“characterize” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “characterize”:

– It is used as an adjective to characterize certain beliefs and practices, such as Shaivism.

– This was the culmination of research in the 1930s and early 1940s at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research to purify and characterize the “transforming principle” responsible for the phenomenon first described in Griffith’s experiment of 1928.

– Troll is used to characterize gay, bisexual and questioning or bi-curious men who cruise or “wander about looking”Cage, Ken.

– Jefferson Powell, a modern jurist, identifies three persistent themes of Republican constitutionalism which emerged from the Resolutions and the Report: that caution, not trust, should characterize our approach to those who hold political power.

– He derived the Flory exponent, which helps characterize the movement of polymers in solution.

– Lactation and fur, along with other features, also characterize the Mammaliaformes, though these traits are difficult to study in the fossil record.

– Works from this stage, including anthropomorphic themed drawings, announce the peculiar features that characterize his later works.

characterize how to use in sentences
characterize how to use in sentences

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