Make sentence of “ala”

How to use in-sentence of “ala”:

– Wa Ala Ashlaina Nassnaoo Magdan.

– During their early life, Mu’izz and Ghiyath were imprisoned by their uncle Ala al-Din Husayn, but were later released by their uncle’s son Sayf al-Din Muhammad.

– The work was also awarded an ALA Notable Children’s Book, which is given to the best children’s books of the year.

– He enjoyed significant success in the 1980s and 1990s hosting radio shows, including Alwan wa ajwaa and Yaoum said, and producing and hosting Saturday night and Sunday television shows, including Khamsa ala khamsa, Laou samahtom and Sahriya al fadhaeya.

– According to the story, the seven sisters stopped at Kuru Ala while they were travelling through the area in the lustful man who was trying to catch them.

– It was founded on 26 August 1941 in Lahore by Muslim theologian Maulana Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi.

– Wa Ala Arwahena Nassaado Khuldan.

Make sentence of ala
Make sentence of ala

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