“dragging” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “dragging”:

– Nü Gua is a goddess in another creation myth where the commoners, or peasants, were created by her dragging a cord through the mud.

– The following scene has a pair of young lovers unable to make their tryst, as a succession of ever older and more hideous women attempt to and eventually succeed in dragging the man off to make love to him first, as laid down by the new laws.

– I realise that the indefinite banning order applied at enWP does not apply here, but I feel that the disruption he is dragging in from enWP into SimpleWP should be nipped in the bud.

– Advanced features, like dragging columns to different places, will be added later.

– The plays usually ended with a dog, a policeman, or the devil dragging him away.

– Most accepted building ideas are based on the idea of moving huge stones from a quarry and dragging and lifting them into place.

– Sorry if I’m dragging issues over here from the English Wiki, but I thought you should know.

– Basically, frame dragging is an effect that occurs when one object is moving near another, which makes both objects change their motion because of the other’s motion.

dragging some ways to use
dragging some ways to use

Example sentences of “dragging”:

- The Sim's body type can be changed by clicking and dragging parts of the Sim's body.

- There are effects that come out of the math of the frame dragging theory.

– The Sim’s body type can be changed by clicking and dragging parts of the Sim’s body.

– There are effects that come out of the math of the frame dragging theory.

– New subs were more streamlined and had no deck guns because water dragging against the guns made noise underwater and slowed the subs.

– There is debate among modern historians about whether “drawing” referred to the dragging to the place of execution or the disembowelling, but since two different words are used in the official documents detailing the trial of William Wallace, there is no doubt that the subjects of the punishment were disembowelled.

– With a sprite selected in the bottom-left area of the screen, blocks of commands can be applied to it by dragging them from the Blocks Palette onto the right area of the screen, containing all the scripts associated with the selected sprite.

– However, certain groups tried to defame him despite his integrity, dragging these alleged accusations despite clear evidence.

– Frame dragging states that since spacetime is elastic, it can also give the spin-energy back to the particle.

– Stoutenburg, Adrien, American Tall Tales, Puffin Books, New York, 1976 Paul and his friend, Babe the Blue Ox, dug the Grand Canyon when Paul was carrying his axe and dragging it behind him.

– Users can also move an icon, folder, or other object by clicking a mouse button and dragging the object with the mouse pointer.

– Closed as demoted: To be totally honest, there’s little point dragging this one out any longer, as it’s clear where it’s headed! If anyone desperately disagrees please feel free to revert, but there’s little point letting it run another week as it’s unlikely anyone is going to fix it when it’s already been here for some time.

– You can be stopped by dragging your feet or by water.

– The whale would grow tired from dragging the floats under the water.

– A video posted by TMZ showed Rice dragging Palmer’s body out of an elevator.

– They have a video showing him dragging the trunk into the ocean; they believe that there was a body inside.

– Closed as not promoted: This one’s overrun the extension by a few days so is probably around about time to be closed to avoid things dragging on.

– They found hind foot prints but no front foot prints or marks from a tail dragging behind.

– Frame dragging does not occur if an object is neither spinning nor moving.

– Frame dragging is a theory which says that Space space is energy with it.

– Frame dragging would provide answers for very old questions about gravity, strong force, and wave-particle duality.

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