Some example sentences of “come into”

How to use in-sentence of “come into”:

+ From the 1960s an increasing number of youths started to come into contact with new religious movements.

+ While Celtic Reconstructionism was the earliest name in use, and is still used the most often, other names for a Celtic Reconstructionist approach have also come into use, with varying degrees of success.Bonewits p.137: “There are, by the way, groups of people who call themselves “Gaelic Traditionalists” who have a great deal in common with the Celtic Recons.

+ Also, some words got a new meaning when they come into Japanese.

+ After Hector’s death, the Greeks make a plan to come into Troy using a wooden horse.

+ West of the Emyn Muil they come into the land Rohan, home of the Rohirrim, the “Horse-lords”.

+ In none of the posts I have seen on this matter has one person stated they believe the subject is notable so that clause should not have come into play.

+ The king then demolished the castle in 1152 fearing it might come into the hands of his enemies.

Some example sentences of come into
Some example sentences of come into

Example sentences of “come into”:

+ There are situations where such cases have come into the limelight.

+ This rare exhibit is based on Isaiah 4.1 which tells of the struggle of the virtues for the human soul: Christ died so that the virtues could come into the world and the place where the virtues reign there the Kingdom of God has come.
+ A ruling class with kings and queens had come into society.

+ There are situations where such cases have come into the limelight.

+ This rare exhibit is based on Isaiah 4.1 which tells of the struggle of the virtues for the human soul: Christ died so that the virtues could come into the world and the place where the virtues reign there the Kingdom of God has come.

+ A ruling class with kings and queens had come into society.

+ According to Egyptain writing “Heka” existed “”before duaity had yet come into being””.

+ Thomas and his family became known as the last group of Aborigines to come into contact with modern, European society.

+ This is done by making the person’s body come into contact with a bit of the disease so that the body learns how to fight it.

+ At other times, the trap is set to act upon trespassers that come into personal or restricted areas.

+ Anna, Ottavio, and Elvira come into the garden.

+ Water would have come into the mantle cavity, passed over the gills, and was squirted out.

+ If Italy was attacked by France she would have the help of the other two powers, and if France attacked Germany Italy would help Germany and danger was that if triple alliance was if France should come into an agreement with Russia.

+ Although McGwire has never admitted to or been convicted of any steroid use, many of his accomplishments, particularly his historic home run surge late in his career, have come into question due to his connection to the steroid scandal in Major League Baseball.

+ When two light nuclei come into very close contact with each other it is possible for the strong force to fuse the two together.

+ Within the broad domain of industrial safety, the term resilience has come into use to emphasise that safety must be proactive as well as reactive.

+ Many things have become globalized as people come into contact.

+ Pedrillo suggests to the Pasha that he should employ Belmonte as builder, but Osmin does not let him come into the palace.

+ When these vesciles come into contact with the neuron’s cell membrane, it opens.

+ It does not like other shrews to come into its territory.

More in-sentence examples of “come into”:

+ His family had never come into contact with modern, Euro-Australian society.

+ Oscars create territories and attack other fish that come into their territory.

+ In spacetime light must also come into contact with our eyes and the object we are observing in order for it to be visible.

+ When people study or come into contact with other cultures, people misunderstand sounds and language.

+ Psychosocial support and career guidance come into it, but usually not money.

+ It means “Land of Hindus” which is what it stood for until Muslims started to come into India.

+ When they come into contact with the walls they cool, and change to the solid state, without forming the liquid state.

+ Clea Hopkins believes that it would be best if Jake would come into a home.

+ Of course, editors are encouraged to garner up some courage and come into the light of day as a gesture of open friendliness and make their edits in a straightforward manner without being afraid of what others think.

+ So the Japanese did not let the Europeans come into Japan anymore, except in a small area in Nagasaki city.

+ The 153km-long underground river in Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula, and the 8.2km-long Cabayugan River in the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park in the Philippines have come into being thanks to the karst topography.

+ Although the name was suggested in 1880 by Camille Flammarion, it did not come into regular use until at least the 1930s.

+ Rivers come into the Arctic from the warmer south.

+ However, there are several other factors which can come into play, causing the actual capacitance of the device to not see as much benefit as expected.

+ After many years, the lead could come into the food.

+ Boris Yeltsin was elected the President of the Russian SFSR even though Gorbachev did not want him to come into power.

+ A factoring system was made come into existence for para-alpine skiing for three general groups: being seated, standing and not seeing.

+ The treaty allowed certain Hawaiian goods, mainly sugar and rice, to come into the United States tax-free.

+ Marge tells them to come into bed with them to make them feel safer, and they go to sleep.

+ When he was asked when this rule should come into force, Schabowski answered “at once” and “immediately”.

+ ISU has come into being under the Private University Act, 2010 with the approval of UGC and the Ministry of Education, Govt.

+ When demands for new goods and services go up, new markets come into being.

+ These religions are started when tribal societies come into contact with Western civilisation.

+ All the neighbours wake up and come into the street and argue and fight.

+ His family had never come into contact with modern, Euro-Australian society.

+ Oscars create territories and attack other fish that come into their territory.

+ However, a Public Private Partnership between the BBMP and Maveric Holdings had come into contract and was signed in order to develop the same piece of land that was given to the EWS.

+ Poor people come into the forest by the thousands on the roads and take land to raise food.

+ The seventeenth century saw French cooking come into the modern era.

+ The athletic meet is the large part of the event where each student’s creativity and student participation come into play.

+ They had never come into contact with Euro-Australian society.

+ When the city centre is shopping precinct, inhabitants and visitors are advised to use for example the parking of the Expo and / or to come into the centre with public transport.

+ People come into contact with Edmond Michelet, ensuring the distribution of the underground press, in particular Combat and the communist newspapers Germain Auboiroux, Robert Delord, Henry and his brother Édouard Valéry.

+ This usage may not be relevant when the number of the year is small, but does come into prominence with three or four-digit numbers.

+ All five of the permanent member countries must either agree to this ruling or at least not vote against it; if any of them do, it is said to have been “vetoed” and does not come into effect.

+ Daemons are evil spirits of Chaos that have come into our universe to destroy stuff.

+ For a human WP:BLP1E and WP:NOTNEWS would come into play.

+ They left that church in order to come into full communion with the Catholic Church.

+ Special factors come into play with migrating birds, or birds which gather in huge flocks, such as starlings.

+ On a broader scale, cultures exclude the maternal and the feminine, and by this come into being.

+ The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone did not allow police officers from Seattle to come into the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.

+ It is rare if two or more replacements come into the show.

+ Americans were already angry over German submarines sinking ships, but this telegram is what made America come into the war.

+ The plaques were designed by a team lead by Carl Sagan to communicate with extraterrestrial life should the spacecraft come into contact with it.

+ Nobody has the right to come into our home, open our letters, or bother us or our family without a good reason.

+ They use their hunting skills to catch insects or pests that come into the house.

+ Recently two other sweeteners, sucralose have come into growing use, particularly by smaller beverage producers.

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