How to use in sentence of “relate”

How to use in-sentence of “relate”:

+ This category contains articles relate to GP2 Series.

+ But after he passed the office, he’d been suspected to relate with the lawsuit about buying fire engines until now.

+ Betty tries to relate to Ben, but Ben is uneasy because Amy does not like Betty either.

+ Maxwell’s equations told us how to relate electricity and magnetism.

+ A number of “Pokémon” films have also been made that relate to the anime.

+ Throughout the series, there are stories that relate to the Belcher family and the citizens that live near them.

+ Some colleges relate to ChristianityChristian religious.

How to use in sentence of relate
How to use in sentence of relate

Example sentences of “relate”:

+ Investment and income relate to economics.

+ In addition, sometime beliefs do not relate to the religion but belong to the culture.

+ On this occasion, in Sister Lucia’s own words, the Virgin returned as She had promised at Fatima to relate the specific requirements for the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays.

+ In addition, he normally wore the double crown to signify his rule over all of Egypt and to relate with the Pharaoh.

+ The Government of India designates members of the community as Syrian Christians, a term originating with the Dutch colonial authority that distinguishes the Saint Thomas Christians, who used Syriac as their liturgical language, from newly evangelised Christians who followed the Roman Rite.The terms Syrian or Syriac relate not to their ethnicity but to their historical, religious and liturgical connection to the Church of the East, or East Syriac Church.

+ The function of howling may relate to intergroup spacing and territory protection.

+ When he returns home, he finds that he has been so affected by the war that he cannot relate to his friends, including his wife and lover.

+ This category has templates that relate to books.

+ The symptoms relate to the organ affected and can include obstruction, abnormal bleeding or other associated problems.

+ Investment and income relate to economics.

+ In addition, sometime beliefs do not relate to the religion but belong to the culture.

+ Some important goals relate to peace and security for these countries; development of democratic governments; and economic cooperation.

+ The personal values that make a high-energy society work are all too apparent, and the values associated with an alternate view relate to thrift, simplicity, diversity, neighbourliness, craftsmanship, and humility.

+ Threads that relate to this topic maybe found here.

+ All these things define how I relate to the two diverse culture and how I stay connected with each.

+ The way we relate to knowledge is transforming.

+ Causality is a way to describe how different events relate to one another.

More in-sentence examples of “relate”:

+ Scorsese was initially reluctant to develop the project, though he eventually came to relate to LaMotta’s story.

+ His works relate to infrared astronomyinfrared- and submillimetre astronomy.

+ Noise phenomena tend to relate to things that happened a long time ago.

+ Computers can also correlate more data, to more accurately relate certain data.

+ The stories relate to three communities, a hamlet, the nearby village and the nearest town in Oxfordshire, England.

+ They are also equipped with backpacks called “pup packs” that contain tools that relate to the pups’ jobs.

+ A plot must have, Aristotle says, a beginning, a middle, and an end, and the events of the plot must causally relate to one another as being either necessary or probable.

+ More or less, you can have anything here that you might have on your user or user talk page.” I believe the protest page is fully and only relate to the wiki.

+ The vertices of the octahedron lie at the midpoints of the edges of the tetrahedron, and in this sense it relates to the tetrahedron in the same way that the cuboctahedron and icosidodecahedron relate to the other Platonic solids.

+ Systematics deals with how groups relate to each other.

+ In the 1600s and 1700s, people started to study only the properties of substances without trying to relate them to secret, old knowledge.

+ The culture of bullying includes daily activities and the way people relate to each other.

+ The way in which the people relate to each other may have just as many “controls” as in a society with schools, markets and a government.

+ In navies it may relate to a particular post rather than a rank.

+ The names relate to their strength.

+ They relate to different fields of the subject.

+ Additionally, in Nicki Minaj’s early career she used sexuality as a way to gain fans and relate to audiences.

+ When an instrument such as the piano is tuned, the piano tuner has to know how to make each note relate correctly to the others.

+ Because it is popular, there are many goods that relate to it, like lip balm or bath salts.

+ Particularly he does not relate to his soccer-loving son, Matthias.

+ References to the name “Tiffany Preston” in mainstream media almost exclusively relate to the duo Rainbow Arabia, and I couldn’t find any referring to the porn industry.

+ Not written in clear English, and sales claims relate to non-payment forms.

+ NMR spectroscopy databases provide information to relate structure and NMR data.

+ Prosecution for crimes and misdemeanors that do relate to the Councillors’ official capacity requires the assent of the Federal Assembly.

+ The strata are often typical of a particular time and place, and allow geologists to relate rocks in different places.

+ Scorsese was initially reluctant to develop the project, though he eventually came to relate to LaMotta's story.

+ His works relate to infrared astronomyinfrared- and submillimetre astronomy.

+ Studies have been done to see if reversals relate in any way to extinction events.

+ These complaints relate to abuse of human rights.

+ People could relate to them because they knew as much as the viewers.

+ Therefore, IQs are not simply a mathematical fiction: they relate to the ability of individuals to perform certain functions.

+ In this type of alienation, a worker cannot relate to the work he or she is doing.

+ Often, these relate to national security matters, which are supposed to go past party politics – the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service, for example, has to talk to the Leader of the Opposition as well as the Prime Minister about certain matters.

+ Gorsky gave continuity to the plots of Petipa’s ballets and removed excessive choreography that did not relate to the story.

+ Constitutional law explains how different institutions relate to each other.

+ These protests commonly relate to freedom of speech.

+ They are recent non-fiction books which relate to uranium mining, nuclear weapons and/or nuclear power.

+ The series featured Peter Parker, a high school student who frequently suffered the same rejection, inadequacy, and loneliness, that most young readers could easily relate to.

+ It is the events that make up a story, particularly as they relate to one another.

+ Hoover was uncharismatic and did not relate to the people well, which made many people consider him as mean-spirited.

+ However, featured rapper Wiz Khalifa said in a press conference that he would like the music video to be in a sutle setting where no people may be to relate to the lyrics of the song.

+ In mathematics, the trigonometric functions are a set of functions which relate angles to the sides of a right triangle.

+ This might relate to increased rates of exposures to viruses before birth.

+ The band has a lot of fans in college and many of the band’s songs relate to the band members’ lives at The Ohio State University Ohio State University and growing up in Rockville, Maryland.

+ He also said that the song can mean something to each person and each person can relate the song to their own memories.

+ The years have caused some consequences, and he fails to relate to his family.

+ However, a chart or a diagram may not relate one quantity to other quantities.

+ An artwork is normally judged by how much impact it has on people, the number of people who can relate to it, and how much they appreciate it.

+ Food and Drug Administration has begun to approve non-animal alternatives to LD50, in response to research cruelty concerns and the lack of validity/sensitivity of animal tests as they relate to humans.

+ The information is stored in a graph, so one parent can have many children, and one child can relate to several parents.

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