How to use in-sentence of “subgenus”

How to use in-sentence of “subgenus”:

– At times, they have said it was a subgenus of “Hylarana”.

– The painted lady is a subgenus of the genus “Vanessa Vanessa” in the family Nymphalidae.

– It is a species of the subgenus “Lasius”, which is found across Eurasia and in some parts of South America, Southeast Asia and Australasia.

– Molecular phylogeny of the subgenus Drosophila with an emphasis on Neotropical species and groups: a nuclear versus mitochondrial gene approach.

– Phylogenetic analysis of “Penicillium” subgenus “Pencillium” using partial beta-tubulin sequences.

– The frequently showy pair of bracts of “Euphorbia” species in subgenus “Lacanthis” are the cyathophylls.

– They are all in the subgenus “Sophophera”, which includes the common Mediterranean fly “Drosophila subobscura” and the North American “D.

– In 1992, under the leadership of Armen Takhtajan, she defended her thesis on the topic “Typical subgenus Centaurea”.

How to use in-sentence of subgenus
How to use in-sentence of subgenus

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