How to use in sentence of “recessive”

How to use in-sentence of “recessive”:

– For example, Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease is an X-linked recessive disorder.

– This means only one dominant gene is needed for the child to receive that particular trait, while two recessive genes are needed for one.

– The view that blue eye colour is a simple recessive trait is incorrect.

– One phenotype has a dominant brown allele and a recessive blond allele.

– Lactase persistence, allowing lactose digestion to continue into adulthood, is a dominant allele, making lactose intolerance a recessive trait.

– The pattern of inheritance of recessive genes is quite simple.

– They are caused by recessive alleles, and usually do not show the condition in females.

– But when he crossed these hybrids with each other, the recessive character reappeared in the second generation.

How to use in sentence of recessive
How to use in sentence of recessive

Example sentences of “recessive”:

– The repeated marriages between close relatives increased the chance of recessive genes arriving on both chromosomes of a pair, so causing defects to appear.

– A recessive Phenotypetrait might stay hidden for many generations.

– The proportion of plants showing the dominant as opposed to the recessive character was close to 3 to 1.

– Classic tabby is a recessive trait, so these cats are not as common as mackerel tabbies.

– These types of recessive gene disorders give an advantage in certain environments when only one copy of the gene is present.

– It is more likely to affect Folds with the gene twice, than mixed single with one recessive gene.

– The allele that masks the other is said to be dominant to the latter, and the alternative allele is said to be recessive to the former.

– In females, a recessive gene is usually masked by a normal gene on the other X chromosome.

– In his work with albino children, he recognized that in some families where both parents carry a recessive mutation, by chance no albino child occurs.

– He used test crosses to reveal the presence and proportion of recessive characters.

– Inbred strains tend to be homozygous for recessive alleles.

– It is usually inherited in a recessive pattern; it means, both parents have to give the albinism gene to a child to cause albinism.

– These are so far undetectable, However, since PKU is geneticsgenetically recessive it takes PKU genes from both parents to cause PKU.

– In this case the functional product formed is a little different or is intermediate between the product produced by to the dominant allele and the recessive allele.

– The phenomenon is better understood if we assume that the inherited trait is controlled by a large number of recessive genes.

– This is when the dominant allele is not completely dominant over the recessive allele.

– The tri-colored Merles will have a 1/4 chance of being blind because of the genes when breeding two Merle colored dogs for the recessive fur color.

– Because the frequency of recessive X-linked phenotypes in females is the square of that in males.

– This relies on dominant and recessive genes carried by a parent.

- The repeated marriages between close relatives increased the chance of recessive genes arriving on both chromosomes of a pair, so causing defects to appear.

- A recessive Phenotypetrait might stay hidden for many generations.

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