“col” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “col”:

+ He was the son of a tribal Tarin, Nawab-Bahadur, Risaldar; Col HSGM McRae, “Regimental History of the 45th Rattrays Sikhs” Vol 1, Glasgow, 1933, p.136 and was born in Talokar village, near Haripur, PakistanHaripur, in what was later to be the Hazara area of the NWFP, in British India.

+ Le Locle is on the Swiss side of the mountain pass Col des Roches, which forms the border between France and Switzerland.

+ The earliest traces of human settlements come from the end of the Mesolithic period in shelter in the Col des Roches.

+ The Pyrenees mountain range is found in the southern part of the department and goes, east to west, from the Col d’Aubisque, a mountain pass south of Tarbes and Pau, to the mouth of the river Bidasoa.

+ From the Colle di Cadibona to Col de Tende it runs to the west before turning to the northwest and then, to the north, near the Colle della Maddalena.

+ Two related concepts in topography are col and parent peak.

col use in-sentences
col use in-sentences

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