“experiment” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “experiment”:

– If the subject still wished to stop after the four main prods had been used, the experiment was halted.

– Davis ran an experiment that involved having people lift weights with one arm and not the other.

– The person and the experiment have to be described with reference to each other.

– The title of the book comes from a mouse in the story named Algernon who also has the experiment done on him.

– The character is seen first as a theoretical physicist working at Black Mesa Research Facility and working in an experiment which accidentally opens an portal, releasing confused, harmful aliens into Black Mesa.

experiment in sentences?
experiment in sentences?

Example sentences of “experiment”:

– The experiment was intended to run for two weeks, but after 6 days had to be abandoned because the guards became more abusive towards the prisoners.

– In an unusual experiment the Washington Post asked Bell to stand in the street and busk by the entrance to a Washington Metro station one cold morning in January 2007.

– This experiment supported cell theory.

– In 1895, Lorentz and Fitzgerald noted that the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment could be explained by the ether wind contracting the experiment in the direction of motion of the ether.

– More than 4,000 scientists from different nations and different interests experiment together.

– It also led to the concept of the theta point, the set of conditions at which an experiment can be conducted that causes the excluded volume effect to be neutralized.

– He started to experiment with it in the vineyards of the abbey.

– It was evident through their experiment that stressed rats had inhibited premature responses, along with decreased intrinsic motivation to initiate a response.

– Polgar and her two younger sisters, Judit and Sofia, were part of an educational experiment carried out by their father László Polgár.

– The small town was built by Robert Owen as an experiment in utopian idealism.

- The experiment was intended to run for two weeks, but after 6 days had to be abandoned because the guards became more abusive towards the prisoners.

- In an unusual experiment the Washington Post asked Bell to stand in the street and busk by the entrance to a Washington Metro station one cold morning in January 2007.
- This experiment supported cell theory.

– Sometimes things mess up the results of the experiment a bit, and the results come out a little wrong.

– Therefore, it is only a possibility, not a certainty, that the person who does the experiment then goes on to feel like they survived.

– This experiment provided additional evidence that DNA, not protein, was the genetic material.

– Soon, they were famous as studio musicians who loved to experiment with music.

– Suppose there is an experiment to measure the height of 21-year-old men from a certain area.

– His abilities helped The Dead to experiment further afield, playing in dramatic and remote places.

– Higgins decides to do an experiment with her.

– In many fields, an experiment must have a “p”-value of less than 0.05 for the experiment to be considered evidence of the alternative hypothesis.

More in-sentence examples of “experiment”:

– The cichlid fishes: nature’s grand experiment in evolution.

– Kettlewell repeated the experiment in 1955 in an unpolluted woodland in Dorset, and again in polluted woods in Birmingham.

– The scientists had the idea for this experiment because the Swahili language word for oxpecker is “Askari wa kifaru” which means “the rhino’s guard” in English.

– Other psychologists did their own versions of Milgram’s experiment and found very similar results.

– DOI: Optical study of single molecules has subsequently become a widely used single-molecule experiment in chemistry, physics and biology.

– Scientists used the experiment to discover the size of the electron.

– We will do the experiment in three trials, which are exactly the same, except for the temperature of the water.

– She is responsible for providing, giving electrical engineering support to Code 870 Space Experiment Module program.

– At first, they studied the men in the experiment for six to eight months.

– The Ediacara biota: a terminal Neoproterozoic experiment in the evolution of life.

– The experiment was that eight people with no history of psychopathology would try to get into twelve psychiatric hospitals.

– He works on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider.

– This experiment focused on studying the reaction times of people.

– The Haymarket Theatre let him experiment with his plays and Fielding changed the comedy genre.

– Asch’s experiment tested how much humans are influenced by other people’s opinions.

– In the main experiment in Cambridge from 20012007 Majerus added an experiment to find if bat predation might have skewed the results – this found that bats preyed equally on both forms of the moth.

– In research, sample sizes are often calculated before the experiment are conducted to make sure that the desired conditions can be met.

– Generally, the main results of the DSC experiment is an output signal of heat flow rate as a function of temperature, which are called.

– At the same time, he used his own home garden and landscape to experiment with gardening methods and to grow food for his family.

– The Michelson-Morley Experiment showed that there was no medium through which light travelled.

– The Fermilab scientists decided to use the land surface as an experiment in restoring Illinois original prairie.

– Instead of giving them their own room, as Sharikov demands, the Professor takes the woman aside and explains that Sharikov is the product of a lab experiment gone horribly wrong.

– After an experiment was done looking at populations of aphids and time of year, it was concluded that “tulip breaking virus” transmission starts in April, even though the majority of aphids were not found until May.

– A true heat of combustion determination has liquid water at the end of the reaction due to the fact that the experiment is returned to the standard temperature of 25deg;C at which water condenses into liquid.

– One of the first essays advocating a blinded approach to experiments in general came from Claude Bernard in the latter half of the 19th century, who recommended splitting any scientific experiment between the theorist who conceives the experiment and a naive observer who registers the results without foreknowledge of the theory or hypothesis being tested.

– Within biophysics, he is known for experiment and theory in understanding the dynamical behavior of protein tertiary structure.

- The cichlid fishes: nature's grand experiment in evolution.

- Kettlewell repeated the experiment in 1955 in an unpolluted woodland in Dorset, and again in polluted woods in Birmingham.

– One experiment suggest they can distinguish between seeing and knowing, but this is not entirely accepted.

– But even this experiment apparently failed.” Four months after her divorce, on 24 December 1935, Colbert married Dr.

– Griffith’s Experiment was an experiment done in 1928 by Frederick Griffith.

– In 1944 Ancel Keys started a scientific experiment about starvation.

– The ability of crows to learn doubled the frequency of scolding, which spread at least 1.2 km from where the experiment started to over a 5-year period at one site.

– Please do not experiment using active templates.

– The Foucault pendulum, or Foucault’s pendulum was created as an experiment to show the rotation of the Earth.

– For example, a common school experiment to find the molar heat capacity of water involves heating a beaker of water with an immersion heater and stirring the water, while checking the temperature at specific intervals.

– It was the first experiment with the forward pass.

– DNA’s role in heredity was confirmed in 1952, when Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase in the Hershey–Chase experiment showed that DNA is the genetic material of the T2 bacteriophage.

– We can take care in designing the experiment to avoid various ways of jiggling the apparatus, but we cannot get rid of the fact that there was nothing completely definite to begin with.

– The segments added several characters as friends of Slimer, including the character Professor Norman Dweeb—mad scientist accompanied by a poodle named Elizabeth who wanted to capture Slimer to experiment on him.

– Michelson–Morley experiment is the best yet.

– We can do the same experiment as above, but with an unbalanced dice.

– To illustrate this Pierre-Simon Laplace proposed a thought experiment in 1814, which he called Laplace’s demon.

– According to one of his students, Galileo did a famous experiment about gravity where he dropped balls from the Tower of Pisa.

– Very often the result of a scientific experiment is difficult or impossible to replicate later, either by independent researchers or by the original researchers themselves.

– The experiment was not repeated again under the Musharraf Regime.

– Besides the simplifications and systematic problems from this experiment / graph we agree that the graphic should have looked exactly the other way around.

– The double-slit experiment became a classic thought experiment for its clear explanation of the central puzzles of quantum mechanics.

– The experiment began when Griffith was trying to make a vaccine to prevent pneumonia infections in the “Spanish flu” influenza pandemic after World War I, by using two strains of the “Streptococcus pneumoniae” bacterium.

– The experiment began in June 2009.

– During the Apollo 15 mission, David Scott did an experiment by dropping a hammer and a falcon feather at the same time.

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