Some example sentences of “pools”

How to use in-sentence of “pools”:

+ The oil pools in the area caused the population of towns to grow very quickly.

+ Water gardens are plants that are grown in ornamental pools and ponds.

+ Scientists saw adult frogs staying near the pools at night to scare away bigger animals that wanted to eat the tadpoles.

+ They are filled with seawater during high tides, and exist as separate pools at low tide.

+ Rock pools are rocky pools by the sea.

Some example sentences of pools
Some example sentences of pools

Example sentences of “pools”:

+ They get their water from water pools on rocks.

+ There are forests of laminariastrap seaweed; in the rock pools are sea squirts.

+ They get their water from water pools on rocks.

+ There are forests of laminariastrap seaweed; in the rock pools are sea squirts.

+ Surveillance in the surrounding area of Cologne showed an increase in alpine newt numbers, but the numbers of newts in breeding pools seemed to decline.

+ The females lay eggs in pools where the water does not flow fast, 360-730 at a time.

+ Lifeguards are usually found at most public pools and lakes.

+ Tide pools are habitats of uniquely adaptable animals that have engaged the special attention of naturalists and marine biologists.

+ They were also unhappy that their friends had “better things like swimming pools and clothes”.

+ These pools can become homes for frogs and salamanders.

+ Other famous reflecting pools are the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool and the pool in front of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

+ For Natterjacks, pools need to have a small slope with little vegetation on the banks and in the water.

+ Other larvae, especially in ancestral pools and warmer climates, may not metamorphose until fully adult size.

+ The Pools will run from “00:00 January 1 2009” until “00:00 March 1 2009”.

+ It now has 16 competitors, and we watch with interest how these users are split up when the pools are released at the end of December.

+ Tide pools are a home for hardy organisms such as sea stars, mussels and clams.

+ The tadpoles grow in pools or slow-flowing streams.

+ They prefer shallow weedy pools and submerged trees, limbs or man-made structures.

+ It lives in streams and lays eggs in small pools next to the stream.

More in-sentence examples of “pools”:

+ These brine pools are completely without any oxygen.

+ They have seen the frog hiding in agave plants during the day and by pools of water at night.
+ Notostracans, or tadpole shrimps, are omnivores living on the bottom of temporary pools and shallow lakes.

+ These brine pools are completely without any oxygen.

+ They have seen the frog hiding in agave plants during the day and by pools of water at night.

+ Notostracans, or tadpole shrimps, are omnivores living on the bottom of temporary pools and shallow lakes.

+ It lays its eggs in pools of water.

+ In 2019, scientists learned that the frog does something unusual: It digs pools to lay eggs in.

+ The city has 4 civic gyms, 4 public pools and 4 public libraries.

+ The Neptune Fountain is the largest of all the fountain pools in the gardens of Versailles.

+ They lay eggs in pools near the bottoms of tall rocks, 30ndash;40 eggs at a time.

+ It spends the day hiding in pools or burrows.

+ At the same time the levels of mineral pools was raised and carbon dioxide gas reached the higher level caves.

+ It is not a deep river, most of it is less than 2m, but there are some deeper pools near Logan.

+ It lays eggs 450 at a time in pools and streams.

+ This frog lays eggs in crevices in rocks and in small pools of water, but scientists do not know much about their eggs.

+ It can also be a place used for changing clothes in, often found at swimming pools and gymnasiums.

+ At school swimming pools and public swimming pools there were different hours for boys and girls to swim.

+ The eggs sink to the bottoms of the pools and stick to the rocks.

+ The scoria cone is a cone that is made when of mud are heated up and the salse, which are pools of water that leak gases out of them.

+ Bromides can be added to pools along with chlorine to make hypobromite, which disinfects the pools.

+ The males sit on plants high above the pools and sing so the females will come to them.

+ RIRs split their address pools into smaller chunks and give them to Internet service providers in their region.

+ In temples to Sobek, live crocodiles were kept in pools to honor him.

+ Rock pools are common on some shores.

+ There are a number of tiny tree frogs which develop from eggs laid in water pools on tropical leaves many meters above the ground.

+ Some public pools have special hours or special days for nude swimming.

+ From the 1890s until 1962, men and boys used to swim nude at the YMCA The YMCA is an organization with many swimming pools in the United States.

+ Water gardening is growing plants in ornamental pools and ponds.

+ It is made by getting lithium chloride from pools and springs.

+ The tadpoles live in slow-moving pools with sunlight.

+ In home gardens, newts are settling in pools in which there may be a high reproduction rate.

+ They live in pools and slow-moving streams in subtropical forests.

+ With entirely abandoned buildings, including abandoned apartment buildings, swimming pools and hospitals, everything inside remains, from records to papers to children’s toys and clothing.

+ When their pools dry up,adult tadpole shrimp die.

+ It also lives on treeless moors, on bogs, or on dwarf heather habitats, usually where small lakes or pools are also found.

+ Fish have been raised as food in pools and ponds for thousands of years.

+ Scientists could hear this frog calling from the trees 5 to 8 meters above the ground, so they think it lays eggs in pools on the forest floor.

+ One of the greatest pains in reattachment is just after surgery, when the blood pools under the skin and is very painful.

+ They live in pools of water on every continent except Antarctica.

+ It lays eggs in pools where the water does not move quickly, about 1000 at a time.

+ The rain creates pools of water that are not there during the dry season.

+ Some pools are indoor so they can be used when weather is bad.

+ They lay eggs 600-950 at a time in pools with slow-moving water.

+ These organisms were Loricifera living in sediments under deep-water brine pools like the L’Atalante basin.

+ Some air plants store water in pools in and around their roots.

+ During the dry season, the peat remains waterlogged and pools lie among the trees.

+ Swimming pools are often filled with water that has been treated that way.

+ At colleges with men and women, there were separate pools or different swimming times for men and women.

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