“feudal” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “feudal”:

– Tuscany in this time was part of feudal Europe.

– Little Tokyo is a mechanical city which combines feudal Japanese culture with present day culture.

– The Kamakura shogunate was a feudal Japanese feudal military government.

– This land was given by a Feudal lord.

– When Henry died, John’s brother, Richard received all of Henry’s possessions, and John accepted Ireland as a feudal holding from Richard.

– Peasants were not part of the feudal system because they did not give or receive land.

– Before this time most larger houses were fortified, because their owners were feudal lords or overlords of their manor.

feudal some example sentences
feudal some example sentences

Example sentences of “feudal”:

- He was also the Premier Baronet of Scotland, and the 30th feudal baron of Innes.

- In Japan's feudal past the Samurai class upheld the honor of their family, clan, or their lord by "katakiuchi or revenge killings.
- Before Meiji era, Kenroku-en Garden was known among Feudal lords but since then it was available to the public.

– He was also the Premier Baronet of Scotland, and the 30th feudal baron of Innes.

– In Japan’s feudal past the Samurai class upheld the honor of their family, clan, or their lord by “katakiuchi or revenge killings.

– Before Meiji era, Kenroku-en Garden was known among Feudal lords but since then it was available to the public.

– The story of the game is focused on a young ninja Iga in the feudal period of Japan.

– John was an efficient ruler, but he lost approval of the barons by taxing them in ways outside those traditionally allowed by feudal overlords.

– The heavy scutage Scutage: in the law of England under the feudal system, this allowed a knight to ‘buy out’ of military service due to the Crown.

– The gradual integration of the feudal fiefs into the royal domain required the establishment of a royal administration.

– The period from around the 12th century through the 19th century is called feudal period in the history of Japan.

– By analogy the term “vassal” is used also for similar systems in other feudal societies.

– The way in which the town is built is an example of how feudal society worked.

– Aristocratic status can involve feudal or legal privileges.

– The feudal dukes quickly collected a fortune in properties, titles, and power.

– The most important monuments in the commune are the “Château de Béon”, a 19th-century castle, and the ruins of the “Château de Luyrieu”, a feudal castle.

– The papal terms for submission were accepted in the presence of the papal legate Pandulph in May 1213 ; in addition, John offered to surrender the Kingdom of England to Peter and Paul for a feudal service of 1,000 marks annually, 700 for England and 300 for Ireland.

– Kievan Rus’ eventually broke up and the lands were divided into many small feudal states.

More in-sentence examples of “feudal”:

– The consuls who governed the republic slowly became more inclusive of the “poblani”, or common people, and the Commune increased its territory as the surrounding feudal nobles in their fortified castles submitted to the urban power.

– In general terms, the manor house was the house of a feudal lord of a manor, which he occupied only on occasional visits if he held many manors.

– During this time, feudal lords worked to make serfdom the common way for people to live.

– A serf’s feudal contract was that he would live on and work a piece of land held by his Lord.

– The old man and his wife received great praise from a feudal lord passing by.

– The feudal system was soon introduced in Ireland as a means of organising land.

– In the feudal system, the nobility were mostly those who got land from the monarch and had to provide services to him, mainly military service.

– The feudal daimyō were sometimes identified with the suffix “”-kō”” combined with the name of a place or a castle.Plutschow, Herbert.

– Serfs had some rights in the feudal contract.

– The Heart of the Warrior: origins and religious background of the samurai system in feudal Japan By Catharina Blomberg.

– Claimed low intelligence has historically been used to justify the feudal system and unequal treatment of women.

– He completely re-made the feudal system to disregard people’s ethnicity and instead based it on loyalty and accomplishments.

– A suzerain can also mean a feudal lord.

– These feudal lords raised armies and appointed officers, but they did not have the authority to give a rank in the king’s army.

– The most important monuments in the commune are the “Château de Beauregard”, a feudal castle rebuilt in the 19th century, the Saint-François-D’Assise church, listed as a “monument historique”, and the Beauregard suspension bridge from the 19th century, also listed as a “monument historique”.

– Three years later, Miroku and Sango have three children, Rin lives with Kaede, and Kagome returns to the feudal era after graduating from high school.

– It was the end of the feudal time of Japan.

– The king gave the college a lot of money for several feudal privileges.

– Figaro discovers Count Almaviva intends to exercise his feudal right to sleep with Figaro’s wife Susanna before they consummate their marriage.

– Apart from the trade generated by travellers, life in Woolmer Green was agricultural and feudal until the middle of the nineteenth century.

– As a result of the hard oppressions of Kurd feudal lords, Daniel-Bek of Sassun transmigrated from Sason to the town MuşMush, where his family had a house in the Armenian quarter of Berd, near the church Saint Marineh.

– France repealed its feudal system August 4, 1789 in the wake of the French Revolution.

– Gengo’s older brother, Gunnosuke Gengo, along with Katsu Kaishu and Yadabori, was the only Kakegawa feudal lord to receive the first Nagasaki Dutch Navy training.

– However, France was a decentralised feudal monarchy in the middle ages and so was it was unified than England.

– As the traditional feudal elite, Nambudiris owned a large portion of the land in the region of Malabar until the Kerala Land Reforms starting in 1957.

- The consuls who governed the republic slowly became more inclusive of the "poblani", or common people, and the Commune increased its territory as the surrounding feudal nobles in their fortified castles submitted to the urban power.

- In general terms, the manor house was the house of a feudal lord of a manor, which he occupied only on occasional visits if he held many manors.
- During this time, feudal lords worked to make serfdom the common way for people to live.

– From feudal times up to the present, the term has been used in canon law to refer to a cleric receiving the symbols of spiritual office, such as the pastoral ring, mitre and staff, signifying transfer of the office.

– The thesis put forward by Henri Pirenne, disputed by many, supposes that the Arab conquests forced the medieval economy into even greater ruralisation and gave rise to the classic feudal pattern of varying degrees of servile peasantry underpinning a hierarchy of localised power centres.

– Under the Tokugawa Shogunate, Bushidō became official Japanese Feudal Law.

– The elections on 12 November 2009 brought about a major change and upheaval in the Baltistan region, which had been once an area ruled by a feudal Raja and then an area under Pakistani military control.

– This feudal system is similar to that in Japan, where the knights were called samurai.

– In the 3rd to 4th century, Arezzo became an episcopal place: it is one of the few cities whose succession of bishops are known by name without interruption to the present day, in part because they were the feudal lords of the city in the Middle Ages.

– Malik Ata Muhammad Khan, popularly known as Prince Malik Ata was a Pakistani feudal lord and politician.

– According to medievalist Marc Bloch, “The Middle Ages, from beginning to end, and particularly the feudal era, lived under the sign of private vengeance.

– The roots of the city go up in Celtic Gaul, and are anchored in two feudal mounds, a Gallo-Roman site and a Carolingian one.

– Their territory was the feudal fiefs of which King of Franceking of Western France had been the suzerain since the 843 division of the Carolingian Empire.

– The feudal period of Japan is generally sub-divided into different periods named after the shogunate which ruled during that period.

– Vassals must pay tribute to the feudal lord.

– They usually paid 10% of their income to the Church and 10% to the feudal lord, which was called a tithe.

– The origin is in the medieval feudal system, in which the King’s word was law.

– One example is feudal society.

– In the early history, the King of France would call on his feudal lords for troops.

– He was helped by fellow Luba age-group generals Mecha, Yilma and Densa, who were rewarded by “Rist” feudal lands, in the present-day Gojjam districts of the same name.

– In 1066, William I of EnglandWilliam of Normandy brought a feudal system, where he sought the advice of a council before making laws.

– Richard made Normandy into a feudal society where he owned all the land.

– Land ownership was through land tenure in feudal systems.

– During the 10th and 11th centuries, Lucca was the capital of the feudal territories of Tuscany, with more power about the Roman Emperor.

– In 1165-1167, due to feudal strife, the Vitebsk principality gradually began to lose importance and fell under the rule of the Smolensk princes.

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