Some example sentences of “blindly”

How to use in-sentence of “blindly”:

– Kellner was also angry at the famous aviator Charles Lindbergh, and the car manufacturer Henry Ford, and at others who blindly expressed admiration for Adolf Hitler.

– Scooping is digging between rocks blindly into bushes of weeds or large bushes.

– Is there anybody who may have some pointers as to what to look for here? I don’t want to start swinging blindly and delete the main page or something.

– For all practical purposes, there are no cases of elevators simply free-falling and killing the passengers inside; of the 20 to 30 elevator-related deaths each year, most of them are maintenance-related – for example, technicians leaning too far into the shaft or getting caught between moving parts, and most of the rest are attributed to easily avoidable accidents, such as people stepping blindly through doors that open into empty shafts or being strangled by scarves caught in the doors.

– I’m not suggesting that we blindly follow their decisions with these.

– A helpful contributor to the encyclopedia doesn’t need HC to blow up their mainspace editcount so that someone who has seen their editcount as far as mainspace edits can blindly support.

– How many times have we complained at various admins coming in and blindly making an admin decision then leaving again leaving us all in the lurch.

– In combat situations, he thought this could cause soldiers to run away, or to blindly attack.

Some example sentences of blindly
Some example sentences of blindly

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