“measurable” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “measurable”:

– Snow fell at a bunch of places in some measurable amounts.

– Take two measurable spaces, and name them.

– Traits are stable qualities in people that have measurable differences.

– He did not believe that intelligence was a measurable fixed entity.

– This means that although the difference between the liquid-solid and solid-air surface tension, which is a function of the easily measurable advancing and receding contact angles.

– Specific and measurable highlight the science behind CBT as the goals are used to test the “hypothesis”.

– Also, Einstein said that as Earth moves through space, all measurable lengths change.

– If it were a list based on best-selling hits or most played or something measurable and sourced it might be noteworthy.

measurable some ways to use
measurable some ways to use

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