking or capturing at least 200 Persian ships.

- His tactical innovation was the wooden stockades and rotating volleys of fire which led to a decisive victory at Nagashino.

- I am happy to take legal or other advice about such material, and the community could expect both considered and decisive action from me.

– The war ended after decisive naval victories for the United States in the Philippines and Cuba.

– In the event, the vote in the North East was a decisive “no”, making the proposed local government changes moot.

– Victor Horta had a decisive impact on architecture in Belgium.

– He also made a decisive contribution to an antiserum against diphtheria, and developed a method for standardizing therapeutic serums.

– Most decisive of all, Union General William Tecumseh Sherman captured Atlanta on September 1, 1864, convincing even the pessimists that the Confederacy was collapsing.

– The Second Battle of El Alamein began on 23 October 1942, and ended twelve days later with the first large-scale, decisive Allied land victory of the war.

– The Battle of the Piave was the decisive battle of World War I on the Italian Front.

– The two sides clashed at the Battle of the Camel in 656, where Ali won a decisive victory.

– There were few decisive fleet battles between battleships.

– This win for The Undertaker remains the only instance where he did not have a decisive victory in his WrestleMania streak.

– Although Plataea was in every sense a decisive victory, it does not seem to have been as famous as the Athenian victory at the Battle of Marathon or even the Allied defeat at Thermopylae.

– In a decisive battle the Chalcidians called for the aid of a warrior named Cleomachus.

– The battle fought at Buxar, then within the territory of Bengal, a town on the bank of the GangesGanges river about 130km west of Patna, was a decisive victory for the British East India Company.

– Marcus arrived on the scene in August 178, and in due course the Romans won a decisive battle in what is now Slovakia.

– Coincidentally, he had, will prove decisive weapon : 12 machine guns and heavy machine gun brand “Breda”.

– Barish “for decisive contributions to the Gravitational-wave observatoryLIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves”.

– The arrangements made the British East India Company the virtual ruler of Bengal, since it already possessed decisive military power.

– The decisive match against Vladimir Malakhov went into armageddon, a version of blitz chess where Malakhov blundered a rook in a winning position.

– Beria also played the decisive role in coordinating the Soviet partisans, who developed an impressive intelligence and sabotage network behind German lines.

– However, the District’s electoral votes have yet to prove decisive in a presidential election.

– Even before the 12 host cities were selected, there were few doubts that the chosen venue for the final match will be the Estádio do MaracanãMaracanã in Rio de Janeiro, which also hosted the decisive match of the 1950 FIFA World Cup.

– The battle was a decisive victory for the Americans.

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