Some example sentences of “human being”

How to use in-sentence of “human being”:

+ Dharma is considered one of the most important goal of a human being in Hinduism.

+ So for Mencius the best path for a human being is to plan and to act to make himself or herself well balanced, integrated, and so a useful person to society.

+ According to Roosevelt it is a right every human being everywhere in the world should have.

+ If someone argued that every action a human being takes in life is predetermined before that person is even born, and also argued that a human being will determine his or her future according to the acts that he or she freely wills, there is a contradiction.

+ Childhood ends when a human being begins puberty.

+ His assumption was that is was possible to determine the race of a human being by looking at the jawbone.

Some example sentences of human being
Some example sentences of human being

Example sentences of “human being”:

+ The question "What is existence?" is a very important one for Philosophyphilosophers, and many people think Aristotle is the first human being to have thought seriously about the question.

+ It is not merely the inability to touch a human being but also an attitude towards a minority group translated into various physical acts, norms and practices.
+ Every human being has the right to live.

+ The question “What is existence?” is a very important one for Philosophyphilosophers, and many people think Aristotle is the first human being to have thought seriously about the question.

+ It is not merely the inability to touch a human being but also an attitude towards a minority group translated into various physical acts, norms and practices.

+ Every human being has the right to live.

+ Camus believed that a human being could become happy by finding meaning in their relationship with the absurdity of their existence.

+ The green economists and the more conservative environmental economics argue that not only natural ecologies, but also the life of the individual human being is treated as a commodity by the global markets.

+ Since everything is absolutely the result of what came before it, they argued, every decision a human being makes and every situation into which that human being enters was predetermined since the beginning of time.

+ Because He thinks Dooly, who He saw first on the earth, as the typical earth creature, he regards human being as pets.

+ In “To Kill a Mockingbird”, Atticus is shown as a good character, trying to live in the way he thinks a lawyer and human being should.

+ This may be fake or it may be about an actual human being who is being attacked in a vicious manner.

+ The Jews think that the Messiah will be a human being that will save Israel and lead the whole world into the End Of Days and eternal peace.

+ Human sacrifice is the act of killing a human being as an offering to a deity or other, normally supernatural, power.

+ Killing another human being in Islam is the equivalent of killing all of humanity.

+ Pinocchio learns about being a real life boy and wants to be a real human being instead of a puppet made of wood and strings.

+ Then Hwanung transformed himself into human being for a while and married her.

+ For example, every human being has a need for water.

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