“kinetic” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “kinetic”:

– However, in modern physics it is considered that there are only two types of energy – mass and kinetic energy, although this may not be helpful to those not familiar with more complex physics.

– As the temperature of a liquid increases, the kinetic energy of its molecules also increases.

– This slowing down reduces the amount of kinetic energy in the gauge boson.

– Since the amount of mass-energy created by the Higgs field is equal to the amount of kinetic energy that the gauge boson lost by slowing down, energy is conserved.

– The electrons at the hot junction are gaining kinetic energy as they cross the junction.

kinetic in sentences?
kinetic in sentences?

Example sentences of “kinetic”:

– The mechanical energy of a pendulum is constant and is the sum of the kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy.

– The remaining portion is transformed into the kinetic energy of the electrons and accounts for their ejection.

– When it leaves the bow, the potential energy turns into kinetic energy.

– There are three basic forms of energy: potential energy, kinetic energy, and rest energy.

– The wind has kinetic energy which is changed into mechanical energy by the blades on the turbine.

– The path to the left shows the thermodynamic product, while the path to the right shows the kinetic product.

– For example, exercising changes energy from food into kinetic energy.

– For a closed system, it is the sum of its kinetic energykinetic and potential energy.

– He was known for finding the Kinetic Sculpture Race in 1969.

– An elastic collision generally occurs when an elastic or hard object experiences a collision that bounces off another elastic or hard object, where the kinetic energy and momentum are the same before and after the collision.

– A wind turbine is a rotaterotating machine that transfers kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical energy.

– Integrated Kinetic Energy is a measure of storm surge damaging potential, similar to the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale, though the IKE is more complex and in many ways more accurate.

– In this form, the principle says the total of the pressure, kinetic energy, and potential energy is a constant.

- The mechanical energy of a pendulum is constant and is the sum of the kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy.

- The remaining portion is transformed into the kinetic energy of the electrons and accounts for their ejection.
- When it leaves the bow, the potential energy turns into kinetic energy.

More in-sentence examples of “kinetic”:

- The Kinetic energy of the molecules becomes negligible or zero.

- Very often these devices look like small waterfalls or cascades, where water flows vertically or over riprap to lose some of its kinetic force.

– The Kinetic energy of the molecules becomes negligible or zero.

– Very often these devices look like small waterfalls or cascades, where water flows vertically or over riprap to lose some of its kinetic force.

– It is defined to be It relates the average kinetic energy of a particle in a gas with the temperature of the gas.

– This can be described as conservatively converting potential energy to kinetic energy and back again.

– More of the thermodynamic product gets made than the kinetic product.

– The orbital speed at any position in the orbit can be computed from the distance to the central body at that position, and the specific orbital energy, which is independent of position: it equals the the kinetic energy plus the potential energy, divided by the mass.

– Any quantity of energy absorbed by the electron in excess of this amount is converted to kinetic energy according to the conservation of energy.

– The theory was based on the Kinetic theory of gasses.

– For this reason, it forms the basis of the Kinetic theory of gases, which provides a simplified explanation of many fundamental gaseous properties, including pressure and diffusion.

– If a frequency of light strikes the metal surface that is greater than the cutoff frequency, then the emitted electron will have some kinetic energy.

– Then it slows down as its kinetic energy is changed back into potential energy.

– This improved chemists’ understanding of the kinetic equations.

– New rules governing tyres, aerodynamics and Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems, among others, are some of the biggest changes in the Formula One regulations for several decades.

– Afonso later studied painting in Paris and became one of the experts in Kinetic art.

– It accelerates protons and antiprotons to slightly less than 1 TeV of kinetic energy and collides them together.

– Fine structure arises from relativistic kinetic energy corrections, spin-orbit coupling.

– Their high kinetic energy makes them more deadly.

– Various devices are designed in stream-beds to reduce the kinetic energy of flowing waters to reduce their erosive potential on banks and river bottoms.

– Conversely if the temperature around the gas becomes hotter then the gas particles will convert the thermal energy to kinetic energy, making them move faster and making the gas hotter.

– The particles are in a state of unending motion and as such have kinetic energy.

– It makes use of the kinetic energy of the waves that are driven by the wind.

– When the temperatures are too low, there is little kinetic energy, so the reaction rate decreases.

– Pumps need some kind of power, often kinetic energy, to make them work.

– This absorbs some of the bullet’s kinetic energy, and spreads it on a larger area.

– In the latter half of the twentieth century, chemists began to develop methods of asymmetric catalysis and kinetic resolution.

– Heat is the sum of the kinetic energy of atoms or molecules.

– In addition to its rest mass, matter can contain other forms of energy, which aren’t matter but allow them to interact with each other by exchanging kinetic energy, heat, light, sound waves, etc.

– The principle represents an accurate statement of the approximate conservation of kinetic energy in situations where there is no friction.

– Because of the different properties of the different metals, the electrons will lose potential energy and gain kinetic energy, just like a ball rolling over a hill to a lower area.

– The second rule we use is that the total kinetic energy remains the same, meaning that the initial kinetic energy is equal to the final kinetic energy.

– This energy can be in the form of heat, kinetic energy, or other form.

– Mobiles are a kind of kinetic sculpture.

– A kinetic product and a thermodynamic product are both possible.

– Some of the big kinetic energy found with flow at large mach numbers becomes internal energy in the fluid because of viscosity.

– Hamiltonians can be used to describe such simple systems as a bouncing ball, a pendulum or an oscillating spring in which energy changes between kinetic and potential energy and back again over time.

– It is suggested that there is a change of the polarity during the activation process as evidenced by relationships between the equilibrium and kinetic data.

– For monatomic helium and other noble gases, the internal energy consists only of the translational kinetic energy of the individual atoms.

– The stream, of course, expends kinetic energy in “trying” to eliminate the nickpoint.

– Tidal energy systems can extract either kinetic energy between high and low tides.

– The kinetic energy levels of the Auger electrons depend on the type of the atoms from which the electrons were ejected, and the chemical environment of the atoms.

– An external combustion engine is an engine which converts heated fluid into kinetic energy.

– As the kinetic energy of the molecules increases, the number of molecules changing into a vapor also increases, so it increases the vapor pressure.

– The kinetic product comes from a Diels–Alder reaction, while a cheletropic reaction makes a more thermodynamically stable product.

– This energy is in the form of kinetic energy as movement.

– Elastic collisions occur only if there is no net conversion of kinetic energy into other forms.

– Isotope electrochemistry is a field within electrochemistry concerned with various topics like electrochemical separation of isotopes, electrochemical estimation of isotopic exchange equilibrium constants, electrochemical kinetic isotope effect, electrochemical isotope sensors, etc.

– The electrons at the cold junction are losing kinetic energy as they cross the junction.

– She also works in modernist kinetic sculpture.

– Making bullets go faster increases the kinetic energy even more.

– This means that due to the v term in the kinetic energy formula, millions of times as much energy is required.

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