Example sentences of “equality”

How to use in-sentence of “equality”:

+ He is appreciated very much by the Italian people because of his equality and rightness.

+ In the United States fairness has long been a battle between equality and equity.

+ Wollstonecraft calls for equality between the sexes in particular areas of life, such as morality, but she does not write that men and women are equal in all things.

+ Anti-capitalism describes a wide variety of movements, ideas, and attitudes which oppose capitalism, toward social equality or environmentalism.

+ An equality in mathematical sense is only true under more particular conditions.

Example sentences of equality
Example sentences of equality

Example sentences of “equality”:

+ It embodied Age of EnlightenmentEnlightenment principles such as equality of all citizens before the law, religious toleration, and advancement based on virtue.

+ He is a member of the Democratic Party Democratic Party, Pocan is Co-Chair of both the Congressional Progressive Caucus and the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus.

+ In 2010, she was appointed chairperson of the Equality Commission by the Government of Norway to report on Norway’s equality policies.

+ This caused the split into the dominant groups of equality feminism and new feminism.

+ This split between the previously dominant equality feminism and the rising new feminism marks the end of the first wave of feminism.

+ Article 15 Equality of women with men before law, also in civil matters and legal capacity.

+ After the oligarchy put in place after the war fell, Athenians asserted their democracy and equality very strongly.

+ It embodied Age of EnlightenmentEnlightenment principles such as equality of all citizens before the law, religious toleration, and advancement based on virtue.

+ He is a member of the Democratic Party Democratic Party, Pocan is Co-Chair of both the Congressional Progressive Caucus and the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus.

+ Under its current Chief Executive, Ben Summerskill, it was closely involved in successful parliamentary campaigns to repeal Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988Local Government Act, through the Criminal Justice Act 2003; introduce the Civil Partnership Act 2004 giving gay and lesbian couples “civil union” almost the same as a civil marriage; and introduce the “2007 Sexual Orientation Regulations” under the Equality Act 2006, to stop discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation.

+ Leanne Pittsford started her career with the organization Equality California.

+ For example, democracy and equality between men and women.

+ If the equality does hold for many values of “a”, then we can say that “n” is probably prime, or a pseudoprime.

+ Supporters of Castro say he gave Cuba the best health care and education of Latin America and created equality between the poor and the rich.

More in-sentence examples of “equality”:

+ It may be in our tests that we do not pick any value for "a" such that the equality fails.

+ Former Xhosa president of South Africa Nelson Mandela who stopped the attack in 1965 to 1984, when he was released for the equality he had made for Africa and black Americans.
+ The revelation that Black has dynamic chances and need not be satisfied with mere equality was the turning point in his career, he said".

+ It may be in our tests that we do not pick any value for “a” such that the equality fails.

+ Former Xhosa president of South Africa Nelson Mandela who stopped the attack in 1965 to 1984, when he was released for the equality he had made for Africa and black Americans.

+ The revelation that Black has dynamic chances and need not be satisfied with mere equality was the turning point in his career, he said”.

+ He helped found a Congress for Racial Equality chapter in 1958.

+ Ginetta was confident equality fighting women starting from when she was only 17 years old.

+ Ebongo works for freedom of the press, equality for women, human rights, and good government.

+ Article 4 Special measures to promote real equality between men and women and to protect mother women is not discrimination.

+ Traditionally it was worn only by men, but in modern times the push for equality between the sexes in the practice of Judaism has led some women to wear yarmulkes.

+ In 2019, he voted in favor of the Equality Act and urged Congress members to do the same.

+ The objectives stated by the preamble are to secure justice, liberty, equality to all citizens and promote fraternity to maintain unity and integrity of the nation”.

+ With strong support from opposition parties, and reflecting widespread political consensus, the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform responded to many of these issues by announcing a new draft code of discipline on 17 August 2006.

+ Search Out the Land” The Jews and the Growth of Equality in British Colonial America, 1740–1867.

+ The Equality House is a house in Topeka, KansasTopeka, Kansas.

+ Support to efforts by countries suffering internal conflicts to achieve peace, justice, equality and development.

+ The Constitution of 1992 provides for the equality of citizens of all faiths as well as the freedom to practise any religion.

+ The neighborhood and city culture has definitely changed me into being a more open minded person and take cognizance of equality in the world across all platforms, an example respecting women and not discriminating against them on the same level as men.

+ Defense and promotion of shared interests, justice and cooperation, regardless of the differences existing in the political, economic and social systems of the States, on the basis of mutual respect and the equality of rights.

+ To combat this social problem, the Sikh community kitchen, or “langar”, requires everyone to sit side by side and eat together, thereby teaching the concept of equality by shattering all barriers of caste and class.

+ He was Equality Ombudsman from 2000 until 2007.

+ In 1524-1525, millions of peasants rebelled against the nobles in the name of equality of humanity in front of God.

+ However, after a change of government, religious equality including the right to worship, build churches and evangelize were restored.

+ Recognition of the equality of all races, religions, cultures and all nations, both big and small.

+ It corresponds to Equality equality in logic.

+ In 1961 when he was first appointed, the Soviet Union had tried to insist on a “troika” formula of three Secretaries-General, one representing each Cold War bloc, something which would have maintained equality in the United Nations between the superpowers.

+ People who believe that they are having problems because of racism can get help from The Race Equality Centre.

+ Plato opposed the rhetorics of sophism and insisted on true justice and equality in his work “Gorgias”, and on immortality of soul in “Phaedo”.

+ After a report by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, the Labour Party suspended Corbyn in October 2020.

+ The idea behind the superheroes were inspired by the African-American equality supporters like Malcolm X and Martin Luther King.

+ Contrary to them, the Stoic philosophers argued for the equality of the sexes.

+ The Egyptian pantheon of the equality of all gods and goddesses was restored under Akhenaten’s successor.

+ An equality is also a transitive relation.

+ This term is used to promote Gender equalitygender equality and gender neutrality.

+ However, this definition of egalitarian should not be taken to mean that there is equality in prestige and the decision-making process among band members.

+ Spence wrote about wanting equality in the government and fairness towards women.

+ Through her many social connections, Lady Astor became involved in a political circle which advocated unity and equality among English-speaking people and support for British imperialism.

+ They guaranteed the rights and liberties won in the Revolution, including equality before the law and freedom of religion.

+ They therefore offered equality to those who came to live there.

+ If the equality does not hold for a value of “a”, then “n” is composite.

+ Pankhurst transformed the WSPU machinery into the Women’s Party, dedicated to promoting women’s equality in public life.

+ He supported a national Constitution, the full rule of law and equality before the law.

+ Most of the Equality Act does not apply to Northern Ireland.

+ She is Commissioner of the Equality and Human Rights Commission from 2006–08.

+ On 31 October 2005, she was appointed Minister of State for Gender equality and Social Affairs.

+ Allen Overy was ranked in the top 100 of the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index 2018, an audit of workplace culture for LGBT+ staff in the UK.

+ In the 1950s and 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement called for equality between African Americans and whites.

+ African citizens were given full equality in 1980, and the country’s name was officially changed to Zimbabwe.

+ Her second book was “Anthem”, which is a science fiction novella, a dystopian story about a man named Equality 7-2521 who lives in a future society.

+ New feminism advocates for equality in how men and women are treated in their individual roles in society.

+ Zuniga supports Equality Now.

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