Some example sentences of “execution”

How to use in-sentence of “execution”:

– Unlike Roman Citizenshipcitizens, they could suffer corporal punishment, sexual exploitation, summary execution legally.

– Until the beginning of the 20th century, hanging was the most common method of execution in the United States.

– A computer program itself is just a passive collection of instructions, while a process is the actual execution of those instructions.

– Her execution was effectuated by hanging her at Pankrác prison yard on june 27, 1950 at 5:35 am.

– Although Oklahoma was the first State to legislate execution by lethal injection, the method was not administered until 1990.

– This idea originated in the mainframe market where online transaction processing emphasized not just the execution speed of one transaction, but the capacity to deal with big numbers of transactions at the same time.

Some example sentences of execution
Some example sentences of execution

Example sentences of “execution”:

- Most people who were sent to Jasenovac were killed at execution sites near the camp: Granik, Gradina, and other places.

- Allan and Alice lament the execution of Robin, to take place on the following day.
- Reza Alinejad is an Iranian at risk of execution for accidentally killing a man in self-defense when he was 17 years old.

– Most people who were sent to Jasenovac were killed at execution sites near the camp: Granik, Gradina, and other places.

– Allan and Alice lament the execution of Robin, to take place on the following day.

– Reza Alinejad is an Iranian at risk of execution for accidentally killing a man in self-defense when he was 17 years old.

– At last, in “The reward of cruelty”, his body is taken from the gallows after he is execution and is cut up into pieces by surgeons.

– The white fur reveals the mode of execution that claimed Pluto, and the narrator pledges revenge.

– After Omar Mukhtar’s capture September 15, 1931 and his execution in Benghazi, the resistance petered out.

– When a “hiccup” in execution occurs, a “bubble” is created in the pipeline in which nothing useful happens.

– Out-of-order execution has been used in most recent high-performance CPUs to achieve some of their speed gains.

– This resulted in a brief pursuit by police, and a successful execution by the Pennsylvania State Police.

– At the time of his death, Ramirez had been on death row for more than 23 years, awaiting execution by the state of California.

More in-sentence examples of “execution”:

– This was the first execution in Plymouth Colony.

– As the execution timer counts down, Vitruvius’ ghost appears and tells Emmet that it was not the prophecy, but his self-belief that made him the Special.

– A few of the people escaped the execution and destruction.

– Bagrat Aleksandrovich was accused of taking part in the execution of 26 Baku Commissars.

– Article II of the Constitution of Nigeria vests the executive power of the state in the governor and charges him with the execution of state law, alongside the responsibility of appointing state executive, diplomatic, regulatory, and judicial officers subject to the approval of the Assembly members.

– His execution was ordered by King Edward I of England.

– He has a proven ability to take billion-dollar businesses to the next level by maximizing innovation, execution and collaboration.

– The choice of the number of execution units, their latency and throughput are important microarchitectural design tasks.

– On 11 February 2015 the government said that Chan and Sukumaran would be moved from Kerobokan prison to Nusakambangan Island where the execution would take place.

– Komaru’s second failed execution begins, she falls down a hole with a parachute.

– After Louis XVI’s execution in 1793 and the death of Louis XVI’s son in 1795, he called himself Louis XVIII.

– Gacy’s execution was filmed; his last words were, “kiss my ass”.

– Speculative execution is a further enhancement in which the code along the predicted path is executed before it is known whether the branch should be taken or not.

– In practice, the interpretation and execution of policy can lead to informal influence.

– It was employed during the Spanish colonization of the Americasconquista of the Americas, notably in the execution of the Inca emperor Atahualpa.

– Many believe that his excommunication and execution were not legal.

– During the thread switching, the CPU must save all of the current thread’s execution data to memory, and load another thread’s execution data from memory.

– It never became as popular as execution by electric chair or lethal injection.

– His activities sabotaging French occupying troops after World War I led to his arrest and eventual execution by French forces.

– Over the years, a central design goal was to execute more instructions in parallel, thus increasing the effective execution speed of a program.

– On May 19, 2017, the Ohio Supreme Court List of offenders scheduled to be executed in the United Statesscheduled an execution date for Broom, on June 17, 2020.

– In some countries, execution is a punishment for drug possession.

– The last execution by beheading in Finland occurred in 1822, when a farmhand Tahvo Putkonen was beheaded for murder.

– Jordan executed her on February 4, 2015 in response for the execution of Jordanian pilot Muath Al-Kasasbeh by the ISIS terrorist organization.

– Jaigopal was asked to keep a watch on Scott for five days and report the time to fix for execution of plan.

- This was the first execution in Plymouth Colony.

- As the execution timer counts down, Vitruvius' ghost appears and tells Emmet that it was not the prophecy, but his self-belief that made him the Special.

– In some situations, a single execution thread controls operations on all pieces of data.

– Originally, it was an execution where the convict was killed by hitting him with a club.

– After a criminal trial on 14 February 2006, Chan was sentenced to execution by firing squad.

– In 1974 was created the COMEC, to integrate and organize the planning and execution of public functions of interest of the population and municipalities that make up the Greater Curitiba.

– Higgs was scheduled for execution by lethal injection on January 15, 2021.

– Sankofa’s lawyers also filed a lawcivil suit saying the execution was against his civil rights.

– Now modern CPUs have multiple parallel execution units, referred to as scalar or superscalar design.

– In October 1937, Dominican dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina ordered the execution of the Haitian population living within the borderlands with Haiti.

– A good soldier, he was given control of the Army of Italy Army of Italy which had French troops and intended on restoring the monarchy in France after the execution of Louis XVI in 1793.

– The execution followed soon afterwards.

– He placed first in the short program, landing his first 4T in competition and was awarded a high grade of execution for the jump.

– Accounts of his time in prison and execution mention his exceptional courage.

– The execution itself is sometimes called “riding the lightning”.

– Ricardo Leyva Muñoz Ramirez, known as Richard Ramirez was an AmericansAmerican serial killer, and burglar who died while awaiting execution on California’s death row.

– Throughout American history, different methods of execution have been used.

– His overthrow and execution ended a monarchy that was over 1,000 years old, although he was not the last French king.

– Large portions of the processor circuitry were left idle at any one step; for instance, the instruction decoding circuitry would be idle during execution and so on.

– Himmler made a final decision after watching a mass execution in August 1941.

– His last words were “I hope that this execution is the last act of the tragedy of the Second World War and that the lesson taken from this world war will be that peace and understanding should exist between peoples.

– I am asking opinion on this statement and whether it should be kept, “Stalin’s death also came exactly 13 years later to the minute of signing Katyn execution orders on March 5 1940 at 9:50pm.” The page was fully protected for a few moments after I removed it and it was reverted by the user that added it.

– On 12 December 2013, North Korean news outlets reported that due to alleged “treachery”, Kim had ordered the execution of his uncle Jang Song-thaek.

– As JavaScript started being used more an more as a general-purpose language, execution speed, or how quickly the code is run, became more important for JavaScript engines.

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