Some sentences in use of “possible”

How to use in-sentence of “possible”:

– Although India claims that the entire state is part of India, it has been prepared to accept the Line of Control as the international border, with some possible modifications.

– It is possible to go diving and see the ruins.

– If the possible future enhancement of color-coding links to dab pages is ever implemented, that would help all editors.

– Relevance is argued to depend upon the “remoteness relationship” between an actual world in which relevance is being evaluated and the set of possible worlds within which it is true.

– Kapos and “Sonderkommandos” made it possible for a small number of SS guards to control tens of thousands of prisoners at Auschwitz.

Some sentences in use of possible
Some sentences in use of possible

Example sentences of “possible”:

– Unbihexium, also known as element 126 or eka-plutonium, is the possible chemical element with atomic number 126 and placeholder symbol Ubh.

– In April 2009, it was not possible to have auto-thumbnail sizing while also concealing the caption: parameter “thumb” triggers both actions and forces the caption to display.

– Even though it is technically possible to build cars that do certain things on their own, the question whether it should be done is different.

– However, investigators could not find any possible cause from the recorders as the flight data recorder showed that the plane was working properly before it broke up.

– Multiple exposures are not possible on digital cameras, but the effect can be simulated with the alpha channel feature of photo editing software such as Adobe PhotoshopPhotoshop or GIMP.

– It is possible that Bach would have finished the Fantasie with a major chord only if he was playing it on its own, but we cannot be sure of this.

– The goal is to go down the hill as fast as possible while still turning around the obstacles.

– If AADHAR verification is not possible for the applicant, GSTIN will be released only on Physical verification of place of business.

– This means that measurement will reduce the several possible states to a single state by adding them together.

- Unbihexium, also known as element 126 or eka-plutonium, is the possible chemical element with atomic number 126 and placeholder symbol Ubh.

- In April 2009, it was not possible to have auto-thumbnail sizing while also concealing the caption: parameter "thumb" triggers both actions and forces the caption to display.
- Even though it is technically possible to build cars that do certain things on their own, the question whether it should be done is different.

– Although an IUPAC name makes every single possible molecule unique, the names are often long and complicated, so in everyday life, “trivial” names–unofficial but widely understood names–are used, such as the trivial names Paracetamol, Tylenol, and Acetaminophen, which are used for a compound whose IUPAC name is “N- acetamide”.

– The color shown at right, “electric indigo”, is the closest color it is possible to display on a computer to the color of the indigo color band in the rainbow.

– For example, a large number of the possible key keys are tried in the key space.

– She was seen as a possible replacement for then-retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy.

– But, with 40% of the population experiencing a decrease in their disposable income, it’s possible that infrequent betters might look to online gambling as a quick solution for financial difficulty.

– Two possible locations have been identified in Þingvellir.

More in-sentence examples of “possible”:

- Nonetheless, it remains possible that Paleolithic societies never practiced cannibalism, and that the damage to recovered human bones was either the result of ritual defleshingritual post-mortem bone cleaning or predation by carnivores such as saber tooth cats, lions and hyenas.

- Instead, it is possible to measure some of them.

– Nonetheless, it remains possible that Paleolithic societies never practiced cannibalism, and that the damage to recovered human bones was either the result of ritual defleshingritual post-mortem bone cleaning or predation by carnivores such as saber tooth cats, lions and hyenas.

– Instead, it is possible to measure some of them.

– The use of the printing press made possible the mass production of form documents offering indulgences.

– A plebiscite and a referendum is possible due to the Constitution of Hamburg.

– Don’t take this the wrong way please; I mean it in the nicest possible way and you do a sterling job on content for the wiki and are a useful asset to the team.

– It only became possible in 1863 after he had divided the work into two parts.

– Burney’s version lacks the improvisations, so it possible that he removed them, and destroyed Mozart’s copy to avoid trouble with the church.

– However, there has been fierce opposition, usually on the basis of the content of the preamble, as well as possible legal ramifications of this text.

– He was considered for and lost out to Dean Cain as Superman in “Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman” and was a possible contender for the role of Agent Mulder in “The X Files” which went to David Duchovny.

– So, while it may be impossible to reach the speed of light, it may still be possible to get close to it—that is, if you have enough fuel.

– Predation on a white shark and a possible case of competitive displacement.

– Today, computers have made it possible to make or receive collect calls without talking to a person.

– Its main political program was to facilitate much closer relations with the Russian Federation until the possible reunification of Crimea with Russia.

– To resolve this error, provide a value for and if possible repair it.

– This makes it possible for the bees to convey up-to-date directional information during their waggle dance, without having to make a comparison with the sun during long dance phases.

– A side effect is just a possible effect that a medicine can have on the body.

– That way, it is possible to send a fax through one channel, while doing a phone call over the other channel, for example.

– This padding ensures that “m” does not fall into the range of insecure plaintexts, and that a given message, once padded, will encrypt to one of a large number of different possible ciphertexts.

– Given Bassel’s urgent situation and the resulting tight schedule, we ask everyone to get involved with the poll and the discussion to the widest possible extent, and to promote it among your communities as soon as possible.

– Karl Popper distinguished between two different forms of government, “Those where it is possible to change the government without bloodshed, in a popular vote, and those where it isn’t.” He said that this was the key difference, and not how the forms of government are named.

– In addition to that not inconsiderable feat, they showed that it was possible to create a society in which everyone’s opinions are heard and respected and where democracy, through the imposition of the wishes of the majority, could prevail.

– According to, resurrection of a people will be possible in the far future.

– It is possible to work out the difference between a trout and any other fish, by looking for a second dorsal fin.

– She watched a hunting group isolate a colobus high in a tree, block all possible exits, then a chimpanzee climbed up and captured and killed the colobus.The Jane Goodall Institute:, 2008.

– It is possible to steal second base, third base, or home plate, but not to steal first base.

– So the basic question is really: Is the group meaningul enough to be included? – If this is a yes, we need to re-work the artice to solve possible copyright issues.

– It is not possible that he could be of the Holy Ghost, there must be a man.

– Although it reports directly to the Pontiff, the Academy has considerable freedom in conducting its mission: the study of Science and the possible consequences for the human condition.

– They made it possible for the camps to run with fewer SS guards.

– As of March 2021, the following people within the previous six months are presumed to become possible candidates for the next US president.

– There can be multiple piercings and it is possible to change rings, depending on how you pierce it.

– In certain circumstances, it is not possible for the holder of the visa to do this, either because the country does not have a mechanism to prolong visas or, most likely, because the holder of the visa is using a short stay visa to live in a country.

– It’s also possible to use but not, the empty/void/null string for the main namespace.

– But, it is also possible to get parity errors.

– It is possible to change the ticket prices from a range of 1 £ to 150 £.

– In addition, it is also possible for epidemic or outbreak to progress and become a full fledged pandemic.

– This makes it possible that, if the system fails, sometimes some data has not been written to the disk involved.

– Retired Admiral James Stavridis, who used to be NATO Supreme Allied Commander for Europe, agreed that it was not possible to perform social distancing on board a navy ship like the “Theodore Roosevelt”.

– He characterizes these views as “speculative”, but adds that it is nevertheless possible that there are echoes of Shaiva iconographic themes, such as half-moon shapes resembling the horns of a bull.

– It is possible that these languages are part of a sprachbund.

– It can be seen that three of the scales each have two possible names: B major.

– These and other changes were designed to make possible the promotion of talented people.

– It is still possible to get in through a secret door.

– One possible guess for the cause of the faster wind speeds is that if enough energy is produced, turbulence is created, which slows the winds down.

– When Koror was down to six, Tom and Ian worried that they would fall against a possible immunity threat, Gregg, and his close ally Jenn, and started a plan with Caryn and Katie to vote out Gregg when they had the chance.

– This makes it possible to cook the pizza directly, without first defrosting it.

– It is only possible to convert between units that have the same type.

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