“fingers” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “fingers”:

– Many women also enjoy the feeling of fingers or a sex toy in the vagina, but this is a secondary sensation that is not necessary for orgasm, and that rarely results in orgasm on its own.

– The thumb is numbered 1 and the fingers are 2, 3 and 4.

– Zerah, like his father, had 12 fingers and 12 toes.

– As science and medicine grew better, leeching was stopped until recently, when doctors began sometimes using leeches on patients who had fingers or hands that were cut off and reattached.

– Later, they were pushed into the dock from the lake and then Jason began to slice Freddy until he cut Jason’s fingers and Freddy got the machete and began to stab Jason and then stabbed his eyes with his razor gloves.

– Most had teeth and clawed fingers on each wing, but otherwise looked much like modern birds.

– The puppeteer uses his or her fingers and hand to work the puppet.

– The fingers of the frog have webbed feet for swimming.

fingers how to use?
fingers how to use?

Example sentences of “fingers”:

– According to a witness, Choudhury was last seen in Government Physical Education College, Dhaka in Mohammadpur Thana, Dhaka where his fingers were mutilated.

– The kids have four of their fingers straight, and they use their thumbs as their bottom lips.

– Zinc fingers are man-made molecules made of a protein and zinc.

– The base ten number system is common because people have ten fingers and ten toes.

– The holes are covered by the fingers to make musical notes.

– These include middle and lower vertebrae, both shoulder blades, ribs, an ankle, cheekbones, a wrist, a leg, collar bone, fingers and teeth.

– They have five clawed toes fingers on their front legs.

– The use of pursed lips, tongue and sometimes fingers is to create turbulence The curled tongue acts as a resonant chamber, acting as a type of Helmholtz resonator.

– In practice there are some difficulties with this technique: wet and dry fingers make very different images, and the system is sensitive to dust and dirt on the surface.

- According to a witness, Choudhury was last seen in Government Physical Education College, Dhaka in Mohammadpur Thana, Dhaka where his fingers were mutilated.

- The kids have four of their fingers straight, and they use their thumbs as their bottom lips.

– When playing keyboard instruments the fingers are numbered from 1 to 5 on each hand: the thumb is 1, the index finger is 2, the middle finger is 3, the ring finger is 4 and the little finger is 5.

– Most people have ten fingers and ten toes.

– Towards the end of the war he started to get blurred vision, his speech became slurred and he had strange feelings in his fingers and toes.

– This is the measure from a man’s hip to the fingers of the outstretched opposite arm.

– There are “toe pistons” operated by the feet, and “thumb pistons” which are placed just below each manual so that they can be pushed by the thumb while the fingers keep playing.

– If the angle between the index and middle fingers is greater than 180deg;, then you need to turn the hand upside down.

– A mitten is a glove which has a separate place for the thumb, but the other four fingers are together.

More in-sentence examples of “fingers”:

– His fingers are curled in a fist instead of being extended, making him taller and giving him a toothless look.

– Knuckle-walking animals curl fingers or front toes like a fist and touch the ground using the bony part of the front foot, the knuckle.

– His signature celebration had his thumbs and pointer fingers pointed outward with his arms halfway or all the way in the air.

– Some things have buttons that cannot be reached by fingers if the people who make the device do not want users pressing them accidentally.

– The body of a violin is a resonator: without the body the sound of the string vibrating would hardly be heard, just as the sound of an elastic band stretched between two fingers can hardly be heard.

– The frogs are all excellent swimmers and have powerful, fully webbed toes, though the fingers lack webbing.

– Players can also take part in optional side activities ranging from standoffs, five fingers fillet game, gambling, and hunting animals for pelts and meat.

– It had three fingers on each hand.

– Like other maniraptorans, they had long arms, and relatively large hands with three long fingers ending in large claws.

– Fidgeting – Moving around a lot, playing with things and drumming fingers are usually a sign of boredom, nervousness or impatience.

– Finger gloves are small leather strips that cover the index finger and thumb in order to prevent the fingers from getting stabbed by the needles.

– The five refers to the five fingers on each hand.

– The player opens or closes some of these holes with his fingers to give the melody.

– A throat thrust, throat strike, sword stab, or an open-hand uppercut is a move where a wrestler strikes at the opponent’s throat with their open hand and usually with their palm facing upwards and with all five fingers together.

– The right hand plucks or strums the strings, either with the fingers or using a plectrum, to make them sound.

– From 1990 to 2009 Mance was part of a group called “100 Gold Fingers” which toured Japan every other year.”100 Gold Fingers Discography”.

– The user rolls the ball with the thumb, fingers or the palm of the hand to move a cursor and can click one of two buttons near the trackball to select desktop objects or position the cursor for text entry.

– They do this by gradually changing the way they blow whilst at the same time gradually lifting all the fingers off the keys.

– It is made by stretching out the thumb, index, and middle fingers of one or both hands.

– Pack with your fingers with a pinch and twist open, so there will be 18 pleats, looking like a flower, and finally steam the buns.

– The plump solemn Baby Jesus with his fingers in his mouth, the three-dimensional look of the figures and the lack of rich decoration make this picture look very different from most other altarpieces of this time, which were painted in a style called International Gothic.

– However, Taylor eventually leaves the room and enters a second which is occupied by drummer Joey Jordison, with tree branches instead of fingers and a crown of thorns on his head.

– Many traditionalists feel that the sound of the fingers of the left hand sliding on the strings to be a distinctive feature of qin music.

– They have horizontal pupils and webbed fingers and toes.

– Our type of fingers are similar to those of other primates.Oxford Illustrated pages 311,380 They are used for doing things and feeling things.

– In 1961 and in 1980, Brunner lost an eye and the fingers of his left hand, as a result of letter bombs sent to him by the Israeli intelligence service, called Mossad.’, by Didier Epelbaum, preface by Serge Klarsfeld, published by Calmann-Lévy, January 1990.

– The second is “fan yin” 〔泛音〕, or “floating sounds.” These are harmonics, and the player simply lightly touches the string with one or more fingers of the left hand at a position indicated by the white “hui” dots, pluck and then lift, creating a crisp and clear sound ringing sound.

– She was known for her roles in “Second Fiddle”, “Star Dust”, and in “The 5,000 Fingers of Dr.

– It is only the left hand which fingers the notes because the right hand is either plucking or bowing.

– There are a few players who use a different fingering system: using fingers 1, 2, 3, 4.

– It is done when the hand is raised with the palm forward and the thumb extended, while the fingers are parted between the middle and ring finger.

– The most common form of playing is called fingerstyle, in which the player plucks the fingers upwards with the ends of the fingers.

– She was in the middle of a performance when her fingers could no longer perform.

– They survive the fires and the rodents of unusual size, but are captured as they leave by prince Humperdinck and his cruel assistant Count Rugen, who has six fingers on each hand.

– In the 1940s, gloves would lace the fingers together for more control using the glove.

– These fingers are called palpi.

– The four fingers have three phalanges each; the thumb has two.

– Chicken fingers are chicken meat dipped in breading and then deep-fried, grilled or baked.

– The earliest phase of development centered around the concept of the game, which was players using their fingers to guide water to a goal.

– The fingers are numbered from 1 to 4 because the thumb is behind the neck of the instrument.

– By placing their fingers in other places they can get more harmonics.

– Although B major is usually thought of as a “far away” key because it has many sharps and is quite far from C major in the circle of fifths, Frédéric Chopin thought that it was the easiest scale of all to play, as its black notes fit the natural positions of the fingers well.

– Sometimes the little fingers curve inwards as well, and there is also often a space between the big toe and the others.

– On a piano, starting with the thumb and going along the fingers to the little finger means going to higher notes in the right hand and to lower notes in the left hand.

– The player rubs their fingers on the glass bowls as the instrument spins to make music.

– In September 2017,  Abbott announced that it has received Food and Drug Administration clearance for a consumer version of its Freestyle Libre flash glucose monitor, which does not require people with diabetes to routinely prick their fingers to check the glucose levels.

– Like all oviraptorosaurs, “Caenagnathasia” had three fingers on each ‘hand’ and three toes on each ‘foot’, with bone fusion similar to that of birds.

- His fingers are curled in a fist instead of being extended, making him taller and giving him a toothless look.

- Knuckle-walking animals curl fingers or front toes like a fist and touch the ground using the bony part of the front foot, the knuckle.
- His signature celebration had his thumbs and pointer fingers pointed outward with his arms halfway or all the way in the air.

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