Some sentences in use of “convinced”

How to use in-sentence of “convinced”:

– The iatrogenic or sociocognitive model of DID says it is created during psychotherapy when the therapist creates false memories and patients become convinced they have multiple personalities.

– However, on inspection the boy found the pot of milk to be full and was convinced a miracle happened.

– In October 1789, after being attacked at the Palace of Versailles by a mob of 7,000 women, the King was convinced by Lafayette to move from Paris to the palace in Tuileries.

– Wanger managed Bennett’s career, and with director Tay Garnett convinced her to change her hair from blonde to brunette.

– He was later convinced by Goh Keng Swee that the secession was inevitable.

Some sentences in use of convinced
Some sentences in use of convinced

Example sentences of “convinced”:

- Descartes knew that Galileo's methods of scientific discovery could provide mechanical explanations for every occupant of space, but he was convinced that mental activities were not just a more complex variety of the mechanical.

- The paintings of artist Jan van Eyck convinced him to put new styles in his art.

– Descartes knew that Galileo’s methods of scientific discovery could provide mechanical explanations for every occupant of space, but he was convinced that mental activities were not just a more complex variety of the mechanical.

– The paintings of artist Jan van Eyck convinced him to put new styles in his art.

– He was found guilty, but then the government decided not to execute him because not everyone was convinced he had done it.

– The violence and terror of Pontiac’s War convinced many western Pennsylvanians that their government was not doing enough to protect them.

– In a controversial storyline, Peter becomes convinced that Ben Reilly, the Scarlet Spider who is actually a clone of Peter created by his college professor Miles Warren is the real Peter Parker, and that he, Peter, is actually the clone.

– Soon after World War II, the United Kingdom became convinced that they would not be able to keep their colonies in South Asia, as the British Empire suffered very badly from the war.

– In 1777, Antoine Lavosier convinced the scientific community that sulfur was an element.

– He came to power after he convinced the government to overthrow the then-leader Nikita Krushchev.

– Aphrodite, the goddess of love, also convinced Percy about his feelings for Annabeth, though she also made it even harder for them to fall in love.

– Bergson convinced many thinkers that the processes of immediate experience and intuition are more significant than abstract rationalism and science for understanding reality.

– Sony presented the prototype to MITI, and convinced them to use Betamax as the technical standard.

– It convinced many people that they were plotting with foreign governments to overthrow the Assembly.

– This confirmed that Adolf HitlerHitler wanted no additional troops moved to Normandy, as he was still convinced that the preparations for the Normandy invasion were a diversionary feint.

– She convinced the court to let him pay a fine instead of banishment.

– After the sixth grade, Thompson decided that he didn’t want to continue going to school and convinced his mother to homeschool him.

– The few that there are seem to be from IMDb, and I’m not especially convinced that it’s a particularly reliable source.

– Numbuh 1 is convinced that all the snot means the Common Cold has invaded the treehouse.

– It was hoped that the jury could be convinced by the concept of a Polish-German Cooperation but Essen got the award, with Görlitz achieving the second place.

– During that summer, he was convinced of the contrary.

– As a convinced Stalinist, Deputy Prime Minister Mathias Rakosi only tolerated the sharing of responsibilities on a temporary basis.

More in-sentence examples of “convinced”:

- However, not all scientists are convinced that the seen signatures are caused by a ring system.

- The gods were patient with the giantess, and convinced Skaði to ultimately accept a form of compensation instead of seeking vengeance.
- They were convinced whites were trying to take over their hunting grounds.

– However, not all scientists are convinced that the seen signatures are caused by a ring system.

– The gods were patient with the giantess, and convinced Skaði to ultimately accept a form of compensation instead of seeking vengeance.

– They were convinced whites were trying to take over their hunting grounds.

– Advances in neurology, information theory, and cybernetics convinced a small group of researchers that an electronic brain was possible.

– His family was initially against his singing and did not believe he had a good voice until his music teacher visited the family and convinced them to allow him to compete in the Sanaa competition.

– She even convinced her husband to send their son Edward to join her.

– Eventually, Creon is convinced to free Antigone from her punishment, but his decision comes too late.

– Neutral I’m still not convinced that the sockpuppeting was unintentional.

– As General Jackson stated in his letter to the Secretary of War, he was not convinced the British had given up on trying to take the Louisiana territory by force.

– After helping McLean make the successful design, Tantlinger convinced him to give the patented designs to the industry.

– This victory, coupled with news of low morale among the garrison from deserted German mercenaries, convinced Koxinga to launched an assault in December.

– Her sister Arielle, who had broken her wrist doing gymnastics, convinced their mother to let Gabby start taking gymnastics classes.

– Magruder’s movement of troops back and forth convinced the Union that his works were strongly held.

– Obama also supported LGBT members, and successfully convinced the courts in 2015 that same-sex marriage should be legal in the United States.

– Shams convinced Rumi that at certain moments it was possible to commune directly with God: Rather than believers simply being interpreters of the word of God, they could in fact experience his presence directly.

– Asoka also convinced people to follow Buddhists paths.

– Based on that tear alone, he is sincerely convinced that Adina loves him.

– In his life, he became more and more nationalistic, and convinced many people to become nationalists too.

– She retired from the field until she was convinced by a resurrected Phil Coulson to return back to S.H.I.E.L.D.

– On October 31, 1763, finally convinced that the French in Illinois would not come to his aid at Detroit, Pontiac lifted the siege and removed to the Maumee River, where he continued his efforts to rally resistance against the British.

– Clinton was convinced Washington would attack him in New York.

– Hermes acted innocent, though, and finally convinced Apollo to forgive him by giving him the lyre.

– After he was able to earn his Baccalauréatbaccalaureate in mathematics, he decided to study medicine at the University of Paris after being convinced by his father.

– He lived at the Seleucid EmpireSeleucid court, and convinced its Emperor to fight Rome.

– The storm convinced most in the shipping industry to move to Houston with its safer harbor.

– His proclamations convinced even the parish priest who called the rebel group ‘the true apostles sent by the Lord’.

– Gage rejected the treaty, believing that Bradstreet had been convinced to abandoning his offensive in the Ohio Country.

– He convinced the Awraba Berber tribes to break their allegiance to the distant Abbasid caliphs in Baghdad and he founded the Idrisid dynasty in 788.

– Hobbs was reluctant to accept and only did so when convinced that it was an honour to all professional cricketers, not just himself.

– Some Ustaše militia units became convinced that the Muslims were communist sympathizers, and burned their villages and murdered many civilians.

– Grant to the presidency in 1868 convinced a majority of Republicans that black voters would be important for the party’s future.

– Please review my RfA, I am not convinced I set it up correctly.

– He convinced the club and so he was signed for Red Bull Salzburg.

– This early success convinced the Japanese commanders to continue the “kamikaze” attacks.

– He convinced them there were soldiers in town.

– Though not successful, the experience convinced her to record a two track demo, featuring the two songs, “Mouichido” and a cover song from 1970s/80s singer-songwriter Mariya Takeuchi.

– They finally convinced the prisoners to go with them.

– Neither Biotti nor his two fellow judges were convinced that Pinelli had died from falling from the police station window.

– They were convinced their new union needed more secrecy.

– She is “the most active, the most assiduous and the most convinced of collaborators” of the SCI.

– In his “Discourse of 1759” Revolutionist Jonathan Mayhew argued that people should only obey their governments if they “actually perform the duty of rulers by exercising a reasonable and authority for the good of human society.” Many American colonists were convinced that British rulers were not using their power “for the good of human society.” This made them want to form a new government which would be based on republicanism.

– The discovery of feathered dinosaurs and birds in the Lower Cretaceous of China was what finally convinced palaeontologists.

– He convinced director William Wyler and Boyd that the bitter hatred between the two characters was the result of a gay relationship gone wrong.

– Even though Chuckles realized the truth, an embittered Lotso convinced Big Baby that they were abandoned, and used Big Baby’s size to help him take control of the toys at Sunnyside in the fashion of organized crime.

– We are convinced that the Allied nations, which at Tehran and San Francisco have acknowledged the principles of self-determination and equality of nations, will not refuse to acknowledge the independence of Vietnam.

– I was a bit on the fence here, but his reply to Djsasso more than convinced me that he will be a fine admin.

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