In sentence examples of “so as to”

How to use in-sentence of “so as to”:

+ Business elites, he thought, used government’s monopoly power so as to influence laws and regulatory policy to help themselves at the expense of their competitive rivals.

+ Charles II of EnglandKing Charles II, who founded the Royal Observatory, Greenwich in 1675 instructed the first Astronomer Royal John Flamsteed, “to apply himself with the most exact care and diligence to the rectifying of the tables of the motions of the heavens, and the places of the fixed stars, so as to find out the so much desired longitude of places for the perfecting of the art of navigation”.

+ He that shall be found guilty of taking up any Unlawful Weapon on Board the Privateer or any other prize by us taken, so as to Strike or Abuse one another in any regard, shall suffer what Punishment the Captain and the Majority of the Company shall see fit.

+ He invented the system for cleaning drinking water so as to eliminate cholera.

+ Most generators will start the first paragraph with “L”orem ipsum dolor sit amet” ” and then words selected from its word list according to model sentence and paragraph structure rules, so as to approximate the distribution of English word, sentence and paragraph lengths.

+ It is used by holding the free end of the string and pulling at it so as to cause the spool to turn while it is hanging in mid-air, either winding or unwinding the string.

+ To dissect is to cut up a body so as to reveal its structure.

In sentence examples of so as to
In sentence examples of so as to

Example sentences of “so as to”:

+ A critical error is an error which the OS cannot reasonably ignore so as to respond again.

+ However, while newer features are added during each release, the timing of the Spring release stays the same as the first release, so as to ensure the stability each year.
+ Edmonds' profession as Frank Thompson reached a conclusion when she traveled to Berry's Brigade so as to convey mail to Union powers.

+ A critical error is an error which the OS cannot reasonably ignore so as to respond again.

+ However, while newer features are added during each release, the timing of the Spring release stays the same as the first release, so as to ensure the stability each year.

+ Edmonds’ profession as Frank Thompson reached a conclusion when she traveled to Berry’s Brigade so as to convey mail to Union powers.

+ A bodyline delivery was one where the cricket ball was pitched short so as to rise towards the body of the opposing batsman on the line of the leg stump.

+ RSA padding schemes must be carefully designed so as to prevent sophisticated attacks.

+ The page had been previously blanked by myself, but that was only to reset it after that current test so as to not affect categories and/or error reports.

+ What is the direction of this induced emf? Lenz’s law tells us immediately that it must be counterclockwise, so as to oppose the building up of the current.

+ The general idea is a World Government manipulates people so as to make them easier to govern.

+ By mining data is meant collecting information about use, and about users, so as to advance some commercial or other purpose.

+ She is very powerful and she tried to kill Zero’s soul.She is actually jealous of the love zero and Kurohime share, and uses Darkray’s skull to turn Zero into the god of death, so as to make Kurohime experience hell on earth forever.

+ Finally, they all rode out in different directions so as to make it harder to trail them.

+ The sopra vest is a long drape of thin, black cloth that buttons close down the neck and to one side, falling to the ankles and cut so as to entirely cover the body.

+ The Confederate army would probably have welcomed an attack so as to repay their terrible losses they suffered the day before.

+ Sarah Emma Edmonds’ enthusiasm for experience was started by a book she read in her childhood by Maturin Murray Ballou called Fanny Campbell, the Female Pirate Captain’, recounting to the account of Fanny Campbell and her undertakings on a privateer transport during the American Revolution while dressed as a lady Fanny stayed dressed as a man so as to seek after different experiences, to which Edmonds credits her longing to dress in drag.

+ The cartful owners make the snacks once they are ordered so as to keep them hot and fresh.

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